Seonghwa *My Vampire*🚫❤

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A/n: thank you for requesting mxnghaoo!! Ahh!! I love vampires.

Y/n was feeding on a random human in the ally way, Seonghwa just lean against the wall of the building waiting for his vampire boyfriend to finish feeding, Seonghwa always asked himself if he was worth drinking from, or if the vampire loved him, did his blood not smell good.

Seonghwa sighed when he heard his boyfriend dropped the body "I'm finished love" Seonghwa nods and walked into the ally and pour gasoline on the dead body and lights a match and throws is on the body and walks out of the allie and stood next to his boyfriend.

"I love you my dear human" Seonghwa blushed and looks away "i-i'm love you to" Y/n wraps his arm around Seonghwa waist, the couple walks past a drunk man and he bumps into Seonghwa, Y/n eyes turns red he let's go of Seonghwa waist and grabbed the guy by the shirt "you asshole you bumped into my boyfriend" The man chuckled "Y/n put him down he didn't mean it look I fine"

"Wait I know I'm piss drunk but he's hot" Seonghwa eyes widen "that's it your head is mine" You punched him in the face and braking it and having him fly from your grip "filthy human" The man lands on the ground not moving "Y/n you didn't have to kill him" Seonghwa said going over to the man but you picked him bride style "your my human not anyone else he's not dead his face is just broken" He blushed and lay in your chest.

The next day

"Seonghwa my mother wants to meet you" Seonghwa sits down in your lap for some reason he was only in a shirt, you just shrugged it off and hold him by his hips "really that's wonderful" He says with a closed eyes smile "that's good to hear I know that she will love you" You smile showing your fangs and Seonghwa shivers "I want to know how they feel in my neck, or on my thighs, why won't he use me" Seonghwa gets off of your lap and walks away "what's wrong" You asked "I need to use the bathroom" And he disappear into the hallway.

"I need to think of something" Seonghwa looked at himself in the mirror and just looked at himself "what will get his attention, cut myself on accident no he'll lose his shit if he sees a small cut on me, just tell him no that's embarrassing, have another vampire try and bite me then he'll kill him, but that one seems like the only good plan" Seonghwa runs out of the bathroom and into you shared room and puts on some pants.

"I'm going out" You dashed over to him "I'm going with you" Your eyes turned red "ok let's go" The both of you put on your shoes and leave.

While walking down the street you felt tired "the sun is killing me human" Seonghwa chuckled "you didn't have to come, and it's not even that hot" He says looking at the stores "let's take a brake" He takes your hand and pulls you to a cafe.

"Why a cafe you know I hate coffee" You groan while sitting down "well your out of the sun and in air conditioning" You grumble something under your breathe and Seonghwa chuckled.

Seonghwa stands up and walked to the long line, another vampire stands behind him and you raised your eyebrow "he better no try anything funny" As if the vampire heard you he smirked and placed his hand on Seonghwa's waist and tilted his neck to the side and kissed his neck, you stand up but he was already out of the door with Seonghwa "fucking bitch I'm going to kill him" You ran out of the cafe and following them into the woods.

He stops "well, well, if it isn't Y/n " The vampire said holding Seonghwa you glare at him with your blood red eyes "Y/n" Seonghwa whimper "you know it's against the rules to be with a human they are nothing but food how would father react to this" You clinched your fist controlling your anger "but I see why you keep this human he's quite beautiful, why don't you share with your brother" You dashed at him and punched him in the face sending this flying into the trees and letting of Seonghwa.

"He's mine, my human, no one else's, I don't GIVE A DAMN WHAT THAT SORRY OF AN EXCUSE OF A FATHER THINKS I disowned all of you decades ago" You grabbed Seonghwa by the waist and kissed him he moans and you pull away "your lucky I didn't take your head on second thought" You walked over to your brother and picked him up by his head "I will not have mercy everyone keeps messing with my human" You ripped off his head "we're going home" You picked up Seonghwa and he wrapped his legs around your waist.


You open the door while having a heated make out session with Seonghwa, you open and Seonghwa your eyes "your eyes they aren't back to normal" You growled tilting his head to the side and kissing his neck and dragging your fangs against it "ahh~ w-what are you doing" You held his waist tightly "this is what you wanted right my human, for me to feed on you" Seonghwa blushed and became shy "how did you know" He asked "my silly human did you forget that I have good hearing" Seonghwa gasped.

"Now let me feed I'm still pissed off" Seonghwa nods and tilts his head to the side more, you licked his neck and all types of shivers were going down Seonghwa's spine, you bite down softly making sure that he felt only pleasure and not pain "ahh Y/n" Seonghwa moans biting his lip, you drink his blood slowly Seonghwa started to get turned on "ah take me" You pulled away from his neck and pulled off his shirt along with yours you bite down on his side and he scratched your back.

You pulled of both of your pants and boxers and you jerked Seonghwa off a little, biting on his neck and drinking blood from there, you pulled away and went lower and licked his thighs "bite me more" You smirked "I don't wat to drain you out" He glared up at you shrugged and bite into his left thigh and you moan at the taste of his hot blood, you switch to his right thigh and bite on it, Seonghwa was dripping with pre cum.

"My human I want to fuck you now" Seonghwa bites his lip and nods, you enter your tip and he moans loudly, you kissed him and kissed down his neck and biting it not drinking any of his blood though you shoved the rest your dick into his hole and he scratched your back again "I told you to stop doing that I can't sit on my ass right" He moans and glares at your smiling face.

"Ohh yes like the Y/n" Seonghwa moans into the kiss while you pounding in and out of him "fuck Seonghwa you sound so pretty" You grabbed his hips and started going faster and deeper. Seonghwa moans loudly and grabs you and bites your shoulder and screams into your shoulder when you would hit his prostate.

"Oh yes Y/n" He yells and rolled his eyes back and bites his lip you slapped his ass and he moans louder "Your my human" You started going faster and deeper again. Seonghwa cums without even realizing it.

"Look at that you came" You say still thursting in and out of his hole Seonghwa shivers in pleasure "kiss me" You did as he said and kissed him, you felt close, you thurst faster and you cum deep inside of Seonghwa.

"Your mine Park Seonghwa never for get that" You lay next to him and pulled him into your chest and kissed his forehead "I know Y/n and I will be forever" He smiles and cuddles into your chest.

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