Chapter 9 - The mirror the witch and the wardrobe

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Aaron was sitting under a tree waiting for his next class to start, Flitwick had let them go early so he still got some time before his DADA class, and to reunite with his friends. Meanwhile he was alone and a little confused

The blond boy was thinking about his friends and that he was finally at Hogwarts again, away from his horrible family, and the best part was that Cassie was also here.

He was enjoying being with his friends again even tho Y/n seem a bit off. He couldn't blame her, the situation with Sirius Black was really tense, the only thing he could do was being by her side, Her, did he liked Y/n? She was his best friend, the fist one who had ever talk to him in the Hogwarts Express, and yes, they did joke about them being a couple all the 'Secret lovers' joke, because of the rivalry of their houses at the end of the day it was simply a joke.

Aaron did care about her enough to even feel protective towards her, but, when she was flying with Potter, he didn't feel any kind of jealousy, not even when she was half smiling with a little blush on her face at the raven haired boy.

And it was almost the same with Katarina, the difference was that he wasn't that close with her, Katarina was the sweetest girl but he didn't liked her more than a friend, so why, every-time he was going towards his friends he felt this nervousness, happiness and nausea at the same time.

It didn't make any sense

He checked the hour, 5 minutes late, 'sh*t'.

He took a small piece of parchment and wrote a short note 'I'm going to be late, cover me -A', he folded the paper and casted Transporti fuiegui, the paper immediately burnt in a purplish fire for less than a fraction of a second, and the message should be in Y/n's hand by now.

Flynt was the one who had teach him the spell, but he had warned Aaron that it was for extremely bad situations, naturally Aaron didn't listen and he used it for common stuff like message his friends, like right now.

Almost running he entered to the castle and five minutes later he was finally in there, the first thing he saw was Snape in grandma clothes with a big red bad and crazy hat, he didn't need to hold his laughter because everyone was already cracking up.

He stepped closer to his friends with the usual nervousness he was feeling lately .

"What are we- ha!- What are we doing?" He whispered chuckling

"Boggarts" Y/n answered smiling, it was nice seeing her smile more often. He waved at his other friends

"What's the counter-spell?" Aaron asked when he saw Weasley's giant spider.

"Riddikulus" She said shortly

"Oi!, I'm not ridiculous, I'm just asking"

"You bloody are, it's not riDiCulous it's RiddiKulus, it's the counter-spell"

"Oh, haha- sorry, I wonder what I fear..."

Phillip who was just besides him, started to push him towards the line, how he could be the next one, "Find out then!" even though Phillip was shorter than him, he took Aaron by surprise and there was no one to stop him. Katarina was looking suspiciously at Y/n, she was looking at Potter who was smiling. They had no clue.

"Hey! hE- nO, NO!" Aaron screamed, but Phillip pushed him a little farther and now Aaron was in front of the confused Boggart. All the attention was centered in him and... his parents

Aaron looked at them frightened 'Fuck, Phillip'

"Riddikulus!" he was no longer scared, he was mad. His parents stared to change to bright colors and disappear, Aaron didn't wait a second longer and stormed out of the line, to a corner of the classroom, away from his friends, away from Philip.

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⏰ Last updated: Apr 12 ⏰

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