The problem

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There was a problem.

Her last name, Black; would someone recognize her or the name of her father because of that name?
Maybe, she wasn't sure, the other kids were eleven too, so she didn't think their parents wouldn't tell them the horrible history of Sirius Black, would they?

Even if they knew she had nothing to do about it, and there will be muggleborn kids who would know nothing about her family, right?

Still she wanted to use a normal and common last name, like l/n, it would free her from any bully and she would pass a normal kid, 'I could do that easily'

As Remus, her dad, belong to The Order of the Phoenix he could talk to Dumbledore, the headmaster, to change her name for security proposes.

Besides of Dumbledore she knew the majority of the members of the Order like Kingsley Shacklebolt (which was really nice with her), Hestia Jones (one of her favorite ones because of the hidden candy and cool stuff she brought Y/n),
Mad-eye Moody.

And her favorite one was Mrs. Weasley.

She was a red hair lady with a lots of kids, Y/n had only seen one called Bill, the biggest one , she thought, but the thing she liked the most about Mrs. Weasley was that she treat Y/n like her own kid, which was weird because she never had a maternal figure, with Remus was enough.

Talking about her dad, after some crazy shopping days together they were finally at the Hogwarts express. They had agree on keeping the last name, after 10 years maybe that name wouldn't be recognized.

Still when she entered to the train she would try to pass unnoticed and ignore any kid that could be there, but if it was extremely necessary she would introduce herself as Y/n, only her name and then avoid questions.

She asked if it was ok to sit in that compartment, she sat by the window side and a weakly smiled to Remus.

He said a soundless goodbye, he looked almost as if he was tearing up, happy, he knew Hogwarts was the safest place.

Then the train started to move and she faced the three unknown kids in front of her.


Y/n saw the kids who were looking nervous at her so at the last second she changed her mind and introduced herself as just Y/n so the others kids would do the same, 'I hope so' she thought.

After that, a cute looking boy presented himself with just his name, Aaron, she noticed two dimples when he smiled to her, a lot of freckles and a dark blond hair, his eyes were an pure blue almost as the same color as the sky in summer.

Just as she hoped he didn't say his last name 'At least something went good', and they both turned to a rather skinny girl.

"I'm Katarina" she said in a soft voice, Y/n whole attention was into the girl, she had long dark hair, not brown, it was almost black a pure jet black, big princes curls framed her face, making her dark skin stand out even more, and with those big black eyes, Y/n knew Katarina would be extremely pretty in a close future.

The next boy was about to talk when a bushy hair girl entered to the compartment, she had rather big front teeth, "Have you seen a frog?" They all shook their heads negatively.

Then she entered and said "It's called Trevor, kid named Neville just lost it, I'm Hermione Granger by the way"


The boy who was about to talk said " I'm Phillip Hayden, this is Aaron, Y/n and Katarina" and then smiled Hermione after pointing each kid.

Y/n was relived, 'Hermione look kinda bossy' Y/n thought, Hermione talked again, "Pleasure to meet you all" she said smiling "If you see the frog I'm going to be around here"

"Yes of course!" Katharine answered her

Hermione leaned forward a bit and in a lower voice said "Guess who's in the next compartment!"

Everybody stayed quiet with expectation faces

"¡Harry Potter!"

Aaron and Y/n let out a gasp of surprise, of course she knew who Harry Potter was, the boy who lived, she had no idea how he looked but she knew all his story, apparently Hermione and Aaron too, that guy was really famous, she wouldn't need to hide her last name if a more popular boy was in her year, or maybe he wasn't a first year like her, she need to ask.

"Is he staring as a first year like us or he was already here?" Y/n asked genuinely curious.

"He seemed seem like he was still processing this whole magic thing, so think first year, definitely" And with that Hermione left the compartment

Y/n was kinda surprised, she always thought he was gonna be surrounded of magic and praises for defending the Dark Lord.

"Wait, who?" Phillip asked "I don't think I have hear of him?" His silky brown hair moved as he faced them all.

"Yeah, me neither" Katarina said, Aaron and Y/n look at each other with astonished faces, he still had he's mouth light open and Y/n had her eyes really opened.

"Let me guess, muggle-borns?" She asked to the two kids

"Well my parents are normal,- I mean, don't have magic" Phillip said rapidly and Katarina nodded.

Aaron started to said "We still have time so here is the story"



Hi, me again just to clarify, this story is going to be more descriptive when third year start until that things are going to be a bit rushed because we are not going to focus on the story of first and second year so don't worry ;)

Here is an idea of how Katarina, Phillip and Aaron look like (they are a little older tho)

Anyways thank for reading this, please tell me if there's any grammatical or orthographic mistake i would appreciate that, lots of love

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Anyways thank for reading this, please tell me if there's any grammatical or orthographic mistake i would appreciate that, lots of love.
•999 Words•


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