The clouds never felt better

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Her first class was divination, with the Ravenclaws, last year they had all arrangement to be in the same classes, so no matter what combination, they were going to be together,  and today Y/n was going to start classes with Katarina, that meant that Phillip and Aaron were going to be together in Herbology.

Professor Trelawney in one word resemble an insect.

"Hello my children" she said in a spectral voice, and with that she introduced her subject as the most difficult one and after that started the lesson letting the students choose a partner and asking them to take a tea cup, fill it drink it and observarte the remaining leaves. After that pass the cup to the respective partner to predict some omens.

Before Y/n realized Katarina was already reading her cup, "Oh sorry, but I want to go first" she apologized looking rather enthusiastic than sorry.

" 'Kay go first, but make sure to predict some good luck then" Y/n answered with one of the corner of her lips twitching, she was also bit anxious of what her future would look like.

"So... what do you see?" The girl asked a few seconds after Katarina felt silent.

"Basically... It looks like a chair? No wait- It's a circle  but it has three lines in it?" She frowned.

Y/n read in her divination book "Oh, look here it says that a circle represents a cicle"

"But what about the lines?" Katarina pointed "We should ask professor Trelawney"

"Sure, but you do it, Cat"

"Alright, and stop it that's a horrible nickname" with that Katarina just raised her hand, and  Trelawney came looking directly at them big her big eyes 'creppy' Y/n thought but her friend didn't seem to notice and explained the tea cup to the Professor.

Trelawney almost went crazy.

"Oh dear, dear, its true that the circle represents a cicle but the lines, oh those lines! They don't represent anything good, they are going to be bad dates that are going to mark you forever!"

There was a death silence among the other students who apparently have seem to listened everything.

"Brilliant, thanks" Y/n said with a forced smile so Trelawney would finally go and predict another terrible future to another student, enough of her.

When she finally did, Y/n stared at Katarina "I'm going to predict you a horrible fate, in revenge for that" and so she took Katarina cup.

They were discussing if her leaves represented love or a heartbreak (the last one was Y/n's interpretation) when the voice of Professor Trelawney raised once again.

"My dear boy- my poor dear boy- no- don't ask me..."

She was referring to Harry, Y/n had forgotten to say hi this morning, so she looked at him and muttered a silent 'hello'. He catch her looking and smiled weakly and raised his hand when Dean Thomas asked:

"What is it professor?" The whole class remain quiet.

"My dear;" Her huge eyes opened dramatically "you have the Grim"

Y/n's soft smile dropped, and other students gasped. Harry looked again at Trelawney confused, "The what?"

Katarina slowly turned to Y/n, and whispered  "Yeah, the what?" But before Y/n could turn to answer Trelawney said:

"The Grim my dear! The Grim!" She looked shocked that Harry hadn't understood.

Y/n did known what that omen meant, it was a omen of death, Trelawney said it and she felt how Katarina tensed up but she didn't pay attention to that and her eyes were only fixed on Harry, his green eyes unfocused for a second as if he was remembering something, 'Had he seem the Grim before?' She asked to herself, then she realized it was rude to stare directly at him and turned her head just when Hermione stood up.

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