The sorting

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After they talked about The Boy Who Lived and almost going to the next compartment they arrived to Hogwarts.

'Fancy' It's what Y/n thought again, a man who looked like a giant leaded them to the Castell and a women called Professor McGonagall explained to the kids that didn't know, the dynamics of the houses.

Y/n was extremely nervous when they entered to the Great Hall, she was fascinated about the roof, 'Anyways I hope I get sorted in Ravenclaw' she thought, then they stared to call names, Hufflepuff, Slytherin, Ravenclaw, Hufflepuff again Y/n stop playing attention for a moment when they said "Aaron Max"
She was nervous for her new friends- "SLYTHERIN" Y/n was kinda shocked, Aaron was very sweet 'But good for him' and then clapped politely.

Then it was "Katarina Sagal" she waited... "RAVENCLAW" Y/n got exited, she would have her friend in the same house, 'I hope..' then it came two other kids and a familiar name was called, "Hermione Granger" the girl look nervios, Y/n could tell, "GRYFFINDOR" 'oh but she looked so clever', then it was Phillip Hayden, and he was sorted in Hufflepuff.

'Dang it all my friends are in different houses, I really really want to go to Ravenclaw were Katarina is' and as if the destiny she was called "Y/n Black" she rapidly scan everyone's reaction, first the teachers, some of them opened their eyes but in the student side she didn't notice any reaction, just as she were a normal kid, she sat and... "GRYFFINDOR" now she was the one shocked. She walked quietly to her table.

Others kids passed and the last one was "Harry Potter" 'Now THAT was a reaction' the students stared between them, this time the hat had taken his time but at the end was Gryffindor, 'Ok maybe being in Gryffindor is not so bad, all the attention that kid dragged was good, good, good? 'Her mind went to her friends again, her friends.

She sat on the Gryffindor table looking how Harry Potter was with a red hair boy, she listened while the headmaster talked and felt a pair of eyes over her, she looked and it was Phillip, she gave him an apologetic look, he returned the gesture and putted his attention on the food, then she searched Katarina's dark eyes and make the same gesture and finally to the Slytherin table she found Aaron eyes and he gave her a weak sad smile, then looked away.

'You know what? I don't care about houses, I'm gonna keep my friends' she thought and made a promise to stick to them, while in the Gryffindor table she smiled to Hermione and the frog kid 'No, Neville' she thought "Let's the year start" muttered quietly.


He looked at her, something about her called him, but she had this determined expression, 'Kinda harsh of a 11 year old kid' but that made him more intrigued, she had barely talk a "Hi".

She was sitting in the same table as him but her eyes were in other place, her Y/e/c eyes were searching in the other tables and finally smiled a little.

'She's so pretty' he thought 'What?' He convinced himself to stop looking her so much and better to focus on whatever Ron was telling him.

While nodding to his friend made a mental note to say hi to the girl, he didn't remember her name only the 'Black' of the last name. 'Tomorrow' Then he putted his whole attention to Ron's conversation and asking to himself if he would be enough for that new magic world, were everyone seem to know him. Famous Harry Potter, "Yeah right," he muttered under his breath "Let's this year start"



Hi, me again.
You don't need to read this part lol I just want to accomplish the 666 words lmao
Drink water stay hydrated, Love yourself, Draw something funny
Ok that's it

• 666 Words•


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