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This story is called Fake Love,

It's not my original idea, so kudos to xxJichu14xx for making the original, which is unfortunately deleted.

But here is my version of the story that I hope you all like!

Jimin grimaced slightly as he walked into the large school. His new school.

The afternoon sun was high in the November sky. He walked in with his little dark blue scarf and jacket, school had ended but he was an exchange student, so he had to get his schedule today.

His parents were busy, so he offered to come alone. However, he was slightly regretting that decision. (Forgetti your spaghetti, have some regretti) Jimin never really liked being alone... he wasn't very popular at his old school, but he did have a friend who always stood up for him. With that friend, he could build up a false self confidence and talk for himself as long as he knew his friend was close by. (Anyone else like this? Cuz I am)

But now that he moved, he didn't have anyone.

And now he had to ask two adults for his schedule. By himself.

A poor 15 year old who has anxiety. Just kill him now.

Double kill him now, cause now he's lost... Thankfully the sun was still up, and the school lights were still on, or Jimin would be forced to face his other fear of haunted looking places. But now he wandered the halls of this big school, ready to cry from frustration.

"Ah! Where the hell did I put that trash bag!?"

The deep voice of a boy, followed by loud clattering and a low groan came from the classroom Jimin was standing outside of.

He was about to rush in to try and help whoever was there, but paused when he heard high pitched laughing and the sound of a phone camera going off.

"Jin, you suck." The deep voice from before growled.

"Omg, I'm Succjin. Get it? Get it?" A new voice, who Jimin now knows to be Jin, broke out in laughter again.

Just as Jimin was about to turn and run away from social interaction, the door slid open.

"Uh, Who are you?" Jimin wanted to cry again. The man in front of him dwarfed him by a landslide. He was tall, and very attractive with tan skin nice, manly facial features, and silver hair.

"Who who?" Jin came up behind him, making Jimin cower more. Jin was just like the attractive man, tall. Very tall.

And also very attractive, very handsome, and VERY big shoulders. His blond hair brought out his features as he smiled down at Jimin.

"I-I'm Jimin! IM NEW HERE!" He squealed slightly. Jin cooed while his friend raised an eyebrow. "You do know schools over, right?"

"Ah, no. I mean yes! I- mean.... can I start over?" Jimin could feel his eyes actually start to water out of his frustration. Where was BamBam when he needs him.

Jimin expected to be made fun of, ignored even, what he didn't expect was for the wide shouldered guy to wack the tall guy on the head. "Joonie! Can't you see he's got anxiety, he said he goes here and that he's lost, try not to look so intimidating."

Joonie glared over at the blond, "IM NOT INTIMIDATING! THIS IS JUST MY FACE!" Jin just tutted and turned back to the smaller in front of him. "What was it you were trying to say, dear?"

He was still a bit shocked that Joonie was hit, but finally managed to explain his situation. "I see... well I'm Kim Seokjin, and this is my boyfriend Kim Namjoon. Our last names are only a coincidence." Jin smiled, and after a moment, Jimin couldn't help but smile too.

The two of them walked Jimin to the office, and even offered to walk him home. They had said they lived in the same direction anyway.

Jimin learned that both of them had known each other since elementary school, and had been dating since middle school. They both came from wealthy families and that they had one class with him: dance. They were older than him, so it was lucky that they had any classes at all.

As Namjoon and Jin waved goodbye at Jimin's door step, a bright smile tugged at his lips.

Maybe this new school wouldn't be as bad as he thought.

He already made two new friends.

Fake Love (JiKookxYoonmin)Where stories live. Discover now