Yunho *Best Friends*🚫❤

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A/n: request by DaddyJihoon

"YUNHO YOU ASSHOLE GIVE MY COOKIE BACK" Y/n ran after his best friend "COME AND GET IT SHORTY" Y/n grow angry, he was only one inche shorter then him "YOUR ASS IS MINE" Y/n speeds up and tackle Yunho. They fall to the ground Y/n was on top of Yunho with his arms by Yunho head and Yunho legs were opened and Y/n between then they were also kissing.

Y/n opened his eyes first and seen that Yunho had his closed tightly, Y/n pulls away first "I'm sorry" He gets up quickly "you can have the cookie I have to get home" Y/n runs out of the backyard and into the house grabbing his stuff and leaving.

Yunho had a huge blush on his face, the touched his lips he's always liked his best friend, well he's always been in love with Y/n he just never showed it because he was his best friend, he thought at first they were just silly feeling whenever you think you like your best friend and they will go away soon but the didn't they stayed and grow. Yunho looks down sad "he doesn't like me I should have known" He chuckled and clinched his fist "stupid" He runs up to his room and cried his eyes out. (I would jump off a bridge if I ever made him cry)

It was now morning Yunho woke up a bit early so that he could leave for school early, not wanting to run into his best friend that he's head over heels for, Yunho gets out of bed and gets ready for school.

He looks at his phone and seen nothing on his phone only like notifications from random apps, Yunho sighed and put his phone in his back pocket not before turning it off and leaving his house.

"Why did I fall for him again" He asked no one. He did an over exaggerating sigh like in animes "you were so cool when we were kids I thought you were like the most amazing person I ever seen, then as we got older you gotten more handsome and cooler and as we got to know each other through the years I fell for you even more" Yunho felt his heart sank a little and tears in his eyes.

He shook his head and collected himself " Yunho you are not going to cry just get over him" Yunho finally arrived at school and he seen his friends you were there which was good "hey Yunho" Mingi said smiling at his friend "hey guys" They looked around Yunho "um where's your other half" Yunho flinched when they mention you "YUNHO YOU DIDN'T WAKE ME UP" You yelled and it was early in the morning "oh I forgot I have homework to finish bye guys" He ran off into the school and his friends looked at him confused but also worried.


The whole day Yunho has been avoiding you, in class he would sit in the very front away from you and your friends, at lunch he wasn't nowhere to be seen, next class he wasn't there and it worried you. You decided to check the nurses office.

"Excuse me has a student by the name of Jeong Yunho checked in" She points to the section he was in you walked over and seen him on his side asleep "he must have stayed up late last night" You sighed and shook your head, you walked over to him and covered him up "um could you keep an eye on him I have a meeting" You nodded and sat at the end of the bed.

Yunho was starting to wake up, he looked to the foot of the bed and seen you "what are you doing here" He asked in a whisper "Yunho I know that you like me" He looks at you with widen eyes "how-" You kissed him and he was shocked "because you can't hide things from me we are stuck with each other" You said and he blushed.

"You looked like and idiot yesterday" He pouted "that's no how you tell someone you like them asshole" You chuckled and pinned him to the bed "but I'm going to fuck yours" Yunho's face was in flames "n-no n-not here what if she comes back" He looks to the nurse desk you shrugged and started taking off his clothes.

"Y/n w-wait this is embarrassing" You kissed down his chest and he bit his hand trying not to moan, you bit on his nipple softly "mmh" He moans and you smirked "for someone who really doesn't want to do it you sure are moaning pretty" He looks away from you and you chuckled.

You take off your clothes and Yunho bites his lip looking down at your size "Jesus Christ" He says you laughed a little "it's ok Yunho I'll make sure everything fits" He blushed redder "be gentle it's my first time" You kissed him and he kissed back "I can't make any promises" Y/n licks his fingers made sure they were nice and wet, he thusrt his finger into Yunho "ow" Y/n looks up at Yunho to make sure he's alright "you ok" He nods with his blushing face. Once Y/n was sure Yunho was stretched out he took out his fingers.

Y/n had his tip at Yunho ass "I'm putting it in" He thusrt his dick inside of him in one go, Yunho He let out a loud moan and winced. He was bigger than he thought and he wasn't used to his size. Y/n pplaced Yunho leg on his shoulder and thusrt into him. Yunho gripped the sheets of the bed and let out a loud moan. He arched his back.

Y/n speeds and jerks him off."Y/n~" he moaned even louder and felt his eyes roll back. Y/n stops jerking him off and did thusrt that had him bearly pulling out and slamming back into him hitting his prostate. Yunho started moaning uncontrollably "fuck me Y/n~"He thusrt in and out of him harshly, Y/n wrapped his hand around Yunho neck Yunho was shocked but he got turned on even more.

Yunho wrapped a leg around him trying to get him to go deeper as he moaned his name over and over again. Y/n goes deeper and let's out a breath because of the pleasure of Yunho clenching around him. "Oh fuck" He groaned and pounded getting even more turned on because of Yunho sweet moans.

"God your gonna make me cum Y/n~" Yunho moaned out loud enough for the students to hear. "I'm not even close yet" Y/n says with a breathe chuckled be put his thumb on Yunho's tip."Please let me cum Y/n I'll be a good boy I promise!~"

Y/n almost let go, Y/n want him to whimper and beg just a little more. Yunho couldn't take it anymore. He needed to cum so badly "please, please Y/n let me cum!~" He was satisfied with this and moved his thumb. Yunho immediately came all over his chest with a loud moan "oh god" He moans.

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