The bittersweet news

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There were a few weeks before classes stared, everything seem nice and peaceful after that horrid year, Y/n have talked with her friends during the summer and making some plans for the holidays.

This day was not an especial one, just another sunny day with not clouds, how a pretty day like this one could end up a terrible one? Easy question, Y/n was in the library room when an owl delivered The daily Prophet, Remus wasn't at home so she went for the newspaper herself and just as a bucket of ice it hit her.

Sirius Black had escaped from Azkaban.

'No, oh no, no, no, why now? Everything was ok!'

In that moment a rush of desperate thoughts pass through her mind, 'How? Since when? Is he going to get caught soon?'

And the most important one, was he going to look for her?

It fell like an hour had passed already but it were just a few minutes when she realized she was looking at the wall with her mouth light opened, she ran to the nearest desk and write a few words to Remus and attached the newspaper to Toko, their owl, she was about to sent the letter when she head a voice in the lower floor.

"I'm back! And I have great news!" Remus yelled in a happy tone which made Y/n ask to herself 'Great news?' Have they captured her father already?

"I was about to send you a letter, what do you mean by 'great news'?" She asked when she got to the first floor.

"A letter? For what? You look like you just seen a boggart, is something wrong?" He said when he saw Y/n's worried face.

"Sirius Black escaped from Azkaban" she said in her most sharp tone.

A mixture of expressions passed trough his face, surprise astonishment, anger, and a moment it seem to be pain, but it was just a second so she must imagine it.

"What?" All the color in his face was almost gone, "I-" She handed him The Daily Prophet so he could read it, after he did she didn't waste a second to hug him, she knew this must be hard, reviving everything that had happened 12 years ago and how Sirius Black was too his best friend.

She weakly asked "Do you think... Do you think he will look for me?"

He took a minute and looking her in the eyes answered "I don't know, but even if he comes I'm not going to leave you, I'm not."

Y/n just nodded, then she stayed quiet until she asked again, "What were the great news you were about to say when you came?"

He smiled and with a tired expression answered "With all this I forgot for a moment, Dumbledore gave me a job"

"Really? For what?"

"Yeah, he offered me the the charge of teacher for defense against the dark arts and I said no, of course" he said with a warm smile.

"I can't believe you!" She said laughing.

"I said yes, come on, I thought you were smarter" he said rolling his eyes and a faint smile in his face.

"So... That means, I'm going to see you every day?" She asked with hope, maybe everything was not so bad.

"Yes... But I'll be there as your professor" said titling his head and Y/n thought how tired he looked.

After that she offer him to bake chocolate cookies together and with no doubt he accepted.


There wasn't too much time before The Ministry came to their house and stared to put security mesures to the house and telling them if they had any information 'Please contact us as fast as posible' and when they finally leave them alone, hundred maybe thousands letter from her best friends arrived, asking her if she was okay.

Of course she wasn't but she write them and answered their questions telling them that everything was completely fine.

Just in a blink, weeks became days and days in minutes, she was finally at the train, looking for her friends, Remus had take the last compartment, it was too early, none of her friends had arrive yet so she went back to Remus, she found him sleeping and with that she opened her new book and waited there, hoping that maybe this year would be better and not as shitty as the last two ones.



Hi, me again, you don't need to read this
thanks for reading, as you may know I'm still new at English so please let me know if I have any mistakes.

• 777 Words•

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