13 The last straw

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*3rd POV*

"How did they end up like that?" Sasha quietly snickered to Connie who was tiredly scratching his head.

Few of the cadets were already awake and decided to observe the unordinary sight of Y/N and Levi sleeping comfortably next to each other.

"It's weird isn't it?" Armin remarked making sure to be quiet and not wake them up.

They were observing the duo like a bunch of kids who just found a dead bird.

"I'd be more concerned that captain would stab me in my sleep if I even accidentally bumped his feet from sleep." Eren added.

The others unconsciously nodded in agreement on his statement. Levi was scary to them. He wasn't someone to play with and even the littlest things irked him. So Y/N picking a place to sleep next to him, as they thought how that happened, was beyond brave.

Connie was trying to get to the door, carefully skipping between the sleeping bodies of his teammates. However, his foot tripped over a hand and with a loud thud he fell on the wooden floor, waking everyone up.

Levi was quickly alerted and looked around. He saw Y/N sleepily groan next to him. He stood up and moved few steps away from her.

"What is going on here brats, can't you be quiet for once?" It was mindboggling how quickly he could get back to his commanding character just after waking up.

"Sorry, captain. Connie tripped." Armin apologized because Connie was still picking himself up from the floor.

When everyone fully woke up, the whole group headed back to the camp. Levi didn't talk the whole way and when they put away they horses, he had to go inform the commander what had happened. Meanwhile everyone went to their dorms to clean up and change into new clothes.


I was folding my clothes when Levi burst through the door. His expression angry and annoyed.

What's new.

"Hey, didn't you learn to knock?!" I groaned and picked up the shirt that fell out of my hands.

"Put that down and come with me." He seemed angrier than normal. Was I in trouble?

I followed him to the common house where we'd have our meals. It was empty except two commanders sitting in the corner, talking about something over cups of beverage.

Levi stomped into the hall. Noticing the superiors he acknowledged their presence by a nod. They nodded back and went back to their task.

Levi shoved a broom in my hands.

"After you sweep the floor, come for a rag and water and you'll continue with cleaning the tables. You're not going to leave here until there isn't a spec of dust." He growled. I watched him with open mouth.

"Huh? Why only me? What did I do?" I whined.

"You don't know? Let me clear it up to you, farm girl." He gritted and stepped closer to me. He looked so scary now, like he wanted to devour me.

"Your behavior on the mission was unacceptable. You endangered the whole group by your reckless titan killing. I had to persuade my superiors to not deport you back to your farm for your actions. So be grateful and start sweeping before I change my mind, little girl." His hot breath brushed against my cheek and he had fire again is his eyes. But this time it was different, this time the fire was one what would mercilessly burn down a whole forest to ashes.

I took a step away from him and chuckled anxiously.

"Y-yes, captain." I weakly stuttered and quickly got away from his piercing gaze and started sweeping.

While sweeping, I was thinking how daring I was acting like I did with Levi. The others must have realized it before to not disrespect him since he was this scary. I was now more surprised that he didn't blow up on me earlier with my brattiness.

It was the fifth time Levi had sent me back to resweep the floor because he didn't deem it clean enough. He apparently saw how dirty it still was even thought I'd even eat from it. My body ached from the horse ride and now that I had to be hunched over the floor, I was at the end of my strength.

"It's been long since Levi punished someone this hard." I heard one of the commanders pity me.

"Apparently, she jumped into a herd of titans like a psycho and didn't listen to Levi's orders." The other added.

"Oh, I don't know if I should praise her courage or dumbness for not obeying Levi." He laughed. I sighed and continued to sweep.

Levi finally approved of my sweeping and let me clean the tables. He was more amiable with the tables and I only had to do it twice.

We were now in his squeaky-clean office where he ordered me to clean up as well. He went for a bucket of water and a rag for me to use.

Meanwhile I observed the state of his room. I wondered what the hell will I clean here. Everythimg was neatly tucked in its place and the furniture seemed like new from the way it was kept clean.

"Isn't that a bit much, cleaning YOUR office? It seems more of a personal duty than something I should do." I reasoned when Levi came with the equipment.

He harshly let go of the bucket making some water spill out upon the contact with the floor. He went to his chair and sat down. Intertwined his fingers together and rested his chin on his hands that found their place on the table. He looked me darkly in the eyes.

"Personal? If I told you to clean my shoes you would have to do it." He growled. His threatening aura not leaving his side for a second.

"So get cleaning, before I'll order you to do stuff that's much more personal."

Upon hearing his threat, I picked up the bucket and got on my knees to scrub the floor.

When I got to rearranging his documents and different cups that decorated the shelves, what seemed like gates of hell opened.

He'd nag me about every move I did and every item I picked up.

'no, don't touch that' 'no, that's not where that goes' 'why are you holding it so weird' 'move it to the left' 'no, no, move it to the right' 'are you deaf? I said right'

I was gritting my teeth to no let my anger spill out.

"I think I'm going to have you clean up my bedroom to make you learn how to clean properly." He said annoyed.

I threw the wet rag harshly on his table, making a loud slap sound. A bit of water splashed on Levi's hands. He was stunned at my sudden burst of anger making his anger show in his face as well.

"What did you just do, farm girl." He gritted. "Now I'll definitely make you clean my room and the toilets too." He stood up slapping the table under him.

"No, I won't do any of your stupid chores anymore!" I shouted.

"WHAT? HOW DARE YOU TALK TO ME LIKE THAT!" He roared so loud that I was sure it made people that were outside stop.

"I DON'T CARE ANYMORE, I'M LEAVING! I DON'T WANT TO BE HERE ANYMORE! TO LISTEN TO YOUR CONSTANT REMARKS AND INSULTS!" I screamed my lungs out and stomped out of the room heading to my room to grab my things and leave the camp.

"CADET! GET BACK RIGHT NOW! IT'S AN ORDER!" I heard him shout from his office.

I'm sure fume could be seen coming from my nose, suffocating every person who just came to my proximity. I picked my sword and some clothes and went to saddle up my horse.

"I'm never coming back here." I told myself as I hopped on the horse's back.

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