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This mentions the family again as Namjoon and Yoongi go to "talk". The family obviously doesn't have nice things to say so small warning there, drugs is also brought up again.

It took them each about twenty minutes to calm down when they arrived in front of Jimin's house.

Kim Namjoon likes to think of himself as reserved and cool headed, but when he saw Jimin's things thrown carelessly on the streets and in the dirt, he wanted to punch each and every one of Jimin's family. He was positive some of the stuff was missing, stolen from passerby's.

Yoongi on the other hand, wanted to set the house on fire. Literally.

After they both calmed down, they made their way to the front door.
Namjoon knocked, hard but reserved. Yoongi secretly respected him for how cool headed he can be.

"Hello?" A young woman who couldn't be older than 40 answered the door. Bags were under her eyes, making her look worn. "Hello ma'am. My name is Kim Namjoon and this is my friend Min Yoongi." He replied with his business voice. Polite and respectful.

She gave a small smile, "How can I help you boys?"

And that's how they found themselves in Jimin's old house, sitting on the couch across from his parents. Yoongi spotted the younger brother, eavesdropping on the stairwell, but he ignored him for now.

"What do you boys need?" Jimin's father asked them. "Sir, I wish you no disrespect, but we are friends with Jimin." Before the two elders could interrupt him, Namjoon kept speaking. "We just wanted to let you know that he will be staying with us for the time being."

The room was so quiet that you could hear a pin drop. "Why the hell would we care about that drug addict?" It was the mother who spoke first. "You can keep him, but I'll warn you now. He'll take everything you give him and throw it in the trash. He's a greedy little shit, but hey, if you want that than you're free to take him." His father laughed without humor.

Yoongi had enough.

"You must be out of you're god damn mind if you think that Jimin does drugs." (Yes that was meant to be a Hamilton reference. Sue me, I'll be up there rapping all of Cabinet Battle #2 in y'all faces) (Lmao my hamilton phase haunts me years later-) He said it calmly, but the rage on his face was prominent. "E-excuse me?" The lady across from them raised her brow.

"I hope you don't mind me asking, but how did you find out Jimin was doing drugs?" Namjoon interjected, placing a hand on his friend's shoulder in warning. "Our youngest son found three bags of heroin in his room. It's proof enough." The father looked at them coldly. But Yoongi wasn't about to back down.

"Is that it? Seriously? Not even a drug test? Not bothering to hear his side of the story? You know how I found him last night?! He was crying and soaked to the bone! At one point he was barely breathing! All because neither of you could doubt your precious son once! Didn't even care for the other son you had! You make me sick!" Yoongi was standing, and so was everyone else.

"How dare you walk into my house and yell at me and my wife!" The man was ready to throw some fucking hands. "You said you were his friends? I bet you're the ones who got him started on that awful stuff! Get out!" The Mom was screaming.

"Mr. Park, Mrs. Park, please listen." Things were getting out of hand, Namjoon was running out of things to say. "We gave that boy, who I didn't even give birth to, might I add! All of our love! You know what he does? That little shit spends our hardworking money on drugs and then blames it on our innocent son!" Mrs. Park was hysterical.

"Obviously you didn't give him all your love because if you did, you would have the heart to listen to him! You're blind if you think that blood is the only thing that makes someone family. Fucking blind." Yoongi was out of control. The married couple was about to kick the two unwanted guests out, but a sob caught the attention of everyone in the room.

Park JiChim stood there, tears running down his cheeks. He started crying when he heard that his brother nearly stopped breathing from the angry blond guy. "Mom... dad... it was me! I did it! I stole your money and bought drugs so you would think badly of Hyung.... I just wanted to ruin his image. It was never meant to get this far..." he was crying so hard.

The couple froze, watching their son break down. They weren't processing what he was saying at all. Yoongi did though. And he saw red.

He only took three steps toward the kid when he was punched in the face. "That's enough Min Yoongi. We came here just to let them know that Jimin is with us, let's go." It was Namjoon. Yoongi just looked back at his friend. Then over to the destroyed family in front of him.

Jimin's dad held his head in his hands, guilt and self hatred evident in his body language. His mom was pulling her hair and crying, muttering about being a failure of a parent and being 'so blind'. JiChim hadn't stopped crying, apologizing over and over to nothing but thin air.

They left the house silently, letting the family clean their own mess. Yoongi helped Namjoon pick up what was left of Jimin's things and sorted them gently in his trunk.

"Thanks for stopping me Joonie." The blond muttered as he buckled his seatbelt. "Anytime." His friend replied.

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