310 19 41

Chapters are really spaced out and short, sorry about that 😅😅
At some point I'll start publishing really fast and the chapter will be longer

Jimin can't find his phone.

It wasn't in his bag,

Or his pocket.

And he most definitely hadn't left it at home somehow as he was playing on his phone while on the bus. Which means it had to be at school.

Jimin's current status? Fuck.

"Jimin? Are you ready for school yet?" The feminine voice of his mom called, sending Jimin into even more of a panic.

"Um, I'll be down in a sec!"

He stared into the mirror at his unkempt hair and and overall messy appearance, his bag thrown carelessly to one side of the room as his homework from last night was still sitting around in clumps on his desk.

What an ugly start to the day.

"Why do I have to give it back?" Jungkook grumbled, staring down at the cheap looking phone in his hands. It was an old model, feeling almost like a brick in his hands.

"You're the one who stole it in the first place, so why can't you do it?" He grumbled, glaring at Yugyeom.

"Just do it, it could be an "I'm sorry for nearly turning your face into mush" or something. Besides you have first hour with him so it makes the whole ordeal easier." Yugyeom sipped chocolate milk while walking along with Jungkook, Taehyung caught a cold for who knows what reason and had decidedly skipped school.

"It was his fault in the first place! I swear you're just trying to embarrass me. I wouldn't want to be caught dead near that guy."

A mischievous glint passed through Yugyeom's eyes but he stayed silent. Jungkook was blind to this either but didn't feel like poking a bee hive today.

The two split up at their respective classrooms, Jungkook spotted the mop of hair right away. With a harsh roll of his eyes he strutted over to the shorter's desk, who currently had his head on the desk with his arms shielding away his face. A loose strand of black hair sitting up crazily, it obviously had not been brushed out of a hurry. Jungkook could guess why.

It was almost endearing in a way, like a cute bean sprout growing from the ground. Jungkook unconsciously softened.

"Idiot, you dropped this yesterday. Take better care of your shit." Jungkook placed the phone down on the desk. The other must have been either asleep or deep in thought because he made no response. Getting slightly frustrated Jungkook went to shake him awake, yet his hand landed on that stray bouncey hair, pressing it down.

Jimin jolted awake at that, making direct eye contact with Jungkook, both of them frozen in place. Black met brown, leaving them both in a daze.

Embarrassed, Jungkook was the first to break eye contact, walking straight to his desk. His table mate, who witnessed the entire scene glanced at him curiously with a shit eating grin on his face:

"I didn't know you liked touching heads Kook, why didn't you tell me? I'd happily let you touch my amazing hair anytime."

Jungkook just glared at him, "Fuck off Jackson."

Jackson just laughed loudly, the sound echoing in the room, causing many heads to stare. The only one not looking was a still shocked Jimin, only just now comprehending the missing phone sitting on his desk.

Had Jungkook found it for him? And returned it?

An image of the semi flushed Jungkook staring at him flashed into his mind, and he glanced back at him. Jungkook was threatening to kill Jackson, covering his mouth with his hand but his laughter was still muffled as he tried to speak.

Jimin's ears and neck heated up as he quickly turned forward again, a shy feeling tickling his gut.

Jungkook might not be as bad as the others say!

Class began when the teacher walked in, however hushed voices could still be heard now and again, everyone glancing at Jimin from time to time. Everyone in the room had witnessed the Sven of Jungkook approaching him, it was no guess that they'd be talking about him.

"Jungkook really went over to him willingly... what did he give him? Was it a gift?"

"Did you see him put his hand on his hair? What's up with that? Did he slip when he meant to hit him?"

"He almost punched him in front of the whole school yesterday you know."

"Yeah, I wouldn't blame him either, that kid isn't the most pleasing to the eyes. I'd feel sick if he touched me."

"What does Jungkook see in him? Ah it's such a downgrade, maybe all the homework the teacher assigned is crying his brain."

Jimin tried ignoring them at first, but couldn't help looking over at Jungkook, gauging his reaction...

Jungkook was glaring at something in the room, nervously Jimin followed his line of sight up to the group of gossiping students. Was Jungkook mad at them for talking? Did he disagree with them?

Jimin couldn't help but remember all the harsh words that were thrown around about him before, a pit had formed in his stomach. He looked at Jungkook once again, who was staring even harder. A small smile formed on Jimin's lips.

Maybe Jungkook really is a good guy... he doesn't seem to think the same as everyone else.

Jungkook, who is staring not at his classmates but the math equation on the board behind them: What the hell is this supposed to mean???

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