Yeonjun*Cheater* 🚫💔

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A/n: before you read this I'm just letting you know there will be cheating in here I don't want any hate to anyone in the comments I promise your comment will be deleted.

I looked at the guy in front of me he was pretty good looking, I shook my head looking away "what am I doing here anyway I have a boyfriend" I groan rubbing my face I then felt a tap on my my shoulder I looked at the guy and seen he was really pretty "hello I'm Wooyoung what about you handsome" he sits next to me "I'm Y/n" I take a sip of my drink.

I felt his hand on my thigh he looks at me with a smile, I chuckled leaning close to his face "you just go right for it huh" he climbed into my lap I placed my hand on his waist "damn right now fuck me" I stand up kissing him making our way through the crowd of people.

I walked into the restroom while holing Wooyoung by his waist I kicked the door to the stall open then closed it. I pulled off his clothes along with mine. I pin him up against the wall of the stall.

Time skip to the morning

I groan waking up I looked around seeing that I was in a hotel. I looked down at the person laying down next to me, my heart dropped to my stomach when I didn't see Yeonjun. I hurried and got out of bed going to the bathroom taking a shower 'fuck, fuck no this isn't happening right now I didn't cheat please let this be a sick joke' I finished my shower running back to the room

Wooyoung wakes up then looks at me "good morning why are you getting dressed I was thinking we could-" I cut him off "no I shouldn't have even slept with you in the first place let's not talk to each other okay this whole thing was a mistake I have a boyfriend" Wooyoung looks at me with a frown face "b-but you were my first time" my eyes widen 'what the hell!!' I put on my shoes "I'm sorry but I love my boyfriend" I walked out of the room.

I bit my nails walking back to the bar feeling sick 'i love Yeonjun how could I do that to him fuck I can't tell him but it will wrong not to tell him fuck, damn it!!" I got into the car driving back to my apartment that I shared with Yeonjun.

Once I was there I sat in the car for a few minutes then sighed getting out. I walked to the apartment walking in once I open the door. I kicked off my shoes walking into the living seeing him asleep on the couch cuddling a pillow while in my hoodie. I felt a stab to my heart. I go to the kitchen washing my hands cooking for my lovely boyfriend. I felt arms wrap around me hugging me tightly "good morning I waited for you last night how was your time with your friends" I smile.

"Oh it was fine nothing special just them getting drunk and doing stupid stuff" I chuckled then turned around kissing him "I love you so much baby" he giggles hugging me "I know you do silly now hurry it up I'm hungry" he kissed me walking to the table. I had finish cooking then made him a plate placing it in front of him "thank you baby I love your cooking so much" he says looking adorable I kissed his cheek "you are so adorable and sexy in my hoodie" he smirks gripping my shirt.

"Mmm I'm really hungry for something else" he raised up my hoodie that he had on I looked down seeing that he didn't have on any underwear I smirked "now I'm mad at myself for not coming home" he giggles bending over on the table "it's fine daddy just fuck me hard and I'll forgive you" I pulled off my clothes rubbing my dick against his hole "oh you stretched yourself out for me such a good boy" I slammed my dick into his ass. Yeonjun yelped scratching the the table "fuck daddy you start off so rough" he moans.

A/n: my dyslexic ass always get stretch and scratch mixed up so sorry if they are ever in the wrong place.

"Well you are the one that said to" I chuckled. "well how about I treat this ass to a nice good fuck~" Yeonjun moans "ahh~ oh yeah I'll like that mmm fuck me" I would begin to thrust in and out of him. Yeonjun would start moaning more. I would thrusting faster as I looked into his eyes. Yeonjun moans loudly "ahh~ fuck yes" he says while wrapping his arms around my neck. I would get rougher and deeper as my balls slapped against his ass.

"You look so sexy with my dick inside you~" I moaned from tight he was "Oh! My god yes baby you're pounding my ass so good" Yeonjun was making lewd faces and I loved them. I pulled Yeonjun up by his hair as I continued to pound his asshole. "how much do you love me pounding that fat tight ass of yours" I asked smirking "Oh god I love the way your long thick big cock pounds my ass, fuck, oh yeah!!" Yeonjun would continue to moan loudly.

I would get even rougher with him as the room filled with loud slapping noise from my did pounding his ass. Yeonjun screams his moans and my name "fuck! Ahh! Mmm! Daddy yes like that Y/n yes my ass feels so good!" I would go as wild and as rough as he could go for a hour straight before I unleashed the biggest load of cum I've had. I come inside of him. Yeonjun had released his load onto his stomach he had his eyes rolled back shaking, twitching and his tongue hanging out of his mouth.

I pulled out breathing heavy "fuck" I said sitting down on the chair. "W-wow b-baby i-i can't feel my hips and legs" he giggled, I chuckled standing up picking him up "that's good then" he laughed wrapping his arms around me "I love you Y/n so much" I felt a sting to my heart.

I placed him down in the tub pulling off my hoodie turning on the water. Let his wash off first while I put on a movie so we can watch it together. I would help him get dressed once he was done. I took my shower then got dressed.

While we were watching the movie the events from last night came to my head. "Baby can we talk" he pause the movie looking at me "sure baby what's up" he asked I looked down not being able to look him in the eyes "I-i u-um I ch-" I sighed "you what baby" he asked cupping my cheeks "I cheated" I said.

He didn't move I didn't either. It was quiet really quiet "l-last n-night right" he sounds like he was already in tears it broke me hearing him like this "y-yeah h-how did you know" he chuckled "not everyone comes home smelling like soap after drink with their friends and have a hickey on their neck" he chuckled again that's when I seen it a tear dropped down on my leg.

That was it I cried "baby please don't leave me it was a mistake I promise I didn't feel anything that night it was just a one time thing I promise please, please Yeonjun I'm begging you don't leave me I don't know what I would do without you" I cried hugging him I felt him rub my back softly.

"I love you so much Y/n I really do I'm just really confused and scared, what if you do this again, what if it becomes a habit" I shook my head "Yeonjun baby please I promise I felt sick to my stomach knowing what I did please baby I promise please don't leave Yeonjun I'll die if you leave me" I pats my head "Y/n look at me" I let go of his slowly.

I looked at him seeing his face with tears "one more chance" he said my tears were none stop I nod "I promise I'll never hurt you again baby".

And that was the truth I proposed to him later in the future and we got married.

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⏰ Last updated: Nov 19, 2021 ⏰

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