The pass of the time

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The year start to pass, just as  Y/n  had promised she sticked with her first friends 'I don't need more' she tough smiling to herself.

Her roommates were Lavender, Parvati and Hermione, Y/n wasn't to open with them, the only time she spent there was just for sleeping and getting ready for the day.

By the other hand Hogwarts was fascinating, the halls, the food, the classes but the one thing that really intrigued her was why in the world Harry Potter was trying to talk to her, now that was fascinating, 'Why?' She thought multiple reasons but the paranoia made her reject the kid as fast as she could, at the four attempt he gave up to talk to her, she just rejected ignored him and his group of friends.

Everything was fantastic, she stared to learn spells and potions but too about her friends, for example, her best friend Katarina was afraid of butterflies which made Y/n make a lot of jokes and pranks about it.

Phillip was more calm and liked Exploding Snap and strategy games, it was nice to be around him.

And Aaron her favorite Slytherin, he was really peaceful and loved quidditch with his soul, he was not like the other Slytherins he didn't have a single problem about muggle-borns or more like the opposite from Malfoy, that kid was insufferable about how superior he was, and his father this, his father that, it was in one word annoying, he seem to have a problem with Gryffindor or more like with Harry Potter, same with that other guy, the professor, Snape she thought, he was specially mean towards her and Harry Potter it was weird but she couldn't do anything about it.

The year was fast and learned stuff easily, Y/n tried to recopile information and spells to show it to Remus later, make him proud, she missed him so much, she couldn't wait to go black and hug her dad.

Her petition came true rapidly, the year was about to end and apparently Harry Potter had done some stuff with something called the sorcerer's  stone, she wasn't really sure, they were so many rumors it was hard to believe them like one that said that he had fought a gigantic bat and with some magical plants had defeated Quirrel,  another rumor was that Voldemort was in the back of Quirrel's face, which was way more weird than the bat one, finally the year ended and other was going to start.

And she had no idea what was about to happen next year.


'I have tried' he told to himself.

This year had been mad, with classes, quidditch and Quirrel and trying to talk her, despite the fact that he had done everything he could to make things fine, he have only accomplished a 60 seconds conversation with Y/n, he had stop trying after some time, she seem cold and distant towards him, Ron and Hermione.

He didn't understand, why? What he had done wrong, yes he didn't have to much experience with new friendships, but it was no secret she was avoiding him, Ron didn't seem to bother  and Hermione was so busy researching and studying that didn't pay too much attention.

So he made a promise to start fresh and try to talk to her the next year the preference in the train with no excuses for studying, he had no idea what was about to happen next year.


Second year was more unexpected, a chamber of secrets? A Heir of Slytherin? A BASILISK? Y/n though it all of that could be part of a really big bad joke, but the fear was real, she was really concerned by her friends, she talked with Aaron asking him if he knew anything but he was clueless as everybody.

The only person that did something was again Harry Potter, she was starting to get tired of hearing his name everywhere, she imagine it must be hard having everybody talking about you but still kinda annoying.

After this horrifying year it came the one that was really, really going to make her world upside down.

The year when Sirius Black escaped from Azkaban, the year were her father escaped from Azkaban

'Great just great and thought things couldn't go bad than now'


Hello, amazing reader, we are going to start third year! Yay!
From now on the chapters are gonna be longer

You don't need to read this part lol I just want to accomplish the 777 words lmao
Stay hydrated, Eat candy, Love yourself, Draw something funny.
Ok that's it

• 777 Words•


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