Yeosang *Jealousy* 🚫❤

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A/n: requested by yuyaistic-

It was Ateez's day off. They deserve one for all their hard work. You were on you're way to their dorm with food that you made, you couldn't wait to hold and cuddle your boyfriend, you checked in with the security and walked to their dorm and knocked on the door, the door open as soon as you picked up the bag, Yeosang hurried and pulled you into a hug.

"I missed you '' You chuckled and kissed his cheek "I missed you baby" Mingi comes and grabs the food "hey Y/n '' He jogs away with the food, Yeosang jumps on you wapping his legs around you.

You chuckled again and walked into the dorm closing the door behind you and take off your shoes walking into the living room and sit next to Hongjoong "hee Joong" He looks up from his phone and seen how Yeosang was cling to you, he takes a picture "for someone to be so savage you sure are a cutie" Yeosang hides in your neck and you couldn't help but laugh. You're phone dings, you take it out and read the message.

Let's prank that boyfriend of yours 😆😂

Yunho if it's something bad I swear to God

It's nothing bad calm down, let's make him jelly

You just love messing with my baby don't you?

Yes, yes I do so are you in?

You sighed looking down at your boyfriend.

Sure as much as I don't want to.

That's was all it took "Y/n hyung you didn't give me a hug" Yunho whines and pulls Yeosang off of you "Yunho late time I checked he's my boyfriend" Yeosang said glaring at him "so he's my hyung" He hugs you and you hugged back "it's ok baby it's just a hug" You let go of Yunho and he sits next to you.

An hour later you were talking and laughing with Yunho and Yeosang was right next to the both of you "baby" He said you didn't listen and laughed loudly when Yunho made a joke. Giving Yunho all of your attention you didn't know that Yeosang stood up and left, he walked over to Mingi and Wooyoung sitting in the middle of them.

Mingi and Wooyoung looked at the male then over to Yunho and you "hey-" He shook his head and looks at the TV holding in his jealousy. Another hour has past and Yeosang was boiling with jealousy he was rude to the members that tried to cheer him up "Yeosang let's eat" San said with a smile and he glared at the other.

"Y/n made it" Yeosang felt even more mad "oh did he now, you can take it and shove it up his ass I don't want it" He stands up from the couch walking to his room, before he left he seen Yunho sitting in your lap, Yeosang isn't one to cry easy but seeing that hurt he runs to his room and jumps into his bed crying.

You felt bad "Yunho ok that enough he's crying" (Don't hate Yunho after this ok) Yunho shrugged "so he'll be fine I have you to myself now" Hongjoong was next to then and so was Seonghwa both of their eyes widen and you were just as shocked. He grabs you by your shirt "I liked you first and he took you from me so I'm just going to have to make him heartbroken just like I was" you pushed Yunho off of you.

"What the hell is your problem Yunho? I only did this because I thought it was a prank" You said mad he stood up and kissed you. Everyone in the room was quiet and frozen, Seonghwa and Hongjoong both were choking on spit and the members that were eating their jaws dropped and they dropped their plates on the floor. You pushed him off of you "you're crazy Yunho '' You ran up to Yeosang room and saw the door cracked.

You felt guilty when you walked into his room "get out" He said sniffling your heart felt tight "Baby-" He cuts you off "you have no right to call me that" you get into the bed turning him over so that he faces you.

You had his hands pinned above his head "Yeosang I'm sorry I shouldn't have listened to him, please forgive me I just thought it was a prank" You said kissing him he kisses back you let go of his hands.

The kisses was starting to get heated you pulled off your shirt and kissed down Yeosang neck and he moans "wait the door" he moans out you shrugged "this will prove to him that I love you" You smile and pulled off Yeosang pants "I don't know why I'm so hard right now, damn it Yeosang you are so cute" You pulls down your pants and Yeosang blushed.

Y/n couldn't wait anymore he takes off Yeosang boxers and lined his dick up with Yeosang hole and thruster into him Yeosang bit his bottom lip then looked back at Y/n, Yeosang wrapped his arms around Y/n neck and Y/n thrust into him Yeosang back arched as he yelp a moan into Y/n shoulder "f...fuck!" Yeosang used his hands to cover his mouth since it had been a while since he Y/n both had sex

You were thrusting at a fast pace that Yeosang wasn't thinking right. He grabbed the bed sheets under him moaning your name over and over Yeosang shook his head as a few tears ran down his cheek feeling good. Yeosang shivers and arches his back. He lets out a long moan and grabs your hair pulling you into a kiss. Yeosang breathed heavily trying to control the moan.

"I think I'm coming" He moans rolling his eyes back. You were breathing heavily also, Yeosang cums once you hit his prostate. His hole tightens around your dick you tried to pull out feeling yourself about to cum but he wrapped his legs around you and pulled you even deeper you smirked and groaned coming inside of him.

You fall on top of Yeosang "Y/n don't you dare fall asleep while your still inside" Snores coming from you he whines "you do this all the time ugh I can't stand you" He sighed and closed his eyes taking in your warmth.

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