one - boys and girls

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"Are you and Ed Sheeran dating?"


"What about Zac Efron?"

"I wish."

"How about Dylan O'Brien? You two were spotted getting close at the KCA's!"


"You and Kian Lawley are dating. Definitely."

"Wait, who?"

"Kian Law-- okay, I guess you aren't dating him then."

I continously shook my head at all the accusations the paparazzi and my fans were throwing at me. I'm that girl who would rather hang with boys, and I do. But being well known, it comes at a price; the accusation of dating.

Why is dating in the celebrity world so important? Aren't the achievements of beautiful music and amazing acting good enough? I guess not, since all everyone is obsessed about is my love life, what I'm wearing and what I look like without makeup. Honestly, what has the world come to? I blame those stereotypical gossip magazines that everyone gawks at. And Kim Kardashian, for starting the big butt trend, then showing her naked self off in front of the whole world. I respect her for being confident in her body, but now everyone is asking me to stand nude. I may be comfortable in my own body, but I am not posing for some random magazine. I'm too 'little' for Zoo, but I'm not that trashy to pose in some home and gardens magazine as some god damn statue. And poor little North West is going to grow up surrounded by those photos. Who names their kid North West for Christ's sake anyway? Poor thing is going to get picked on her entire life. What's her middle name, South? Her future husband/wife's last name is probably East. Oh god, I would sell my house to attend their wedding, just to remind North South West-East what idiot people she has for parents. When I have a kid, there is no way I'm naming her some stupid rhyme like that.

"Hey, Teague." a large hand waved in front of my face as I came back to reality, snapping out of my Kardashian fantasy.

"What?" I asked, looking at my best friend beside me, then to the fans sitting cross legged in front me, then the paparazzi standing behind them, taking my picture.

"You totally ignored me." She scoffed, raising her eyebrow.

"Sorry Kaz. Just zoned out. What was your question?" I asked, raising my eyebrows at her. She rolled her eyes and sighed longingly.

"I said; Who is your celebrity crush?" She repeated, everyone leaning close, just in case they missed it. It doesn't matter if they did miss it, since there was a dozen of colourful iPhones pointed at me and a lot of bulky black cameras that were filming me.

"Um, Beyonce." I replied in a duh tone, scoffing and shaking my head at her as I smirked. Beyonce is my queen.

"No, oh my god. Your boy celebrity crush!" Kaz waved her arms around in a childish manner, trying to get the answer out of me.

"Oh!" I realized and giggled, a couple of my fans giggling with me.

"Yeah." Kaz rolled her eyes and elbowed me in the ribs with her bony elbow.

"Um..." I trailed off, knowing the answer but just not wanting to say it. If I did, the flashes would go off, the girls would squeal, my phone would buzz like crazy and the magazines would write on the front cover: "Love is blooming in the air? Twiggy reveals her lover. More inside!"

Honestly, people these days are just so desperate to squeeze just a drop of information and add a whole fucking ocean to it to make it seem interesting.

"Who's your boy celebrity crush?"

I turned the tables, and the girls in front of me started calling out names. I smiled at them and started making conversation, praising them for liking their specific crush. Kaz nudged my shoulder, and I looked over to her disapproving face.

"What?" I whispered, and smiled at the girl in front of me that was telling me story.

"You totally dodged the question. Honestly Tegan, when are you going to stop being so scared and reveal to the world who your celebrity crush is? I really doubt people are going to make ridiculous accusations."

"Have you even heard of fanfictions before? They will literally ship anyone from Beyoncé to Sheldon Cooper!" I hissed slightly, frowning at her. I turned back to the group of girls, who one by one were telling me their names.

In the corner of my eye I saw Kaz getting up and walking away, shaking her head in the process as she looked down at her phone.

"I'm Becca." the last girl said, being the 20th girl here.

"I'm in love your outfit. What does that say? 5sos... I've heard of them." I nodded, smiling at her shirt.

"They are really good, you should listen to their music... Or you could even meet them if you want, since you're famous." She replied, lightly laughing at the end.

"Yeah, I guess." I laughed. I slid down from bench I was sitting on and sat cross legged in front of them, pulling my Bart Simpson jumper down, and pushing the sleeves up to my elbows.

I usually did this a lot, just sit down with my fans at a random park or mall. We were at the mall now, in Los Angeles. My home town. I know everything there is to know about Los Angeles, I was born and raised here.

"So, you guys want to take a walk around the mall? We can buy matching bracelets at Hot Topic!" I squealed, as I stood up. They all squealed as well, following my actions. I stood in the middle, taking ahold of Becca's and a girl named Boog's hands.

"Hold hands everyone! We're going on an field trip." I announced, and everyone held each others hands as we all skipped to the nearest Hot Topic store.


a/n: hey hi hello it's callista (: this chapter was written in the time span between 5:26am to 6:16am.... hope you enjoy this new story bleh

might change the cover, I'm not sure eh

- callista x

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