Yeosang *Best friend anniversary*

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A/n: requested by @yeoshwa

Yeosang wakes up in Y/n bed but in his arms he smiles "hey Y/n time to wake up" Y/n groans and turns over letting go og Yeosang. Yeosang chuckles and kicks Y/n out of the bed "you loser" Y/n said while getting up "but you still love me" Yeosang gets out of bed also "sadly ,i don't know who has such an abusive best friend" Yeosang chuckles and pulls off his shirt and putting on a different shirt.

"I am not abusive i just like hitting you" you get dressed in your outfit for today "what are we even doing today" Yeosang put on his pants and looks over at you "just hanging out like we always do" Yeosang nods and they leaves Y/n room and walks downstairs "morning you to" Y/n mom says smiling "morning mom wheres the old man at" you looked around for your dad "he's with your grandma" you nod "morning Mrs. Yang" she smile at Yeosang "morning honey" she placed the plates on the table.


"So where are we going first" Yeosang looks up at you "well since we ate breakfast that crossed food off the list lets go to the arcade" You smiled down at him and grabs his hand and Yeosang blushed and followed you. You made it to the arcade you paid for the both of you. You dragged him over to a game it was a racing game "loser has to by the winner whatever they want" Yeosang said you nodded "yea get ready to lose babe" Yeosang looks over at you and you were looking at the screen and the game started.

"You know i'm in the lead right" Yeosang shakes his head with a blush on his face and you had a blush also "did he say what i think he said or am i just imagining things" Yeosang focused on the game but looks at you a few more times. You had a smirk planted on your face and and looked at him.

The end of the game you end up winning because Yeosang was really lost in his thoughts "Yeosang did you hear me" he turns and looks up at you "oh sorry what was it" you sighed but then smile "i said that i wanted the new game that just came out" he glared up at you "you've got to be kidding that cost to much" you shrugged "not my problem you lost" he crossed his arms and rolled his eyes "whatever"

"Can you believe it this was the last one and i got it" looks down at his wallet and pouted "my moms going to kill me" he cried "next part of our date" you grabbed his hand and pulled him along "wait what did you say" his heart was beating fast " our hang out" you said calmly and pretending you didn't just say date. Yeosang was sure that he heard you say date.

You ran over to a flower shop you had Yeosang grabs a few drinks "hello could i have a few rose and daisies" the worked nods and went to get the flowers, they come back and hand them to you you paid for them and started making a flower crown. Once you were finished making the crown you had a few flowers left over you walked out if the shop and ran over to the store and Yeosang comes out of the store you get in front of his scaring him a little bit "you scared me" he chuckles and placed a hand over his chest "sorry" you smiled and placed the crown on his head he felt his head and blushed.

You take out your phone and take a few pictures of him he tried to hide but it didn't work "T-thank you here's your drink" He hands you your drink and you take it "thanks" You smiled more " You beautiful" He blushed more " I think flower crowns looks amazing on you" He cover his face " Y/n stop it" He whines "why I'm only telling the truth my mom told me to never lie" He puts his hands on his hips "dude but you lied about scratching your dads car" You sweat dropped at this " I told you to keep that a secret " He giggles.

Now you were at the last part of your date- I mean hang out. You and Yeosang were in the park walking around eating ice cream "did you like today" You asked since you were self-conscious about this whole thing "yes it was amazing, thank you for today Y/n I loved it" You blushed and bite your lip "do you know what today is Yeosang" He stops eating and frowned "I do" He smiles again "did be do all this just because it's our anniversary, I guess I shouldn't have thought for this to be more than that" He eats his ice cream trying not to cry.

"Happy best friend anniversary, but I want to tell you something else" You grabbed his hand so that he stops walking and you turn him around so that he was looking at you "I'm in love with you Yeosang, you know me I'm not good when it comes to romance type things but I did all of this for you if I had more money I would have did way more i-" He stands on his Yeosang and kissed your forehead you were shocked "thank you, I love you to Y/n more than just friends" You interlock your your fingers with his.

"Will you be my boyfriend Yeosang" Yeosang face was really red and his heart was beating out of his chest he smiles and nods "yes I'll love to be your boyfriend Y/n" You kissed his forehead and he he hugged and hides in your chest you chuckled at his cuteness "I love you" He says into your chest "I love you to"

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