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Warning this entire chapter is irrational family violence and mentions of drug abuse! If you don't want to read I'll just summarize at the bottom ❤️

Another week had passed since that incident, and being with Jungkook and Taehyung everyday was like stabbing a dagger deeper and deeper into his heart.

Their blatant love in front of Jimin made the smaller want to stop coming to school, all just to avoid his boyfriend and the guy he was  cheating on him with.

But was it really cheating if they were together before Jimin and Jungkook?

Thankfully finals were nearing with each passing day, acting as an excuse for not hanging out with Jungkook. Not that the other wanted to to begin with.

Jimin walked through his front door, dusting off all the fallen snow from his jacket. Oddly enough, the house was silent.

No TV, no happy voices of his brother and parents. He almost thought he was home alone until he heard his father's voice coming from the kitchen.

"Park Jimin! Get your ass here right now!" He sounded angry, causing Jimin to flinch.

"Yes dad?" As soon as he walked in, a hand slapped him on the cheek. Hard.

"How dare you!" His mother hissed at him. Hostility glowed in her eyes. "Wha-what?" He stuttered. He held his cheek with both hands, it hurt so much.

"We adopted you! Gave you a home! We trusted you and gave you our love! This is how you repay us?" His father ranted from behind her. He looked like he wanted to hit Jimin too. "I-I don't understand what you're talking about!" Jimin tried to defend himself. What was happening?

It was then that he saw his younger brother, looking at him triumphantly. Oh. Oh no.

"JiChim found this in your room. Mind telling us where you got it?" His father asked, pointing to the counter which had a couple bags of something in it. Jimin's eyes widened. Was that heroin?

He can only guess that it was that, health class had gone over what all the drugs looked like and how they affected your body. Jimin swore he would never do drugs in his life because of that video. That didn't explain why his little brother found it in his room.

"What were you doing in my room?" Jimin asked the boy. That was the wrong thing to say, because his dad had punched him across the face. "This isn't about him! This is about you spending our money for your own filthy habits." He snarled at Jimin.

"I'm so disappointed in you Jimin. I really am." His mother glared at him. Any love that these two might have held for him was gone. Tears were welling up in his eyes. "It's not mine! It's not!" Jimin tried to get the two to see sense.

"It must have been JiChim! He must have bought it and put in my room! He's hated me ever since he was born! He's trying to get rid of me, why can't you see that?" Jimin was slapped again, his mom's wedding ring leaving a deep gash right above his eye.

"How dare you! You have the indecency to try and push your own mistake on your innocent little brother! Is that how little you think of family!" She screamed at him. "If it is, then don't worry. You don't have to be in this family anymore." His father snarled.

Jimin froze. What? "What do you mean? I don't-I don't understand." He was crying, blood leaked in his eye. It mixed with his tears and blinded him slightly.

"We're revoking your adoption papers. You're no longer a part of this family." His father said coldly. "Please! Please no! You can't! Don't.." Jimin grabbed onto his mother. This can't be happening.

"Don't you dare touch her!" His father kicked him to the floor. The kicking didn't stop until Jimin physically couldn't breath. He looked up to the seething man whom he called father his whole life.

"Dad..." he called weakly. It only got him another kick. "I'm no father of a junkie. Get out of my house!"

Jimin looked up to his brother. The bleeding got heavier and was currently drenching the whole side of his face. "I hope you're happy now... I always loved you. You were always my little brother." Jimin was chocking on his sobs.

His brother looked at him in horror, regret in his eyes. He never knew his parents could be this aggressive. He just bought a few bags of heroin! He thought that if he could plant them on Jimin, his parents would just kick him out for a bit. Ruin their view on their perfect adopted son. Not revoke his right to be in the family, and kick the ever living shit out of him.

He saw his mom grab a big ass kitchen knife. "He said get out! Get out you piece of trash!" She screeched, waving the knife at him. JiChim was officially scared shitless. Jimin on the other hand let out a pained moan, crawling out the door. He never looked back.

Jimin managed to crawl and limp to a nearby park. He could feel the bruises blooming up his torso and legs. The tears never stopped, the bleeding didn't stop. Jimin felt light headed. He felt cold and soaked from all the snow. The last thing he heard was a familiar voice call out to him, then he blacked out.

Hi sí summary: Jimin comes home to his already cold and irritated adoptive family waiting for him. They accuse him with a bag of drugs they found in his room. This was planted by his little brother. They then act out as Jimin counties to defend himself. This ends in Jimin being beaten badly and kicked out into the cold weather.

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