Chapter 20- Sniper's Ending

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It's been few days, since Sabriel moved in with the mercs. She was living in BLU!Medic's room, since her own wasn't ready yet.
One day, when Sabriel was exploring the base, she noticed a ladder, leading  to what she thought was an attic. 

The girl climbed up and appeared to be on a roof of the base. The sun was setting down the horison, the view was more than astonishing. 

-Loike what ya see?- A sudden voice startled Sabriel and made her gasp.

-Sniper!! Don't sneak up on me like that! Sheesh!!- She yelled, gripping onto her shirt.

-Oi'm sorry, Sheila, didn't mean to scare ya. - Aussie smirked quietly.- Your reaction was pretty cute, tho. 
-Hey, watch it, mister!- Sabriel playfully smacked RED!Sniper's arm.

-Oi got ya a new bow since ya lost yours..- The bushman scratched his neck, as he passed the weapon to the girl.- Oi hope ya like it. 

-What? Oh Snipes.. You didn't have to get me anything, but... Thank you so much! -Sabriel blushed, as she inspected her gift. -I love it.. It's beautiful.. -The girl concluded.

-Just loike you, Roo...- Sniper blushed and pulled his hat on his eyes. 

-W-What?...-Sabriel looked at the Aussie, blushing. She was speechless once again. 

-Ye look cute, when ya blush, luv.- The bushman grinned.- Do ya remember my confession back in that bunker? - He asked. 

-Yes, I do... Did you mean it?- The girl asked back, looking directly in Sniper's eyes.

-Roo- He held Sabriel's hands- Oi couldn't forgive moiself when Oi lost ya... You can't even imagine, how scared Oi was or how much Oi've missed ya... -The Aussie continiued. 

-Oi really love ya, Sheila. And Oi promise you to always keep an eye out for ya...- Sniper held the girl close.

-I love you, too, Snipes.- Sabriel answered quietly. The bushman looked at her- Y-Ya do? Really?

-Yes I do, honey, really. But I hope that this time you won't leave me?- The girl asked, concerned.

-Neva. Oi swear to God. Oi swear to anythin' that exists in this bloody world- Aussie reassured, kissing female's hands.

Sniper caressed Sabriel's cheek -Moi sunshine... Be mine? 

-Oh yes! Yes! I'll be yours!- The girl excitedly yelled and with that happily hugged the Australian and he kissed her passionately. 

When they pulled away, Sniper kissed Sabriel on the forehead and held her in his arms. 

-Oi'll neva leave your soide. Neva ever, sweetheart. Oi promise ya that. - Aussie whispered.

-I believe you, babe.- The girl smiled and kissed bushman's cheek. -I also remember, that you gotta teach me how to use a sniper rifle. 

Sniper laughed- Ye, Oi remember 'bout that, too. We can start our trainin' tomorrow, if ya wish, luv.

-Sure, suits me.- Sabriel agreed, smiling. 

After that, the two began admiring the beauty of sunset on the rooftop.


And that's it. Two endings, as promised. A bit short, but still got it. Why short? Cause I had no idea of how to make it longer. And I didn't want to make it too long, since I'm planning a sequel(JUST PLANNING), just let me know, what ya think about it :) 
 I love you all guys and thank you for reading this story! :* 

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