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Yoongi was fucking cold.

Why he was out at night, while it was snowing? Because he ran out of fucking ramen. So he had to go the convenience store.

Which was twelve blocks away.

The car was in the shop, his only pair of boots had a hole in them. What could make this night any worst?

Probably the figure that just ran into him, nearly causing him to fall and drop all of his ramen. He looked down and swore, he turned to the smaller guy who ran into him. He was gonna chew him out for getting blood all over his white shirt... blood?

Yoongi looked closer at the boy in front of him. "Holy shit! Jimin?" He asked. He could barely recognize him. Blood soaked half his face, and his clothes from the day stuck to his shivering body. His eyes were puffy and filled with tears, the cut on his face still gushing blood, albeit slowly.

This was a shock. Without thinking, Yoongi picked up the boy, ignoring how toned he felt under all the soaked clothing. He needed to take him home.

He cursed the elevator for being broken and rushed Jimin up the stairs. His family owned the whole building, yet he lived on the top floor. Jimin had lost consciousness a while ago, causing Yoongi to worry even more.

He threw open his front door and without thinking, dumped Jimin on his comfy bed. He grabbed the first aid kit and then all the blankets he owned. His cat Holly had found the stranger in the bed, and was currently trying to lick the blood clean. Yoongi took a second to coo at how cute she was for trying to help Jimin. At least she liked him, which only made him like Jimin even more.

He ripped open the first aid kit and got to work. The cut was small, but deep. He quickly cleaned his face and stitched Jimin up, placing a pink bandage over it.

Now... clothes. Yoongi gulped slightly, he can do this.

When Jimin woke up, he was warm. His head stung a little, but that didn't matter. What happened in the last 24 hours came back to him, tears pricking his eyes. But where was he now?

The last thing he remembered was seeing Taehyung with Jungkook. Oh god he hopes he isn't at one of their houses... but someone had to have cared for him?

Getting up hurt, but not as much as he thought it would. He had a headache, and his cheek stung like a bitch, but all his bruises felt a lot less sore. Looking around, he had a whole nest of blankets! It was crazy! He took in the room, posters of different movies as well as a few groups were on the wall. Jimin smiles at the Big Bang one. He loved that group so much!

"Ah, you're awake." A voice brought Jimin's attention to the doorway of the bedroom. "Yoongi Hyung?" Jimin felt like crying again for some reason. He was so happy. It was like god had sent him an angel, just for him. He must have found Jimin somehow last night and brought him here, Yoongi saved him.

Jimin was still overwhelmed by everything that happened, so he happily threw himself into his Hyung's arms. And he stayed there for as long as he could.

"I texted the others, they're on their way over right now... Jimin, I need you to tell me who did this to you." Yoongi asked him quietly. He continued to sob. And the older let him, he didn't give a shit that his hoodie was getting soaked by tears. But he did make sure that Jimin didn't break his stitches, cause damn those were hard to do (jk Yoongi ligit loves and cares for Jimin).

They sat on the couch now, and Jimin told Yoongi everything. From the moment he got home, to the time he woke up in the park. He panicked when Yoongi said he was going to his house.

"No! Please! Don't leave me Hyung..." Jimin didn't want Yoongi to show up at his house, he couldn't think of his family right now. It was too painful. Yoongi seemed uncertain at first, but eventually sat next to his Jiminie and hugged him tightly.

"I just want to forget. I want to forget everything, forget all the pain." Jimin sobbed. Yoongi stayed quiet until his doorbell rang.

Jin was in the large apartment before Yoongi even opened the door, he held Jimin in his arms and didn't let go. Hoseok was next, he comforted Jimin and even made him laugh a few times.

Namjoon had brought over a bunch of snacks and drinks, as well as movies to make the little Mochi feel better. It worked. Yoongi promised to tell the others the situation later, with Jimin's permission of course. Talking about what happened seemed to be too painful for the small boy.

They watched a marathon of Disney movies and ate as much junk as they wanted. Yoongi had told them they could stay the night, and helped Namjoon bring all the blankets from his bedroom to the living room.

Jimin snuggled between Jin and Hoseok as he felt sleep take over his mind.

Fake Love (JiKookxYoonmin)Where stories live. Discover now