The begging

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Y/n Black, yes, the daughter of the famous murderer Sirius Black.

After the Potter's death her mother, a presumptions death eater, ran off and her father was putted in Azkaban guilty for the Potter's death and for the killings of 13 people, Y/n with no family left was given to to Remus Lupin, her godfather.

Years stared to pass and Y/n started to learn how cruel life could be, she always knew that her godfather was a werewolf, and she used to thought 'it's so unfair' she knew how good and lovely Remus was.

Every full moon she needed to go to another place to stay the night, sometimes it was just her, alone, in the dark waiting impatiently for the sun to come up.

With the pass of the years she found out why her real parents never showed up for her.

She was horrified about her father being in Azkaban for such a crime, and disgusted for her mother, even tho Y/n was a pure-blood she hated death eaters for all the pain and destruction they had caused, she didn't mind muggles, she even had a muggle friend called Sophia, and some days when was a full moon she stayed at Sophia's place, having for the first time a friend.

She was not aloud to be outside with out someone looking her, so naturally she didn't have friends and when she was alone (most of the time) in the house waiting for Remus to arrive, she practiced or a better word for that is pretended to have friends and made some conversation so when the opportunity came she would be prepared.

She was about to start her first year at Hogwarts, the magic school, as Remus had told her, he also used to tell her bed stories of his years at Hogwarts and how many adventures he had with his friends.

He also told her about the youth of his real father, leaving Y/n confused, not knowing if she could admire him for his Hogwarts years or being horrified for his real intentions, she still didn't know what to think about him.

"Miss Inky!" Remus called her, yes, weird nickname but it turns out she was a great painter and loved to draw, so every time she did that ended full of ink.

"Y/n! Come down! Guess who just received a letter?" He asked almost screaming.

"COMING!" Y/n yelled black, she had some idea of who the letter was, she was about to be 11 and so her first Hogwarts year.

She always wanted to be sorted in Ravenclaw, the house was just fascinating, books, creativity, astronomy and of course magic! She was sure it was her house... but the doubts run into her mind.

Or could I be in Slytherin? She was conscious that if she wanted something she'll have it, hard working of course, not stealing or cheating, by the other hand she was terrific good at lying which she find it really usefull but Remus had told her it was extremely bad.

Changing more the perspective she also wanted to be a Hufflepuff, they were kind and seemed so good with animals like the famous Newt Scamander, being in the Hufflepuff house would guarantee some loyal and good friends, thing she needed desperately, she knew she was not so cold in the deep, for example, she was really open when she was with Remus and loved him with all her heart.

And at the end was her father's house, Gryffindor, were the brave people belong to, does she considerate herself brave? Maybe? She didn't have too much situations were to challenge her bravery, except those days when it was a full moon, but she was always scared, not for herself, more of what could happen to her dad that night, could he bump another werewolf? Could he have a fight? Could he get hurt? Would he be ok? She didn't felt to brave those nights.

"I-I'm here- uff-"she taked a depth breath after running through the whole house, and she finally saw the letter.
'Fancy handwriting' was the first that she thought, then she stared to read it out loud:


Headmaster: Albus Dumbledore
(Order of Merlin, First Class, Grand Sorc., Chf. Warlock, Supreme Mugwump, International Confed. of Wizards)

Dear Miss Black,

We are pleased to inform you that you have been accepted at Hogwarts School of Witchcraft and Wizardry. Please find enclosed a list of all necessary books and equipment.

Term begins on 1 September. We await your owl by no later than 31 July.
Yours sincerely,

Minerva Mcgnagall
Deputy Headmistress"

Then it was another paper which contain a list of books and stuff she needed to bought, she finished reading and Remus looked at her with a proud smile and she was almost jumping of happiness, she could learn magic! Finally!


Hi beautiful reader, this is my first book so if I have any mistakes please tell me, English is not my first language so please please tell me if I have any mistakes.

If the chapters are too short I could consider doing them longer, but if you like it like this great (:

•888 Words•

"Y/n" = Your name
"N/n" = Your nickname

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