Chapter 3- Living nightmare

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Sabriel was trying her best to find some safe place to rest for a while. She managed to find some supplies that included: some food, first aid kit, few M16 magazines, two pipebombs and a molotov. After some time of walking, she spotted a small shed near the woods with a small attic-like place in it. Probably it was used to store some hay.

 Sabriel slowly and carefully approached it to make sure that there were no infected inside. If there was something in the shed, she would have to either move forward and skip it or kill the zombies inside. Both ways would be extremely risky. She was tired, so she would eventually end up collapsing somewhere and would die from the infected, especially if she gets caught by the Special Infected. If she decided to kill the zombies, there would be a risk of her making too much noise, which would attract the nearby horde. Either was was risky, but the girl decided to check out the shed, since she was way too tired to think and move forward. Luckily for her, the shed was empty. 
Hmmmm... I think it's pretty safe to spend the night in here, before I move on. I'm too tired to go any further plus it's too risky to move at night with all the zombies out there. I might as well lie down and go to sleep for some time - Sabriel throught.
With that on her mind, she decided to take some rest, while it's peaceful.


**REEEEEEEEEEEOOOUUUUUUUU** Sabriel shot up from her sleep and quietly rushed to the window. The view before her made her want to scream in terror. Huge horde of Common Infected, along with some Special Infected was moving towards the shed Sabriel was in. She shook that desire off, she almost forgot that if she made a sound- the zombies will hear her. Especially Special Infected. 

Oh no... -She whispered to herself- Hunter, Charger and a Smoker are leading the horde this way... If i go back throught the shed's entrance- they might see me and I'll probably be dead where I stand- She thought. I gotta jump through the window on the other side and rush to the riverside as quietly as I can- thoughts flooded her mind. Okay... It's now or never.

 Sabriel jumped out of the shed and moved to the riverside, moving as quietly as she possily could.

Suddenly she felt something slimy around her legs.

 OH FU-!!! SMOKER!!! - She yelled in her mind and yelped in pain while struggling to  free herself before the zombie chokes her to death and alerts the horde. 

While the girl was dragged on the ground towards her captor, she noticed a hunting knife which she tried to grab, in order to cut the Smoker's tongue off. 

I have to run to the waterfall and try to climb up the cliff there- female thought. As she freed herself, Sabriel grabbed her bow and shot the zombie in the head.

 Phew... That was close -She whispered, I have to pay more attention to the bushes in the future, if I want to survive. 

-What is that?..The girl saw a figure in the distance. She slowly approached it and recognised the figure as the animal. -Is that...A horse? Sabriel came closer to take a look at it after making sure, that no infected is in her sight, she showed herself. 

Few miles from them there was a horde moving, but thankfully they didn't see the girl and the horse and moved past them. Sabriel was relieved that she didn't have to worry about the infected for a while.
Female spoke softly to the mare- Hey girl, what's your name? You're not afraid of me- she smiled. I'll call you.. Raya! Come on, let's go to find a shelter for us. Sabriel sat on Raya and rode deeper into the woods and still looking out for any infected and keeping the eye on the riverside so they don't get lost.



Yay, Chapter 3 is ready! ♥️ 💙 We're slowly approaching the next part. Stay tuned, because we're about to meet a special group of survivors ahead!
I'm planning to update every few hours or every day if i have less time. :)

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