three - lesbian

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"Come on, the water is so nice!" Dylan shouted as I stood at the shore, holding my arms as I watched him, amused.

"I'm coming!" I shouted back, and took little steps to the cold ocean. He shook his head and ran at me, picking me up and throwing me over his shoulder. I screamed and giggled, yelling at him to put me down.

"If you insist." He shrugged and dropped me as I landed in the water. I came up and took my sunnies off as I glared at him.

"Now they're going to get spots on them." I pouted, looking down at my wet sunnies. "These are my favourite ones!"

"Well you shouldn't of worn them then!" He scolded, and floated on his back. The waves weren't big that day, thank god. If they were I would of washed away with them.

"You sound like my mother." I rolled my eyes and swam around, looking out to the shore.

After we had a good swim, we decided to get back to shore and get some chips from the pier. I wrapped myself with the towel as we descended up the sand, and onto the pier. A couple fans recognized us and took a bunch of photos with us. Even a few paparazzi caught us. Just wait for the rumors to come up.

"Honestly, they can't mind their own business! A male and female can't hang out together and be friends without someone accusing them of dating! I'm absolutely sick of it. I should just -- Ugh, I don't even know." I ranted to Dylan as we sat in the restaurant, eating our chips.

"You need to chill okay, just have some chips." He mumbled, and sipped on his coke.

"Okay, I'm sorry, I'm overreacting... God." I sighed, shaking my head.

"It's fine, people just want to know what's going on. It's human nature." Dylan explained.

"I guess so." I sighed, and took out my Polaroid again to take a picture. I waved the waiter over and asked him to take a picture of Dylan and I.

I scooted my chair over to him and put my arm around him, putting my face close to his as I posed.

"Thanks." I smiled as he handed it back to me, and I pulled the picture out of the bottom. "Posting it." I announced, and took out my phone. I snapped a shot and posted it on instagram, then Twitter.

"Tag me." Dylan pointed out, watching my phone screen.

"Yeah, yeah." I mumbled, waving him off.


"Okay, I'll see you sometime soon then." Dylan said, and smiled as we hugged.

"Sure, bye." I replied, and entered my apartment.

I threw all my wet towels and swimmers into the washing machine and walked to the bathroom as I stared at my phone while walking. As I was walking, checking my Instagram, I wasn't watching where I was going and banged into the wall, hitting my head and toe.

"Fuck!" I yelled, pressing my hand to my forehead. I started chuckling as I realized I just ran into a wall. I walked into the bathroom and turned the shower on, stripping and climbing in.

I washed my hair of chlorine and my body and sang a random song. When I finished off, I dried off and changed into a sports bra and sweatpants, ready for the night of laziness.

I jumped on to my bed, plugging my phone in its charger as I scrolled through Twitter, suddenly seeing a hashtag that mentioned me:


I rolled my eyes as I pressed on it, seeing a bunch of my fans defending me, but a lot of others saying bullshit about Dylan and I dating.

You know what, I'm sick of this.

'@iamtwiggy: This is bullshit. I'm not dating any man. newsflash! I am a lesbian. #sorrynotfuckingsorry'

In under an hour, it was a worldwide trending topic.

lesbian. // m.clifford [on hold]Where stories live. Discover now