3 Bitter first impression

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After a long ride through the forest, we got to the more populated areas. A lot of houses build right next to one another and people who watched us while we were going through the street.

I think I caught most of the people's eyes. I rode in the back of the group, not talking to anybody and my clothes were different from the other scouts'. I felt like an alien in this new environment. I kept my eyes on my horse, petting it to calm myself.

We got into some fenced out area which was filled with big buildings and people who had the same attire like Hange and their group. This must be the place Hange was talking about. I started looking around because now there wasn't so much attention on me. Everyone seemed to have their own things to do to pay attention to us. Few people greeted and saluted to Hange. They must be important in the scouts.

We stopped in front of one of the buildings which looked like a stable and everyone started jumping down from their horses. I followed their moves and jumped down too. I tightly held onto the bridle of my horse and watched the other horses be slowly lead to the stable.

Hange came to me with a smile. They looked at my hand that held onto my horse.

"Don't worry about him, they'll just take it to the stable, it will still be yours. I'll personally make sure about that." I let go of the bridle and gave it to one of the scouts.

"Okay so come with me, I'll show you where you'll be sleeping and where everything is."

*time skip*

"And that's it. Any questions?" Hange put their hands on their hips. I had a lot of places to remember. The area was so big and filled with little alleys just inviting to get lost.

Seeing my blank face, they nodded in content.

"Hm, I hope I didn't forget about something." They looked around. Their head stopped upon seeing a man who was on the shorter side but it was hard to tell if he really was that short because of how far he was.

"LEVI, LEVI! Over here!" Hange started waving at that man.

He seemed annoyed that he caught Hange's attention. He picked up his pace, ignoring Hange's shouts. Hange quickly grabbed my hand and dragged me towards that man before we could lose him from our sight.

"You showed up just in time Levi." Hange said excitedly while still holding onto me.

Standing next to that man, I could see that he was about the same height as me. I wasn't tallest but where I lacked in height I made up in courage. The man looked tiredly between Hange and me. I already didn't like him. His look was so arrogant, like he thought he was better that everyone else. He seemed that just our presence irked him.

"What do you want four-eyes." He growled.

"Y/N, this is captain Levi, Levi this is Y/N." Hange introduced us and shoved me closer to the man.

"Hello, I'm Y/N." I put out my hand to shake his. He scanned me with his pretentious look and turned to Hange again, leaving my hand awkwardly in the air.

"Why are you telling me this? Who is this brat?" If it wasn't for the insult at the end and his arrogant eyes, his monotone voice could fool me that he wasn't annoyed at all.

"Y/N is a new addition to our squad. I found her on our mission and she had a tied up 5-meter titan near her house which she captured all by herself." Hange boasted and I shot Levi a smug look. He looked at me and scoffed.

"Bullshit. Take her back where you found her." He said sternly.

"Hey! I'm not some lost dog, you arrogant meerkat." I snapped at him. His eyes widened at my unexpected attitude.

"What did you just call me?!" He gritted and leaned to me.

"You heard me." I crossed my arms in front of my chest and smiled at him.

"Hange, you get this brat away from me before I break all the bones in her body." He growled into my face, his threatening eyes not leaving mine.

"I'd love to see you try." I said smugly. This guy needed someone to get him down from the clouds. I told Hange beforehand that I wasn't used to taking orders from anybody and I wasn't looking to change that.

"Oh yeah? I was on my way to dinner but I could spare few minutes for some nice cracking of bones of some brat who doesn't know their place." He smiled and stepped away from me.

"I don't think that's necessary, Levi. She just got here and is surely tired." Hange chuckled anxiously.

They were entertained from our exchange with Levi at first but they knew Levi had more experience in drilling cadets to ground with his hands than me so it would only hurt me. And maybe it would make me change my mind about going into the scouts which Hange feared the most.

"She doesn't look tired to me since she can use her energy to disrespect me." A mischievous smile painted his lips.

"Don't worry Hange. This little chihuahua just needs his leash shortened." I smiled.

I was excited to see how I stood up against a person and not a titan. I was pretty confident with myself. I had some muscle from working on the farm and tying those titans wouldn't be possible without some strength either so I was pretty confident.

"You heard her Hange. She wants to fight." Levi laughed. Hange only sighed and stepped away.

We both took our fighting stance and waited for the other one to attack. It didn't take me long before I lost my patience and attacked him. Before I could even touch him with my fist, I got hit in the side by his elbow. It hurt and my breath got a little weaker but I didn't give up. I took a few breaths to get my energy back and noticed that people started gathering up around us to watch.

"What, out of breath already?" Levi shouted loud enough for everyone to hear.

I shot him a deadly look and I made my second attack. He was very quick when he dodged me before so I had to distract him somehow so I can bruise him. I ran to him with my left fist clearly ready to punch him in the face. I saw how he prepared to dodge me to the right as I expected. So I was close enough to punch him, I shot out my right leg and kicked him in the side. He stumbled a bit and scoffed in anger.

I caught few of the eyes of our audience. They watched in silence but by the look on their eyes they weren't expecting me to be able to even hit Levi. He must have a tough reputation around here since no one dared to even whisper something.

"What did you just do." He gritted while catching back his balance.

"I thought we were fighting, did you forgot already, grandpa?" I laughed and swallowed the little blood that gathered up in my mouth.

Before I could register him he ran up to me and attacked. After few throws against the ground, he pinned my body down. I was coughing blood and felt my muscles ache from the impact they made with the hard rock ground.

"I hope this is sufficient enough for you to know to not mess with me. Disrespect me one more time and I actually break your bones like I promised." He said in my ear and finished with a last kick in the side for good measure.

I stayed laying on my stomach and watched Levi walk away without a word. The people fearfully made an opening for him to leave and then started going their way as well. I heard few people utter 'poor girl', 'she made a good kick but she didn't stand a chance', 'did you see Levi surprised when she kicked him'. When all the bystanders left, I heard steps coming towards me.

Hange crouched next to with a pitiful expression.

"Yeah, Levi is a bit over the top when it comes to respect. But I have to give it to you, your courage extends further than any of the other scouts here and that kick? Good strategy, you seem to quickly catch onto things." Hange put out a hand to me to help me off the ground.

I only groaned. "Yeah, I hope I won't have to see him again."

Hange sheepishly rubbed the back of their neck. "Yeah...about that. I kind of thought he could teach you to use our gear and stuff." My mouth hung open in disbelief.

I had to spent more time with this cocky prick? No way.

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