Wooyoung *I Love You* 2

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Warning!!!!!: before you continue this will have death in it.

You were asleep in the hospital bed, Wooyoung was by your bed side holding your hand asleep in the bed with you "look at them" Hiroshi said to Hongjoong "they look so peaceful" Hongjoong smiles at the two and Hiroshi nods "we should leave just in case they wake up" Hongjoong nods and Hiroshi opens the door and Hongjoong walks out first.

Hiroshi looks at you and Wooyoung one more time and smiles at both you, he closed the door and walked away.

You wake up a few hours later with a groan, Wooyoung wakes up when he heard you groan "baby" He said hugging you and you returned the hug "w-why, d-didn't you tell me" He cried in your shoulder "I didn't know about this either" You said hugging him tight.

Wooyoung sniffles and holds onto you "I love you don't leave me" He cried you kissed his cheek "I love you Wooyoung" You whispered.

Three weeks later

You were released from the hospital you even gained your weight back and you were walking on your own. Wooyoung ran up to you and jumps on you wrapping his arms and legs around you "I missed you" he said and you chuckled "I missed you more" Hiroshi walks over to you and put chef your arm "welcome back" You nods and smile at him.

Wooyoung was clinging to you, Hongjoong walks over to you "he wouldn't stop talking about coming to see you" You chuckled and patted Wooyoung's back, you put him down and looked at everyone your whole team was there and all of ATEEZ. You got on your hands and knees bowing to them they were shocked.

"I want to thank you all for giving me another chance at life i-i'm so grateful" You cried and wiped your face "thank you so much" A few cried and some tried not to cry "damn it dude don't cry or, or" You're team mate cries also. You sit up and then got on one knee turning to Wooyoung "Wooyoung I want to marry you" His eyes widen his tears were like a water fall because he was already crying.

You reached in your pocket and pulled out a box and opened it showing a beautiful diamond ring "so?" He nods his head fast "of course I'll marry you" He hugs you and kisses you, he pulls away and you slide the ring on his finger and he cried harder.

"This is amazing" You whispered into Wooyoung ear and he hugs you tightly. You pulled away from the hug and smile at him.

1 year later

You and Wooyoung were getting ready for your big day. Wooyoung was freaking out his younger brother was trying to calm him down and his mom "honey everything is fine he loves you" She said grabbing his hands "yeah hyung Y/n hyung really loves you" Wooyoung smiles down at his brother. He started crying "yeah I know he does" The door opens and Wooyoung older brother walks in "now, now what are you crying you aren't at the altar yet" Wooyoung eyes widen he runs over to his brother hugging him.

"Your here" He cried more and his brother hugged "of course I am it's your big day, when you told me about you getting married last year I've been working harder just to come see you". Soon Wooyoung was smiling and not crying anymore, he had on a white tux and Vail on his head his mom gave him the flowers and covers her mouth smiling " You look beautiful" Wooyoung hugs her "well let's go" His brother said holding out his hand and he took it.

Wooyoung had his left arm linked with his brother and his right one linked with his father. He smiles at both of them not wanting to cry and mess up his makeup. You stood at the altar with a smile in your face "don't pee yourself" Hiroshi whispered to you "after my wedding I'm slapping the shit outta you" He said and Hiroshi chuckled.

Wooyoung was now in front of you, you bow to his father and brother they give you Wooyoung's hands. Wooyoung live quiver a little you looked him in the eyes "I love you" You whispered he nods. The pastor announces that you can kiss Wooyoung you spin Wooyoung around and pulled him into a kiss and he kissed back happily.

2 years later

You wake up next to your husband and smile down at him, Wooyoung felt you move and wakes up looking up at you and smiles also "morning beautiful" You said and kissed him he smiles bigger "morning handsome" You chuckled and sighed "I have a game today" He kissed you "I'm off today so I can watch you" You nodded.

You were driving to the stadium that you would be playing at, you and Wooyoung were holding hands while he was texting his members. You parked and get out walking into the stadium and was greeted by your team. "Hey the married couple is here" you rolled you're eyes "ok guy warm up the game starts in a hour.

You were dribbling the ball you felt dizzy you crossed the person that was blocking you went for the hoop you jumped but it felt like you didn't even leave the floor. You're legs felt numb you blood leaves your nose and you fall to the ground, Wooyoung, your coach and the referee run over to you " Y/n, Y/n baby can you hear me" You looked at him and it was blurry "baby look at me don't close your eyes" You closed you're eyes "please god!!, someone call the hospital" Wooyoung holds you in his arms crying.

"How is he" They asked the doctor and he shook his head "somehow the cancer came back" He spoke and their eyes widen "WHAT I THOUGHT YOU GOT EVERYTHING" Hongjoong said San tired to calm him down but he didn't listen "we did these thing just happens" He sighed "I'm sorry but he isn't going to make it" The doctor bowed and leaves.

"Where's Wooyoung" They walked into your room and seen Wooyoung crying by your side "you can't leave me Y/n I wouldn't be able to live without you" He cried. After a hour everyone leaves, Wooyoung walks to the door and locks it he turns off the lights and walks over to the bag "Y/n I can't live without you" He takes out a razor and walks over to the bed and climbs in.

He holds your hand it was cold he pulls the blanket over the both of you and lays in your chest he cuts one of his wrists the he cuts the other making sure that they were deep he sighed and closed his eyes. You're heart monitor was beeping fast, Wooyoung was bleeding out a lot. The nurses and doctors banging on the door, you're monitor goes flat line and Wooyoung takes his last breath.

The door opens the doctors and nurses looks at you and Wooyoung with sad looks.

News: today the famous basketball player Kim Y/n was announced dead, but what's even more shocking kpop idol Jung Wooyoung was also found dead next to Kim Y/n.they just recently married two years ago - 

The tv shuts off the ATEEZ members and your team both were shocked "Wooyoung" Mingi said "I knew it, we shouldn't have left him" Hongjoong said standing up "they are happy together" Yeosang said everyone looks at him he had tears rolling down his face "they are together"

You and Wooyoung take each other's hands and smiles at each other and kissed, a light appears the both of you looked at it and back to each other "I love you Wooyoung" He holds your hand tightly "I love you Y/n" You run into the light together holding hands.

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