seven - "you made me wet"

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Finally the day of the awards came and I was so ready to go. I was performing and was actually nominated for a few awards, so I'm excited about that. I was nominated for Favourite Female Singer, Favourite Song of the Year and Favourite New Artist. It's be cool to win at least one of them, but I definitely don't expect to win all.

"Hurry up Kaz!" I groaned, looking at the time on my phone. I dyed my hair back to blue because I just really love the colour, and my album is blue as well. I took a quick look in the hall mirror before walking into the bathroom, seeing Kaz curling her hair.

"You can't hurry beauty." She announced, carefully bringing the wand to her hair and wrapping it around.

"Yes I can. Hurry the hell up or I will burn you." I threatened, watching her through the mirror. She snorted as she held her hair in place.

"With what?" She joked, glancing at me. I grabbed at the iron playfully, and she gasped and stupidly jerked back. She screamed, and dropped the wand on my foot.

I screamed with her, kicking it away and leaning on the sink as I cradled my burnt foot. The one time I wore sandels...

She screamed again, jumping up and down with her hand held onto her temple and the other on her foot. If someone came into the room, it'd be such a weird scene. I quickly ripped the sandels off of my feet ran into the shower, turning the cold water on. I got myself soaked as I sat down on the bench and took the shower thing off the handle, aiming it at my foot.

"Bitch don't hog!" Kaz screamed, pushing me off the bench and snatching the shower head out of my hands. I felt the stinging come back in my foot as I yelled at her, getting up quickly and pushing my foot against hers.

"My head hurts!" She whined, cupping her hand under the water and throwing it in her face.

"Let me help." I offered, and starting throwing the water in her face. "We're wasting water! Go get an ice pack!"

"Excuse the fuck out of me, I'm not leaving this shower! Your burnt me so you get them!" She looked beyond offended as I was shocked.

"What the fuck? You did it yourself! You dropped the fucking wand on my foot!" I argued, throwing more water in her face.

"Fuck up, you kicked it at me!" She shrieked, aiming the shower jet in my face as the powerful rush hit me in the face. "Bitch!"

"Stop!" I squealed, pushing her away harshly. She fell off the slippery bench as she screamed, trying to stand up but falling down again.

I was just about to laugh in her face when she grabbed my hand and pulled me down as well. I pushed her off me and steadily grabbed the shelf, shoving all of my shampoos and conditioners off in the process as I tried to get up. My hand slipped and I fell again, landing on my ass. There was a moment of silence as Kaz and I both looked at each other, before laughing our heads off.

"What -- the... Fuck." She coughed out, still laughing. I shook my head as I laughed inaudibly, my stomach hurting. The pain in my foot disappeared as I focused on the pain in my stomach from laughing too hard.

The award show was in a couple hours and I was supposed to get there an hour before for the red carpet and sound check, but right now I don't think that's possible.

Finally, someone came into my apartment calling my name, and that's how my security guard found Kaz and I, soaking wet while rolling on the floor laughing.

"Wait, wait..." Kaz laughed, sitting up as she looked me dead in the eye. "You made me wet."

I swear I almost died of laughter.

lesbian. // m.clifford [on hold]Where stories live. Discover now