The Book

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It was nice change being away from the Dursley's, waking up when he wanted, eating what he wanted and obviously admiring the new Fire Bolt, he knew he could afford it, if he wanted to eat nothing the rest of his life, but dreaming coast nothing.

He didn't care too much about that serial killer, Black, although his name sounded familiar, 'Wait, isn't Y/n's last name Black too? Is Sirius Black hes father?' Thinking about it, now was the year he could finally talk to her.

By the end of the summer break he reunited with Ron and Hermione, he had a good time doing the summer homework and his normal activities but the question stayed permanently on his head, so  when he was in the platform 9 3/4 and Mr Weasley called him to talk about how careful he should be and not to look for Sirius Black, Harry asked him if the guy had a daughter.

Mr Weasley with an apologetic look said yes, after that Harry needed to run for the train, still he had more questions than answers.


"Ok, we just need to find a free compartment" Hermione said after Harry said he needed to tell them what he had heard Mr Weasley said and how Y/n was Black's daughter.

"It's like every single one is already full" Ron said pointing the obvious.

"Oh wait, look there's Y/n, and it practically free" Hermione said.

Well now Harry couldn't tell them what he had heard but it was ok, he would finally had a chance to talk to her, so he asked:

" Er- Hello, we were wondering if we could sit here?"

She looked at them and directly at Harry before saying, "Yes, of course."

Entering Ron asked "Who's that man by the way?"

Hermione and Y/n choose that moment to answer.

"Professor R. J. Lupin" Hermione said

"My dad" Y/n said too

"How come you know everything- wait, you dad? Wasn't Sirius Black you dad?" Ron asked

Y/n's face darkened and with a controlled tone answered "Yes, he is"

All the amiability from before had vanished from her expression. 'Great Ron, now she will really want to talk to us' Harry thought.

There was an awkward silence, "He's my godfather" Y/n said pointing at Lupin "Sirius Black is my biological..." it seem she was going to said parent but finally said "Progenitor" with some sour in her tone, no more questions about her parents that was for sure.

"And... how were your holidays, Y/n?" Hermione asked to defuse the tension.

"Never better" answered her turning back her attention to the book she had in her hands.

Harry tried to read the title but he couldn't so he was about to ask her when Ron asked "What's that noise?" A faint, tinny sort of whistle was coming from somewhere, Y/n didn't seem to care, "It's coming from your trunk, Harry" said Ron.

Y/n was so immerse in her book she only heard some parts of the conversation.

"It's that a sneakoscope?" She heard Hermione ask, "Yeah... mind you, is a very cheap one" now it was Ron's voice "It went haywire just as..." From that moment on Y/n stoped paying attention, it was rude to overhear. Until a new voice appeared.

"Well look who's here" Malfoy voice caught Y/n's attention "Potty and Weasel" Crabbe and Goyle made some sort of laughter behind him "I heard your father finally got his hands in some gold this summer, Weasley" Malfoy said "Did your mother die of shock?"

Ron rapidly stoop up, when he did that Crookshank's basket fell into the floor, and Remus snorted.

"Who's that?" said again Malfoy with a little tone of surprise and taking a step back when he saw Remus.

"New teacher" Harry and Y/n said at the same time with a bitter tone, right after they looked at each other.

"Wait, Black? I didn't even notice your pretty face" said Malfoy "How's daddy?" Said smirking.

'If looks could kill, Malfoy would be dead by now' Harry  thought, then Y/n looked at Lupin and then back to Malfoy, he took another step back and mutter "C'mon" and with that disappear.

Harry and Ron sat down again, Y/n was still sitting she didn't need to stand up for intimidate the idiot of Malfoy.

"I am not going to take any crap from Malfoy this year" Ron said with an angry grimace, "I mean it if he makes another more crack about my family I'm going to get hold of his head and-"

"Snapped" Finished Y/n with a tone of false calm, the other three kids stared at her, all of them with surprise just as if they had forget about Y/n's presence.

"Yeah... but Ron" Hissed Hermione, then pointed at Professor Lupin "Be careful"

"Ha! He's fast asleep," Y/n said and then returned her attention to her book, still looking at it she said "And don't interrupt me while in talking, Potter"

At the mention of his name he looked at Y/n and tried to read the title of the book she was reading but she was holding it in a way he or anyone could read it.

'Come on Harry, you promised to talk to her in the begging of every year, and of preference on the train, put yourself together!'

"Er- what's about it?" He asked hesitantly

"What's about what, Potter?" Y/n answer with another question.

'Why does she need to use my last name?'

"Call me Harry please, and the book- I mean your book, the one that you are holding" Harry said suddenly nervous.

Y/n immediately noticed it and find it funny "So, Harry," she putted up the book "this is just a guide of 'How to kill your enemies in the most horrible deaths' with no magic of course"

Harry suddenly looked pale and Y/n had to swallow a burst of laugher

"Are you sure it's about that? The title doesn't exactly say 'how to murder 101' " Hermione reply with a bit of fear in his voice.

Y/n looked at her and then laughed softly covering her mouth with one hand. "I know, I was just joking, it's about family favoritism" She said first looking at Harry (which face was normal again) and then to Hermione "But I wasn't completely lying, it is a muggle book"

"So you like that kinda of literature?" Hermione asked

"No, it's just a random book I picked for my birthday, still muggle books are interesting" Y/n said, "Do you have a favorite muggle book?"

Ron and Harry looked at each other not knowing what to say but Hermione answered, "Little women" And Harry in the last second said the first book he could think of..."The wizard of Oz?"

"Wizard?" Ron asked confused "Isn't supposed to be a muggle book?" And then looked at Hermione.

She explained the story to Ron and after that they kept talking until the train started to slow down.

"Great," Ron said, "I'm starving"

Hermione looked at her watch and reply "But... we can't be there yet"

"So why are we stopping?"



Hi, look a longer chapter :0. thanks for reading, <3

• 1222 Words•

The Black in the blood | Harry Potter x Y/n BlackWhere stories live. Discover now