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Jimin woke up with an anxious excitement. He was nervous about his first day at this new school, but he was also a bit excited for a different experience. Not to mention he already had two friends. His phone dinged twice beside him.

Jinnie Hyung-

See you at school Jiminie!

Joonie Hyung-

Don't forget to eat breakfast.

Jimin beamed as he dragged himself from bed and into the shower. Taking off his shirt he took a moment to frown at his physique. The abs he had were becoming slightly harder to see, he put on a bit of weight. Oh well, it should be fine.

His gaze shifted upward as he carefully looked at his face. He's always had a baby face, making it appear chubbier. Not pondering on the thought any longer, he quickly turned the shower water on and waited for it to warm up while he slid his pants and boxers off his thighs.

After a quick soap and rinse, he threw on a baggy hood and and blue jeans and hurried downstairs for breakfast. Jimin never bothered drying his hair since he always kept it the same anyway after it dried. He thought it was a waste of time.

"Morning mom! Morning dad, hey Jichim!" Jimin tweeted as he plopped down. His mother and father gave him an acknowledged smile or nod, but returned to their morning activity which was either reading the newspaper or cooking Jichim's breakfast.

Feeling the tiny prick of a heated glare, Jimin glances over at his younger brother. The smaller stared back at him with hatred and disgust. Jimin could only sigh, not bothering to mention it.

He loved his family, don't get him wrong, but his connection was a bit... weak.

He was adopted when he was four years old by his parents. They were desperate for a child and were ecstatic when Jimin had come along. The attention was short lived however as soon as his mom got pregnant, since then it's been obvious who they favored among the two children.

Jimin could understand that, he didn't blame his parents for loving his brother more, he knew that they still loved him. But what he could never put his finger on was little Jichim. The thirteen year old despised him for some reason. Ever since he was old enough to think, that boy did everything in his power to let Jimin know where he stood in the family.

"Alright... I'm gonna leave for school now!" No one bothered to say anything as he quietly left the house.

It was much the same treatment when he arrived at the campus for the second time. Well, it might be expected. It didn't matter that he was new, he looked like a normal high schooler. Nothing really stood out about him. Jet black hair that fell in his eyes and oversized clothes and a simple blue back pack.

"Hello! My name's Park Jimin and this will be my first day here. I hope we can be friends!"

The class stayed quiet, some eying him curiously for only a moment before losing interest. Jimin couldn't help but feel slightly disappointed, but it was expected.

Then the door slid open. And in walked one of the most handsome guys Jimin's seen in his life.

"Jungkook. You're late."

"Yeah yeah, I got a pass this time."

Don't get him wrong. Jimin liked girls.

He just liked guys a fuck ton more. Jungkook was taller than Jimin by a good few heads, and definitely looked way stronger. His muscles showed through his nice looking clothing that just screamed "I hit the gym more than you sleep!" Not only was he tall and muscular, but he had a sharp face with a semi curved nose and large beautiful obsidian eyes.

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