8 Hange's helper

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The next day I was supposed to help Hange with some of their experiments because Levi had to go on a mission with his squad and I wasn't prepared enough to go yet.

I was with them in their office holding onto a pile of papers which had different unrecognizable scribbles all over them. Hange was looking for something so we needed to clean up the mess they had in the office.

"I don't get why I couldn't to go on the mission with them. I can use the ODM gear and I can kill titans too. What more is there to prepare me for?" I pouted.

"Don't be sad Y/N. It's just the protocol, we can't let newbies go on missions so early even if they're more than capable. If fact, and I know he wouldn't be happy knowing that I said this to you, but Levi said you're mediocre and learn quickly which in his vocabulary means that you're actually good with which I completely agree." Hange took some papers from my hands and put them on the shelf.

"Really?" I beamed. He thinks I'm good? Hange nodded and put another stack of papers away.

"He really doesn't know how to compliment people does he." I chuckled. Hange chuckled too and straightened up from under the shelf.

"He really doesn't but you get used to it. He lost a lot of people in his life and was alone for the most of it from what I've heard. He doesn't talk much about his life before scouts...kind of like you." They smiled. I gave them anxious smile back. I didn't know if Hange was still displeased that I didn't tell them about my life or not.

Hange reached to help me off another couple of papers and said excitedly. "There it is!" They took one paper from my hands and started reading it.

"Okay, put those papers down and come with me." I looked around, thinking where should I put them. There was still a lot of things laying around needing to be cleaned up.

"Just throw them back on the table, I'll clean it later." I doubted they would actually clean it later but obeyed their order.

We came up to a yard where a titan was tied up and guarded by couple of scouts. They saluted to Hange to which they motioned them to go away.

Hange came close to the titan. The titan's mouth opened to try to eat Hange. It was impossible with the restriction it was under but it still made me cautious. Hange ignored the titan's attempt of eating them like was nothing and started petting it.

"Aw, my baby. How are you feeling?" They talked to the titan in a baby voice.

Hange turned to me. "Y/N meet my baby, aren't they cute? Look how shiny their teeth are." Hange was melting around their supposed baby just like a parent.

"Yeah." I said confused. I was a bit weirded out by their behavior towards that thing. It was the complete opposite of my view on titans.

"Okay, we need to get some samples of the big boy's flesh." Hange patted the titan's cheek.

And with the same love like they talk to that creature, they carefully cut off pieces of the titan's skin from different places. This made me even more confused. How could Hange baby that titan few seconds ago and now mercilessly cut into it without batting an eye.

"Are you any interested in experimenting on titans, Y/N?" Hange asked while carefuly slicing in the thick skin of the titan. It huffed but it didn't sound like it was in much pain.

"Uh, not in particular. I'm more into killing them." Hange nodded and another shriek could be heard from the titan.

"And what about that titan you had wiggling in front of your house. What was that for?" I almost forgot about it. We left it in the ropes when we left.

"I used it for testing my new weapons and techniques, so I guess I did experiment on them." I realized. But my experimenting was more for a necessity reasons than because I was curious about the titan's inner workings.

"And did you find anything interesting?" They asked with sparkly eyes in anticipation. I thought for a bit and then turned to them with an apologetic expression.

"No, I don't think so. Nothing that you wouldn't know already." I said sadly. I saw their smile fade.

"But I'd like to know if you found anything interesting, maybe something would help me in the field." I smiled. I tried to get rid of the sad mood I brought with my answer. Hange was always energetic and excited about everything so seeing them all gloomy hurt my heart.

After hearing my request, it was like someone turned Hange's mood switch to max. The usual smile was back, even wider, their eyes closed from the big smile, making crow's feet appear on the corners.

"You would want to know something about my findings?" They beamed.

"Yeah?" I was a bit scared by their big smile. I was starting to get second thoughts of what I have gotten myself into.

"Okay, let's go. I have a lot of things to show and tell you." With one hand holding onto the metal plate with the titan's skin pieces, Hange grabbed my sleeve with the other hand and started dragging me to their office.

I spent the rest of the day listening to Hange tirelessly talk about everything they learned about titans. Some of it was very interesting stuff and I saw that Hange was intrigued by every little detail titans had to offer about their body. But after few hours of trying to pay attention to that endless speech, I had to excuse myself for dinner. They only let me go in promise that I'll listen to them some other time.

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