2 Hange the persuader

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"Who are you and what do you want?" I shouted back the mysterious visitor.

"Is that your titan?" They completely ignored my question and pointed back near the other group of people watching the struggling titan.

I nodded still keeping the cautious look.

"Are there other people?" They asked again. They looked towards my house searching for any other farmers.

"Just me." I barked out, making their gaze shot back to me. I was getting annoyed, they were asking too many questions for my liking.

"Impressive!" The person excitedly clapped, making their horse a bit alarmed by the sudden movement.

"How did you capture that titan?" They quickly continued. I saw their eyes widen behind their glasses. Why are they so excited about it. I have never trusted people and I think I never will. There's just too much at risk, giving yourself out and trusting someone fully.

"I have my ways and if you don't tell who you and the other people are and what do you want, I won't be answering any other questions. I'm pretty busy to just talk nonsense all day." I showed them the comb in my hand to let them know I have other things to do.

They smiled.

"My name is Hange Zoe and I'm the leader of that squad." Hange pointed behind their back to the group.

"We're the part of the Survey Corps. I don't know if you have heard of it." They looked at my confused face, seeing my unfamiliarity of what they were talking about. I didn't say anything and waited for them to continue to answer the other question I adked.

"And we stopped by because we were fascinated by your tied-up titan, not everyone can do that. I'd even say very few people would be able to do that on their own." They said grandiosely.

Hange seeing my unwelcoming face, anxiously cleared their throat to get their confidence back.

"I'm sorry to ask you this but could me and my squad stay for lunch. We rode great distance and my soldiers are hungry. We wouldn't eat much, just plain bread and water would be enough." Hange said.

I watched them for a few seconds contemplating if I should say yes. Ultimately I decided to have them over the lunch because I was taught to help those in need and if they were hungry like they said, I couldn't reject them and let them starve.

I made a big pot of vegetable soup and brought out the loaves of bread I had saved for later. They all sat around the house, on anything that could resemble a chair since I didn't have that many for them to use. They all were grateful and thanked me many times for my hospitality. Hange was sitting next to me at the table, furiously showing spoons of soup and bread in their mouth.

"It's really good." They complimented with a full mouth.

"Thank you." I responded while calmly eating my soup and watching the different people that gathered around the house.

*Hange POV*

Since Y/N, like she told me to call her, didn't seem to trust me that much at first, I needed an excuse to spent more time with her. I asked if we could stay for lunch which would give me hopefully enough time to have her trust me enough to make her come with us to the scouts.

Y/N seemed like she would be a great addition to the scouts. From what I saw, she was exceptionally skilled in capturing titans. With the primitive equipment she had around the house she had to be more skilled than our scouts who had all our gadgets to help them to be able to tie a titan like this. And I'm sure, from how the shining blades she had hanged on one wall, she was skilled in killing them too. Either way, I refused to leave without her.


"Don't you get lonely around here all by yourself?" Hange finished her soup and leaned back in the chair.

"I learned to live with it." I retorted. Again with the weird questions. You invite people to your house and they now think they're your friend.

"Oh, I understand but wouldn't you think that it'd be better to have people around sometimes?" They continued. I looked at the people sitting around my house chatting and laughing happily.

"I guess." I sighed out, playing with my spoon in the empty bowl.

"Well then, you should come with us to be a scout. You would have people around you and you wouldn't have to slave away alone on this farm." They said cheerfully.

"We would give you nice clothes, cook food for you and in return you'd help us with titans from time to time." They continued with their persuading.

While they were taking about other perks and duties of the scouts, I thought about if I should give in and go with them.

It would be freeing to not have to take care of the farm from sunrise to sunset every day and I needed new clothes. But on the other hand, I was content with the solitude I had here, I was my own boss and didn't have to listen to anybody.

"Okay, I'll go." I cut of Hange's endless speech.

"Huh? Really? That's great! Pack whatever you need but don't pack much, we'll give you everything anyway." They slapped their hands against each other.

"Guys! We're leaving! Quickly finish eating and prepare the horses." Hange stood up from the chair shouted at their scouts.

I didn't pack much since I'd get everything in the scouts as Hange said. I took my sword and a bit of food because I didn't know how far their place was. I freed the horses and saddled up my most reliable one.

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