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As I was nearing my home, the feeling of being finally free started taking over me. The air was more breathable, the grass was healthier and my smile grew. Even the horses I set free when I left, were comfortably laying under a tree next to the house. I ordered my horse to go to them and hurried them to the enclosure.

"Finally home." I sighed out in content.

I picked up my work where I left it before I went with Hange. I was back to my ordinary life, taking care of the farm all day and enjoying the solitude.

The next few days were rainy as ever so when finally after a week the sky deemed that it'd be nice to not be cloudy, I took my tools and went to my parents' graves. The soil around the rock plates was destroyed and with water freely sitting on the iron nametags, I decided it'd be better if a roof shielded them.

I started cutting up small trees to make the pillars and when I put those up, I went deeper into the forest to get something for the roof itself. I slowly walked back, dragging a heavy trunk of the tree I thought to be fit for my idea. As I got to the edge of the forest, I saw something that made my heart drop.

Four 10-meter titans were huddling around the horse enclosure. One started reaching for my horse to eat it so I dropped the tree and ran closer, shouting, to get their attention away from the horses.

My shouting was successful, they all turned to me with big toothy smiles. I was happy that they no longer cared about my horses but...


All my swords were in the house and I definitely wouldn't be able to go for them to the house. The titans started moving closer to me. My eyes looked at the tools I had laid out on the grass around the graves, searching for anything useful. Nothing was sharp enough to pierce the titans' thick skin. I desperately picked up a wrench and other iron tools and started throwing them at the titans' faces that were unstoppably closing on me.

I was losing all hope that I had for survival.

No. I wasn't going to make it.

I stood frozen, mind blank and the sight of death in front of me.

One titan started reaching for my body.

I closed my eyes. I didn't want to see the hand coming.

One final breath.


Out of nowhere, I felt a gust of breeze fly by me. A sound of blade slashing flesh continued.

I opened my eyes and Levi landed in front of me with the ODM gear on and blades stained with blood.

"How many times I'll need to cut off titans' hands to save you before you finally stop being careless, farm girl." He said in the usual tone now spiced up with a smirk.

I stood stunned, my eyes wide. I didn't know if I was dead or I had lost my sanity.

Levi seeing my frozen state sighed and flew away to finally kill the titans. They were lifelessly falling around me and Levi came back down to me.

A faint 'Levi' left my mouth.

"I know you're not in the scouts anymore but you should still call me captain. On Hange's order, which was more of a threat to be honest, I came to recruit you back." He announced while putting away his blades. Meanwhile, I slowly got back to reality.

"Thank you, Levi." My voice was still weak.

"I told you to call me-...ts, whatever. Did you even listen to what I've said?" After my embarrassed shakes of my head, he repeated what he came for.

"I don't know. I'm sure Hange would be happy to have their lab assistant back but I think I like it here more. I didn't do anything special with Hange so they can find whoever to help them. I think Hange can even-."

"It's not just because of Hange." Levi cut me off annoyed.

"Huh? Who else then?" I asked confused.

"Everyone in the team wants you back." He grumbled.

I started thinking.

They like me that much? I didn't even talk much to make them like me. Even Eren, after what I've said?

"Everyone? Even you...Levi?" By this time, I was decided to go back. Levi's eyebrows knitted together.

"I'm not part of the team dumbass, I'm the leader."

"And? Do you want me back too?" I smiled mischievously. I wanted to pick on him a bit before I'd say yes to his offer and he'd be my superior again.

"Ts. You're ridiculous. Of course, I didn't want you back but those brats wouldn't stop whining about you. And I'd rather listen to your nonsense than theirs." He tried to defend himself but in doing so he indirectly admitted that he was more fond of me than the other cadets he was supposedly doing it for.

A small smile tugged at my cheeks but quickly went away.

"Okay." I said nonchalantly.

"Okay what?" He said confused.

"I'll return to the scouts but under one condition."

"What is it." He gritted.

"Help me build a shelter for my parents." I shoved the tools in his hands.

"If I'm going to leave again I want my parents' taken care of." I looked at the graves.

"Ts, okay but I'll have to get all my gear off."

Alone Together, Levi x readerWhere stories live. Discover now