The bully

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"Hey! Twerp!" Said a dark figure.

"Leave me alone, Alex, jerk" Jason demanded.

"What did you just say?! Say it to my face, punk" Alex exclaimed.

"You're a jerk! Leave. Me. A-LONE!" Screamed Jason.

Alex snapped his fingers,"Dallas, Chris, we got a punk to teach a lesson, about, respect"

A girl about Jason's age walked up to the bullies, "Says you! Leave him alone, I've been watching you for the past few months and neither of you know what in the hell respect is."

Jason, staring at the long blonde hair blue eyed girl, "yeah! What she said" Jason spazzed out upon her beauty.

All of the boys were goo goo eying this mysterious girl."you heard me, leave." She rolled her eyes in disgust.

All the guys winked and looked at the ditch near them, "as long as you go with us." Said the leader, Alex.

"Pht in your dreams!" The girl laughed.

The boys ran and giggled as if they were teenage girls. "Sorry about them, it's like I have to tell everyone off so they'd get off of everyone's ass, I'm ruby."

It seemed to Jason that he was drooling, he wiped his face and shook her hand, "I'm Jason, thanks for saving my butt back there, I owe you big time." "Those guys have been picking on me since 3rd grade, I'm a seventh grader at Madison middle school." Jason just wanted someone to talk to.

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⏰ Last updated: Mar 31, 2015 ⏰

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