Soobin *Crazy For You* 🚫❤

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Author: my first request from LilGaeShit thank you.

You were leand up against your locker with your eyes closed, waiting for a certain boy that was constantly on your mind "hey Y/n" You opened your eyes and looked at the boy "Soobin your finally here" He nods with a smile.

You checked him out from head to teo. Since today was a free dress day, you just went with all black. But Soobin he had on white pants that hugged his thighs perfectly and a white shirt and black and white shoes, the both of you fit for angel and devil. You drooled when you went lower to his ass. "Um Y/n you ready to go to class" You stopped checking him out you nodded and pushed yourself off of the locker and walked beside him.


"Damn alphabetical order" Your last name being Yang and his being Choi and to top it off he was sitting next to Yeonjun oh how you disliked him he made your blood boil being that close to your Soobin "that bastered getting fliry with MY Soobin" You growled and a your seat mate looks at you worried "are you ok Yang" You keep glaring holes in the back of Yeonjun head "just peachy" You turn your your seat mate with a smile.

"Ok can someone please read the next two paragraphs" The teacher asked looking around the class but no one raised their hand or even flinched "great Mr. Yang thank you for volunteering" She smiled at you "what you gotta be kidding" She sends you a glare and you returned it back. "Whatever" You stand up with the book in hand and start reading.

While you were reading you took a few glances at Soobin, the third glance you took you seen Yeonjun's hand on Soobin thigh "Mr. Yang continue reading please" Then the bell rings "first Mr. Yang finish reading" You glared at the woman and read the rest of the paragraph quickly "thank you" You packed up your stuff.

You rush over to Soobin and grabbed his hand he jumps surprise "oh Y/n" He chuckled "let's walk to class together again" He nods and Yeonjun grabs his other hand, you growled "you ok Y/n" Yeonjun looks over at you with a smile "I'm fine Yeonjun, but don't you have another class that is like on the other side of school" He chuckled and smiled more.

"Actually hyung got his his schedule change" You smiled and wrapped your arm around Soobin's waist and he blushed "oh isn't that lovely hyung" Soobin giggles at you and the three of you continue walking to class.

You go to sit in your seat which is next to Soobin but Yeonjun takes it "Soobin said that I couldn't sit next to him" Soobin takes his seat and smiled up at you "it's just for today Y/n sit right there" He points to the seat on the side. You sat down and glared at the board.

You lost it when Yeonjun kissed Soobin on the cheek, you broke you pen ink gets on the desk, Soobin didn't even talk to you, this stupid girl that has a crush on you keeps trying to talk to you and you were about to shove the broken pen down her throat.

The bell rings and you packed up your backpack and grabbed Soobin's hand dragging him out of the classroom "Y/n w-what are you doing" You ignored him and keep dragging him down the empty hall "Y/n we aren't allowed down here" You open the door and pulled Soobin inside and close the door and locking it.

"Y/n-" you kissed him cutting him off "you've been a bad boy today" You kissed his neck and he closed his eyes, he's not going to lie he actually liked it "ahh~" He moans when you bit his neck.

He moved his hips against yours trying to ease the boner that was growing. You smirked and unbuttoned his pants and pulled them down with his boxers "Y/n w-we're at school" You moved your hand down to his exposed ass and he gasped "what of it" You kissed his neck one more time and kneeled down in front of his dick.

"What are you doing" You take his dick into your hand "I'm going to suck what does it look like" He closed his eyes when he seen you close to his dick, you licked the tip and his eyes shot open and he shivered.

You take his whole dick into your mouth "ahh~ w-wait your mouth is so warm" He leans back on to the door and moans, you he pants all the way off and put his left leg on your shoulder.

You pulled away from his dick and he whines "Y/n~~~ why'd you stop" You chuckled and drooled on your fingers "be patient love" Once your fingers were nice and wet you rubbed one at his hole "mhmm" He moans biting his lip.

You enter your finger in take his member back into your mouth, Soobin felt good on both ends. You thurst your finger at a pretty slow pace just to tease him and also find his special spot. Once you felt him get use to your finger and he was getting use to it you added another finger "ahh~ yes" He shivered looking down at you and blushing.

"Oh ~ wait Y/n I t-think I'm cumming" He tried to push you you away when he moved your fingers pressed against his special spot, he yelped and came in your mouth, you swallowed the bitter liquid down, you pulled away with a pop and pulled your fingers out of his ass , you stand up and looked into his lustful eyes, Soobin bit his lip looking at you wanting more.

"You look so needy right now" You smirked "maybe I should just leave you like this" He shook his dead "please don't, I want it, I want you inside me Y/n please" He grabbed you by your pants "I can't say no to you" You kissed him and he started undoing your pants he pulled them down with your boxers "fuck" you groan against his lips.

"Fuck me" He whispered in your ear and bites it, you take off you're pants and lift his left leg and hold it in place "ok" you enter half of you and he yelp and moans, soobin looks down and only seen half of you in him "I k-ahknew you w~were big but wow ahh~" You thurst the rest of yourself into him "oh yeah" He moans you thurst your hips in and out of him, Soobin bites on to your shoulder moaning "it's so warm inside of you Soobin" You whispered into his ear and he shivers .

You pulled out "why are you teasing me so much" You chuckled "just get on your hand and knees" He does as you say, you grabbed him by his waist and rammed inside of him his head shot up "OH FUCK" You didn't let him adjust to your size Y/n thurst his hips at a fast pace "oh god faster" He did as Soobin asked and picked up his pace and kissed down his back. Y/n flipped Soobin over on to his back.

Y/n leans down smashed his lips onto Soobin's and slide his tongue inside Soobin mouth, Y/n sat up and thurst faster looking for that special spot "AHHH THERE" He smirked and started hitting there, Y/n keep thursting in that spot. Soobin was drooling while his mouth hung open and looking completely fucked out. Y/n bite and sucks on Soobin making sure he left hickey's.

"Y/n I'm coming" Soobin moans arching his back, Y/n nods and moans a little "me to" Soobin comes on his shirt with a loud moan, Y/n pulls out and comes on Soobin's ass "i-i kinda like y-you" You say blushing, Soobin chuckled and kissed you "I know, but it would have been better if you told me before" He smiles, you did to.

"Ok um what time is it" He took his phone from his pocket "omg it it last class" Soobin sits up and groaned "ow that hurts" He rubbed his back "sorry" You stand up and put on your pants and help him get dressed "here take my hoodie you have cum on your shirt" He blushed and put on your hoodie.

A/n: sorry it took so long I hope you liked it!!!

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