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Everyone was shocked, but Yoongi was just pissed. "Why!?" He growled. He wasn't mad at Jimin, he could never bring himself to. He was frustrated that he would choose to continue hurting even after what he heard Jungkook say. Jungkook should just fucking die already.

"It's clear he doesn't like me... I know that now. But I just can't help it, I like him. I really do. Even if our relationship only lasts a month, I'll take it. Like he said, it's not like anyone else would ever love me..." Jimin finished his little speech, luckily only a few tears spilled this time.

As if on cue, the devil himself walked through the door. A bored glare in his eyes that only got darker when he saw Jimin. He jerked his head to the side, indicated that he wanted Jimin to follow him. Yoongi grabbed his wrist again before he could leave.

"Are you sure? I can totally sock him in his annoying face right now. You don't have to suffer." The older was practically pleading for Jimin to stay with him. His pleas fell on deaf ears as Jimin only smiled sadly. "It's okay Hyung, thank you for worrying about me... it's only one month. Besides, he really needs the money." To spoil his real boyfriend that he loves... Jimin didn't bother saying the rest. He didn't need to.

He left the small group of guys and joined his boyfriend in the corner. "Hey baby, what's up?" Jungkook gave him a fake smile. Jimin saw right through it, but smiled back none the less. "Nothing, I was just talking to Suga Hyung and the others." Jimin said softly.

For some reason, something stirred in Jungkook. The fact that Jimin was hanging out with Yoongi didn't mix well for him. His eyes darkened dangerously. "Babe... you know that you're dating me right?" Jungkook asked. If he was going to act like he was dating this sad bitch for a month, then Jimin better not cheat on him. It would ruin his reputation if the ugliest kid in school cheated on him. Jeon Jungkook.

"I-I know! And you know that you're dating me, right?" Jimin tried to sound natural. But it came out slightly shaky. He cursed his nerves.  The memory of Jungkook's talk with Taehyung came back to him, squeezing his heart tightly. He almost broke down right in front of Jungkook, almost ran back to Yoongi.

No, he can do this. He can be strong. Wether for himself or for Jungkook, he wasn't sure. The other scoffed and rolled his eyes, causing Jimin to cringe. How come he never saw the signs before? Jungkook obviously didn't like him!

"Yeah yeah, whatever." Jungkook shrugged. He left Jimin behind so he could join his dance group which consisted of some of his friends, Namjoon, and Jin. Let's just say that the couple may have accidentally tripped or kicked the football player more than once throughout the class.

Jimin stayed with Yoongi and Hoseok as the rest of their group got together to practice.

Towards the end of class, the teacher gathered everyone to announce the upcoming project for their finals.

"Finals will be taken in the form of a recital, each of you must write an original song as well as a choreography for your songs. You'll all be presenting your songs in front of the school in the auditorium. Any questions?" The teacher finished, raking her gaze over the students to try and catch any hands.

She answered a few of the questions like if they could do partners (nope) and when they can get started (anytime really). As well as a few others.

Jimin was nervous, sure he had some songs, but those were all crappy songs he wrote on the side of his math notebook when he's bored. Not to mention they absolutely suck. He's semi confident in his dancing since he was able to win that one competition, but it wasn't his own choreography. How was he going to do this?

Jungkook sat next to him, only letting their fingers touch. The skinship only made Jimin feel worst for some reason. Looking around the classroom, he spot Yoongi looking at him. The older flashed him a gummy smile, Jimin couldn't help but smile back.

When he was with Yoongi, something would always clench in his stomachs and warm his heart. He blushed remembering how he woke up in Yoongi's lap earlier that day.

Jungkook saw the exchange between the two, it created an unknown fire within him. It wasn't jealousy. Jungkook would never get jealous over someone like Park Jimin. But why did he want to rip Yoongi's head off at this moment? Probably because their rivals. That must be it.

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