Chapter 17- It's time to return home!

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10 days after the group arrived to the bunker, they were finally safe. Days went by peacefully, since no zombie managed to get inside the shelter.  Engie and Sabriel kept working on the portal. Occasionally Medic came by to help and test few things and properties of the machine.
At last, the big day has come. The Texan was able to proudly announce, that the portal was finally ready.

-Engie? I got a question.- Sabriel said.

 -Before you make it official and all... Did you install the self-destruction option in the machine?  We don't want want anyone from my world to find the portal and use it, after we get back to yours. And if ya did install that property, will we be able to activate the self-destruction mode from the other side?- The girl asked.

-Am glad ya asked, darlin'! -the Texan commended the girl.

- Yeah, Ah programmed the portal so it will destroy itself when we get back home. Ah have this pilot with me, so when everybody get out of the machine, Ah will click the red button and the portal will blow to pieces. - Engie smiled, as he finished his explanation. 

-Alright. In that case, I think we can make it official now.- Sabriel stated.

When mercenaries got the information about the ability to come back home, they all cheered and hugged the Engineer. Scout then asked:

-So, Engie. When can we travel back?

- Let me rest for a bit and Ah think think that we'll be able to do so in a few hours- The Texan replied. 

With that, everybody began packing their belongings and 30 minutes later everything went silent.


-Alright everyone- Engie gathered the group by the portal.

 - Ah programmed the machine, so it can fit all of us, including Sabriel's horse. Of course, if ya still want to come with us- The Texan turned to the girl.

-Of course I do, dummy!- Sabriel exclaimed- I wanna see other living people and have a normal life at last...

-Let's go zhen! Move, schnell!- Medic cheered and began walking into the machine. Others happily followed him.

Engie asked: -Is everybody ready? Sabriel, hold onto someone, ya might feel dizzy in a bit. We're used to teleportation, ya might not be. - The Texan warned. 

The girl decided to hold Medic from one side, and Sniper from the other.

There was a loud noise  coming from the portal. The group was teleported back to the Teufort.

-Welp, seems like we're home!- Scout  exclaimed.

-Woooow...- Sabriel mumbled- I really do feel dizzy... 

Engie laughed, as everyone got out of the teleporter. The girl was taken out by Medic and the doctor held her close, so Sabriel doesn't fall to the ground. Meanwhile Sniper took Raya to the stables and as he was passing through the base, all BLU and RED members (except for the ones that just got back home with him) were eyeing the bushman.

-Where the heck did ya get that horse from, man?- BLU Scout asked.

-Long story, mate. - Sniper casually answered.  He knew that they had a lot to explain to their  teams. 

Meanwhile the Texan clicked the pilot button and caused the portal's self destruction. He got the notrification about the task completion. 

-WOOOOOOWIE! What an adventure!- The Texan wiped his forehead

-Ah gotta stop making such things for our own safety- Engie joked to himself.

-So... Now we gotta tell your friends about this entire thing, huh? - Sabriel asked, as she slowly came back to her senses. Medic gave her some medicine for dizziness. 

-Yeah, but don't worry, darlin'- The Texan reassured- Am sure everybody will like ya. If we did, they'll most likely do so, too- He laughed.

-Thanks, Engie- Sabriel smiled.- Anytime, pardner!- was heard from the mercenary.

Scout burst into the room and began dragging Sabriel towards the door- Come, sweetcheeks! I'll show ya your room!! 

-Wait, so I  just got here and I already got a room of my own?- Female asked, concerned.

-Not exactly. -Medic stated- Ve have one spare room for emergencies  und it's under renovation, so jou'll have to stay in zhe room vith one of us.- The blue-gloved doctor smiled. 

-So, vhere vould jou like to stay?- He held her hand.

-Um... I don't know yet. I was considering staying with you or the Sniper.- Sabriel wondered.

-Jou can stay vizh me, if jou vant. I'll gladly take jou in, Taube. - Medic smiled.

-Alright, if you insist, then your room it is!- The girl cheered.

-Okay, let's go, I'll show jou to it, zhen. Und later I can show jou around zhe base, too. If jou want, of course.- Medic politely offered.

-Awww, sure, doctor! You're such a gentleman!- The German smirked and kissed her hand.


The remaining mercenaries, who didn't go for the adventure or had no idea about it at all,  were wondering, who the mystery girl was. Most importantly, where did she and the horse come from. They admired Sabriel's beauty and hoped to get to know everything about her.
What they didn't know, that there was an entire story to be told to them. 

That moment was coming fast and both teams couldn't wait to find out about what was going on and what did they miss. 



Well, this one is a bit shorter, but here it is! Our guys came back home, back to the Team Fortress 2 world!  :) How are ya enjoying this story so far?
As sad as it is, there are 3 more chapters left. I got a clear idea of what to make a second book about, so... You'll see. Firstly I gotta finish this story, then draw some pictures to the book like I promised, and the we'll see :D 
I'll keep ya updated! Enjoy your evening guys! :) 

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