Yeosang *Neko*❤🚫

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A/n: requested by yuyaistic-

"Y/n look look I washed the dishes  brrreaking any" You chuckled and walked into the kitchen and seen that was clean "wow kitten you did great" You scratch behind Yeosang ear "prrrrr more pleaseeee prrrr" I scratched behind his ear more "purr Y/n~" You stopped when you hear you phone ring "I'm sorry Yeosang I have to take this " He nods and sits next to you and waits .

You looked down and seen that it was your brother Hongjoong you answered "yes" You asked bored "you don't have to be so rude I'm older then you I hope you know" He yelled "and I'm taller then you" You chuckled "anyway I was calling to tell you that the family wants us to all to spend the day together" You groan not wanting to "Can you just-" He cuts you off "nope I tried, mom said even if your dying we're spending the day together, or she will come to your house and stay there for two months" Y/n shivers just thinking about his mom staying with him "ok tell her I'll be there" Hongjoong chuckled "alright bye" He hangs up and you sighed.

"Y/n needs pets" Yeosang rubs against you and his ears twitch and he purred softly, you chuckled and picked him up "I didn't finish getting you your pets" He smiles and wraps his legs around your waist and hugs you. (I'm soft 🥺)

You and Yeosang were in the living watching tv, Yeosang was in your lap in a ball soon he started to feel a little weird he just ignored it he closed his eyes resting. You looked down at him and smiles 'he's so adorable' you pet his ear and he moans in his sleep you blushed.

You pet behind his ear again and he moans again, you like hearing him moan, you looked down at his tail and bite your lip 'no Y/n you pervert' you reached for his tail and grabs it softly. Yeosang shivers in pleasure.

Yeosang opens his eyes and looks at his tail then you and blushed "what are you doing" He said with his heart beating fast "um" He smiles "it's fine I'm glad you like my tail" He wraps his tail around your arm "if you want to touch it then just ask me Y/n" He giggles and closed his eyes again.

Yeosang felt a wave of heat hits him he he was burning up. He gets up and walks to your room "what's wrong" He shook his head "it's nothing I have to us the bathroom" He hurried into your room and and gets into the bed and moans quietly "you stupid heat you come while he's home" He moans he pulls down his boxers and grabs his dick and jerks it off.

You were getting a little worried since Yeosang it's been 15 minutes since he has left, you get up and walked to the bathroom but stopped by your room when you hear moaning you put your ear on the door and smirked you started getting hard "Y/n~" Yeosang moans and your groan, you open the door and walked in.

You got into the bed and hovered over him he was shocked "Y-Y/n what are you doing" He ask out of breath "your in heat" He nods Yeosang brain was starting to become foggy. He turns around on to his stomach and pushed his ass on your dick "help me out master" He drool feeling your dick.

"I never knew you had a side like this to you" You unbutton your pants and pull them down with your boxers, you thrust a finger in Yeosang and was shock he was really wet "do I even have to stretch you" He moans softly into the bed "no master I want you" Y/n holds Yeosang hips he shoved his dick into his hole and not giving him time to adjust and fucks him.

He let out a loud moan and clung to bed. Yeosang didn’t hold back and let out a moan turning you on more, Y/n thusrt harder and hitting Yeosang special spot inside of Yeosang. He arched back as he drools with a loud moan and tightens up around you, You feel him tighten around your dick but you keep fucking him and going faster.

He let out another moan and clung to the bed while he buried his face into Pillow and cums, you were breathing heavily and cum inside of Yeosang, you pulled out and he gets on top of you and lay in your chest "that was embarrassing" He has a blush on his face you chuckled "that was fun, you were really loud I think the neighbors might have heard you"

He hides in your chest "don't say things like that" You hugged him and smiles. He yawned and you did also "goodnight Y/n" You kissed his ear "good night Yeosang.


Your mother bangs on the front, you opened your eyes and looked down at Yeosang and smiled " Y/NN OPEN THE DOOR RIGHT NOW OR I WILL KICK IT DOWN" You jumped up and Yeosang falls off of you, you put on some pants and run to the door "Mom what are you doing here" She glared up at you and grabs you're ear "you little jerk what did I tell you we were having a family gathering and you didn't come" You tried to pull away but she had a deadly grip on your ear.

"I'm sorry I slept in please let go of my ear" Yeosang comes out of the room with just your shirt on "Mrs. Kim please don't hurt him" She looks up at Yeosang and awe at him "you have a neko WHY DIDN'T YOU TELL ME" She let's go of you and runs over to Yeosang hugging him "you are to adorable" Yeosang hugs her back and smiled "that you Mrs. Kim" You closed the door and hold on to your ear "yeah my ear is perfectly fine thanks for asking"

A/n: it took forever but I got it up sorry for the wait, I'm accepting request again.

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