Taehyun *Crush*

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"TAEHYUN WAIT" Taehyun looks back and sees a tall male with brown/blond/dyed hair running up to him. Once the male was in front of him he blushed madly "y-yes h-hyung" Taehyun looked everywhere else other then the boy in front of him "I have two tickets to the movies later today and I wanted to know is you would come with me" Taehyun felt a leap in his chest.

Taehyun was melting in his shoes and his crush is finally asking him out "it sucks that the girl I was going to take turned me down, so I decided to ask a friend and you were the first that came to mind" Taehyun felt like his world came down.

"Y-you asked someone else" "Yeah it was a dare anyway, everyone knows that I have my eyes on someone else" You smiled at him and chuckled, Taehyun felt hope out of all the people in this school he could be the one you like. "Ok I'll see you tonight hyung" Taehyun looked up at you with a big smile. "Be ready at 8:00" You ran off to your next class.

Time skip

"Now take off your glasses" Yeonjun said, Taehyun did as he was told "Beomgyu give me the contacts'' Beomgyu hands the contacts over to Yeonjun "hyung I asked you to help pick out an outfit not a whole new makeover" Taehyun pouted. Yeonjun finished putting in the contacts ''I don't know what you mean" Yeonjun says and walks over to Taehyun closet and pulls out black jeans and a black shirt "hyung could we add a little color to it" Yeonjun shook his head.

"Black is good and it helps bring out all that goodness you have" Yeonjun hands over the clothes to Taehyun and pushes him over to the bathroom.

Taehyun takes a 20 minute shower, brushes his teeth, and gets dressed. He walls out of the bathroom and heard clapping "now you're hair-" Taehyun shook his head "I want to at least have a little of myself" Yeonjun crossed his arms over his chest and poured Beomgyu chuckle at his hyung.

The time was now 7:59 and there was a knock at Taehyun's front door. "Go on '' Yeonjun and Beomgyu said together. Taehyun gulped and walked to the door "w-who is it?" He asked the person behind the door chuckle "it's me Tae Y/n" Taehyun opened the door and his eyes almost fell out of his head. Yeonjun and Beomgyu both gulped "you look really good Tae tho I like you with your cute glasses but you still look good" Y/n said with a smile and a little pink on his cheeks.

"Well let's get going the movie is going to start in a few" Yeonjun and Beomgyu came from behind the stairs "take care of our Taehyun" Beomgyu said and Yeonjun nods agreeing "go away" Taehyun said. Y/n chuckled and rubbed the back of his neck "you got it" Y/n grabbed Taehyun's hand and pulled him over to his motorcycle.

After the movie

Both boys were laughing and having a good time till they looked at their phones and seen that their parents were texting and calling them "my mom is calling me" Taehyun said looking at his phone "my pa is calling" They both answer their phones "Y/N WHERE THE HELL ARE YOU IT'S 2:00 IN THE MORNING" "KANG TAEHYUN IT'S LATE AT NIGHT WHERE COULD YOU BE" Both males sighed.

"Mom I'm out with a friend" Taehyun says "pa I'm on a date" Taehyun choked on air he hit his chest "honey are you ok what's wrong" Taehyun tried to talk but chough. Y/n chuckled and patted Taehyun back "A DATE ARE YOU KIDDING ME Y/N TAKE TAEHYUN HOME NOW AND GET YOUR ASS HOME" Your dad yells and you hold the phone from your ears with a smile.

"Ok love you to pa" "Honey get home safely ok" Y/n hangs up his phone and looks over to Taehyun.

"I will mom love you" Taehyun hangs up and sighed.

"Sorry if I didn't ask if this could be a date I just thought you liked me" Y/n says a little sad "no no no you got it wrong.... I mean.... I like you.... Umm you.... I .....you like" Y/n kisses Taehyun cheeks and ears were red, Taehyun closed his eyes and kissed back and rested his hands on your chest.

Both boys pull away from the kiss "sorry you said you like me so I just took the opportunity" Y/n smiles and looks down at Taehyun lips and bit his own. Taehyun slowly opens his eyes "could I do it again" Taehyun nods and Y/n kisses him again. Taehyun hooks one arm over your neck and kisses back.

"Will...... You..... Be my...... Boy.... Friend" Y/n said between the kisses. They pull away once again and Taehyun nods.

"I think we should get going, you're mom sounded worried and my pa sounds like he's going to kill me" Taehyun chuckled and kissed your cheek.

At Taehyun house

"Hyung thank you for tonight.... I can't believe you actually like me back.... This is like a dream come true... I" You kiss him again "you really over think a lot" He blushes and looks down. You grab his chin and lift his head so that he meets your eyes "I love it, it's cute" He smiles and blushes.

"Can you kiss me before I leave?" He asked shyly, you nodded and pressed your lips together and let go of his chin and grabbed his waist pulling him closer and he wrapped both of his arms around your neck to deepen the kiss.

You both pulled away and opened your eyes looking each other in the eyes smiling "good night Tae" You said "goodnight hyung"

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