Wooyoung *I Love You* 1

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A/n: this one bout to be sad.

Wooyoung has been dating Y/n for seven years, and Wooyoung become an idol. Y/n was proud of him and was cheering him on for a long time, when he and his group debuted. Y/n started to feel sick so he went to the clinic to get checked they said that it was probably a allergic reaction to something.

Wooyoung didn't want to leave Y/n he made a deal with his boss that he gets to stay with Y/n and he will come to practice early, Y/n tried to tell Wooyoung that it fine and didn't want him to over work himself.

One morning Wooyoung was off him in Y/n were asleep and cuddling. Y/n shoot out of bed and runs to the bathroom and throws up in the toilet and it was blood he looks at it in horror. Wooyoung gets out of bed and knocked on the door "baby are you okay" Wooyoung asked, looks to the door it was closed and the toilet "yeah I'm fine just ate to much last night" He chuckled.

Wooyoung giggles "I told you not to eat that much, I'll go and make breakfast, I know that your probably hungry after that" Y/n chuckled again "yeah you know me so well baby" He waited till Wooyoung was gone. He tears up "what the hell is wrong with me" He wiped his mouth and flushed the toilet and washed his mouth. He walks out of the bathroom and his insides started to hurt like they were on fire.

He falls to his knees holding his stomach in pain. He stands back up when Wooyoung walks in "come on I'm finish cooking" He grabs Y/n hand. You felt like you were about to pass out from the pain. Wooyoung gave you a plate he started eating his food . You look down at the food and it looked good, you take a bite and swallowed it, it's was about to come back up but you kept it down.

"Man Y/n my lower half is killing me can you do it more gentle from now on" You chuckled and playing off the pain you felt. "I don't know if I can when you beg me to be rough" He blushed and hits you. You wanted to scram at the pain, but you just laughed it off.

"Hey baby do you have practice today" You asked hugging his waist while he was sitting in your lap "nope that means I get to spend all day with you" You pouted the pain went away just a little.

"Oh well I'm sorry I have to go into practice coach told up last minute" He turned in your lap "Y/n really today is my day off and you have to go in just call him and tell him that you can't" You kissed his noes "you are so cute" He sighed "please come back soon" You nodded and kissed him and he tastes the bitter blood "what did you eat it's bitter" You chuckled "just some candy" He nods and gets off your lap.

"Ok I'm leaving baby" Wooyoung runs to you and hugs you, you tried not to scream, blood was leaving your noes and you wiped "ok see you when I get back" You run to the car and got in you hold your noes and chough blood was all over his hand. He looks up and seen Wooyoung by they car looking at him in horror. Wooyoung opens the door and pulls you out of the car "WHAT THE HELL"

You were trying not to pass out. Wooyoung was crying his eyes out "I can't breathe" You said not breathing, Wooyoung hurried and put you in the back seat and he got in the front and drive to the hospital. "Baby please be ok keep your eyes open" There was news reporters and press following Wooyoung he didn't care.

He stops at the hospital and grabs you and seen that you were passed out. He cried harder "PLEASE SOMEONE HELP" Doctors and nurses came and got you. Wooyoung followed them in but they stopped him a point "please let me in he's my boyfriend please" He tried to go pass them the hold him back, Wooyoung was screaming and yelling at them to let him in. Soon his members, boss, and manager were there, Yunho helps him off of the floor and Hongjoong put Wooyoung pants on.

"Tell us what happened" The manger said. Wooyoung was shaking. Your team and manger ran through the door and seen Wooyoung "where's Y/n" Your best friend Hiroshi asked "Y/n was bleeding, be was bleeding" Wooyoung says over and over.

"Kim Y/n" Everyone looks to the doctor "who is the boyfriend" He looks at the paper "I'm his brother" Hiroshi said "oh can I talk to the both of you then" Wooyoung stands up and Hiroshi helps him they walked with the doctor "did any of know you the patient had cancer" Wooyoung fainted and Hiroshi catches him "do you know how long" Hiroshi asked "maybe a year, but due to him being in good shape it didn't take affect then but it's coming at him all at once, I've checked his weight from before and it looks like he lost 20 pounds in a month"

Hiroshi was holding back his tears "there has to be something we can do" The doctor sighed "he's in the second stage, the surgery that we will have to do will risk making it worse if we aren't carful" Hiroshi glared at the doctor "I'll pay however much just save my fucking brother, can't you see he won't last without him" The doctor rubs his face "make your payment today and I can start" Hiroshi picks up Wooyoung and walks over to everyone.

"So what's wrong with Y/n" Mingi asked "he has second stage cancer" Everyone was quite "I'll help pay" One teammate said "me to even if it take my whole bank I'm saving hyung" Another one of your teammates said, soon everyone decided to pay for your surgery.


Hiroshi and Wooyoung was going back to the hospital with the money. They walked into the hospital and seen the doctor in different clothes "I see your back head over to the front desk" They did as they were told.

Wooyoung was in a panic mode. They waited for hours.

Hours later

The doctor comes out and Wooyoung and Hiroshi Stans up "the surgery was a success" Wooyoung cried and so did Hiroshi "my team is closing him up you'll be able to see him tomorrow" They nodded and leaves.

I'll have a part 2 out.

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