four - love my family

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The next day, #twiggycameout was still trending, and a lot of phone calls came to my phone. The only one I answered was my best friend Kaz.



"A simple 'hey, how are you' would have been nice you know," I joked, smirking in the phone as I played with the strings of my sweatpants.

"Shut up and answer the question."

"Look, just come over mine and I'll tell you." I said, getting up from the couch and stretching.

"Yeah, I'm already here. Open your door bitch."

I heard rapid banging on my door as I hung up the phone, and quickly opened door for Kaz.

She almost pushed me over as she barged in, that I had to grab hold of the door to keep from falling. I watched her pace the room, obviously fuming that she hadn't been the first one that I told.

"Why didn't you tell me? I thought we were supposed to be best friends!" She whined, frowning at me.

"Look, why are you persistent about this? You sound so --"

Another knock at the door made my turn to the person standing in the doorframe.

"Hey, Tegan. I heard that you -- um, bat for the other team." It was just Brad, standing there with a dull look on his face.

"Um, yeah, I guess?" I said, glancing at Kaz who was standing there with her hands on her hips as she glared at me.

"Well, I guess it's too late now. I just wanted to say that I think you're really hot, and I would have loved to have sex with you." He informed, and I slightly frowned as my lips parted.

"Oh, Uh, -- okay then. Um, thanks for uh - thanks for ... telling me that." I said awkwardly, and watched as he sighed and walked off to his apartment. I slowly shut the door, still a bit shocked at his words.

"Tegan, honestly!" Kaz interrupted my train of thought as I snapped back to reality.

"Sorry." I muttered, and sat down on the couch. Kaz sat down next to me with her scowl still etched on her face. "Kaz, you know I would tell you anything, and never keep secrets from you."

"Yeah, except now." She huffed, and crossed her arms over her chest.

"I'm not actually a lesbian, I just tweeted that so everyone would stop assuming that I was 'sleeping around' just because I hung out wih boys." I explained, and watched her expression soften.

"Oh." She groaned, and put her head in hands, burying her face in her palms. I laughed at her response, sitting back on the couch. Suddenly a frown came across my face.

"Why did it bother you so much that you thought I was a lesbian?" I asked, and she turned her head sideways to look at me before sitting up straight.

"No, it didn't bother me, I was just shocked because I thought we told each other everything first and I was just a bit..."

"...Paranoid?" I suggested, and she nodded.

"Yeah." She shrugged, and got up, walking to my kitchen to make some coffee.

"Anyways, the Kids Choice Awards are coming up and I got an award. They said I can bring a plus one so... You want to come with me?" I asked, following her and sat down on the counter.

"I guess. Perks of being best friends with a famous person." She shrugged, then looked over her shoulder and smiled at me. "You're still not off the hook though." She added sternly, and returned to making her coffee.

"Yeah yeah, whatever. I need to go shopping with my wardrobe consultant later today, so tag along."

"Honestly, you think that I have no life other than following you around." She complained, mixing her drink as she leaned on the counter, raising her eyebrows at me.

I frowned at her as I leaned on my hands behind me. "Do you?"

She scoffed, and sipped her drink.

"As a matter of fact I do, thanks. I have a lunch date with my mom. Boring. But, I guess it's good to catch up." She explained, shrugging.

"Yeah, I guess." I mumbled, kicking the cupboard below me.

My parents and I haven't talked in a long time since my career took off a couple years ago. They never wanted me to sing and make music, they wanted me to be a successful dancer. All that money they spent on lessons, costumes, makeup, props, travel, all that time they took out of their work days to see me perform, went down the drain. I never wanted to be a dancer, I guess I did at first, but then I got tired of it, and wanted to be famous for something I love. So I picked up the microphone and started doing small gigs at school concerts and even at pubs. Some scout found me and just signed me to Capitol records. It was the best time of my life. I mean, I was 18, I had just become mature. For it to come so quickly, it was amazing.

"Have you spoken to your parents yet?" Kaz asked slowly, knowing it was a sensitive subject.

"Nah, I don't really want to anyway. I mean, they have Ashley." I shrugged it off, sighing.

Ashley is my younger, better sister. Most of the time it's the oldest sister who gets the glory, but to me, it's Ash. She was the best at everything; well, in my parents eyes she was. She just lacked in the music category, the one thing my parents loved. They loved it that Ash didn't follow in her big sisters footsteps in becoming happy with what she does. Ash is 17, and is at the top of her class. She says she wants to be a lawyer. Of course it's a lawyer! Way to make me look even worse, Ash.

"You should talk to them you know." Kaz interuppted my mental bitch about Ash.

"I don't know if I want to. It's their fault we aren't talking. They can't see how happy I am here." I complained, and got off the counter and walked over to my phone, which was buzzing.

"Give them a chance hun." Kaz comforted, sitting on the couch as I answered my phone.

"It's a text from..." My eyes widened as I saw the name. I looked up to Kaz and rolled my eyes. "Speak of the devil, it's my mother."


sorry I haven't updated in forever but I went on camp for a few days but I'm back now ayee

hope you loved it vote and stuff huh

- callista

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