Chapter 7- Game of cat and mouse

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Sabriel and mercenaries were quietly moving through the woods, when they spotted a road. 

-Okay guys- Sabriel started- We're moving into the countryside down this road. There should be a mansion-like house near the end of it. We have to get there if we want to rest for a bit and talk in peace. 

*10 minutes later*

Huh..I see that the town is crowded... Good news - they're hybernating. Bad news- we gotta move past them without being spotted, or we might even have to lure some of them out of the countryside, so we can get to the house safely- The girl claimed.

 Medic gulped-I can hear laughs und  grunts. Was ist das?

- It's a Jockey and a Boomer- The girl said.- Fortunately for us, they're far away, just the wind carries their sounds, so we hear them here. We have to be extremely careful- Sabriel explained.

 -Guys- She warned- whatever it takes, stay away from Special Infected. They're far more intelligent, stronger and more aggressive from the Common Infected, what makes them extremely dangerous. 

Scout clinged to Soldier and asked- So, what's the plan? How do we get through the town?

-Well, Ah say that it'll be safe if we stick to the fence and move slowly, always stayin' down. Without making ANY kind of sound- Engie explained his plan, while looking at Scout and Soldier.

 He knew, that  those guys can screw up the entire thing, especially the Soldier, who loves to yell and Scout can get easily startled. 

That's a nice plan, Mister- Sabriel smiled softly, causing Medic and Sniper to flush red. Alright guys, I'll go around with Raya and we'll try to drive some zombies out of the countryside, so you can safely get to the mansion. I doubt that they'll chase me back, Raya is much more faster than them. We'll meet in the house- Sabriel stated. All mercs showed an "OK" sign to that.

-Goodluck, girl!- Scout whisper-yelled to her only to get the reply of:" Yeah, don't draw too much attention, cause we'll need your luck then". Soldier snickered at Scout, who was now upset with female's answer.

-Croikey! The shiela got some power and Oi loike that- Sniper thought.

While Sabriel tried to lure the infected out of the town, mercenaries were slowly moving to the mentioned house.  Soldier tried his best not to charge at zombies to beat the crap out of them, even tho he REALLY wanted to do that. Medic had to give him some sedatives, so the American stays calm and doesn't betray their presence. Suddenly Scout kicked an empty can of cola, which caused the group to freeze in place. Lucky for them, infected didn't react to the noise, so the team only shot daggers at the Bostonian, who mouthed a small "sorry" and continued to move on to the mansion. 

Meanwhile Sabriel managed to get the bigger group of Common Infected out of the countryside, but she had to draw their attention for as long as she could. Then after making sure, that they're far enough from the town, the girl rushed Raya, causing her to gallop faster in front of the herd, so she could turn around to come back to the group.

 It was a risky plan, but hey, it worked. No blood was shed, no bullet was shot, no noise was made. That's all that mattered to Sabriel. To stay safe for some time. To not worry about the zombies for now. To be with her new friends. 

*15 minutes later*

Sabriel made her way back and got to the mansion. Mercenaries were already waiting for her.

 -A'ight everyone, we need to barricade the doors and windows on lower floors of the mansion, so the zombies don't burst inside at night. We don't want any uninvited visitors here- Engie stated. 

Everybody agreed with him and started preparing the materials- anything they could find around. Scout went to search the house for supplies, while the rest was barricading the doors and windows. 

Some time later, Medic and Sabriel were sorting out the supplies, while Sniper  was preparing the space for them to lie down. Soldier was on guard, watching out for danger. Scout was minding his own business and Engie was checking the barricades. Raya was already hidden in the back of the mansion, with hay and water ready for her to eat. 
One hour passed. Everyone finally sat down to chill by a small fireplace.

-So, what's your name, Miss and why are you alone here?- Engie asked.

-Well...My name is Sabriel- She said- and ever since the apocalypse started, I was in a group of 4 survivors but I lost them during one of the horde's attacks and was pretty much the only one to escape. I was alone for a few months, then i found Raya and then I heard you guys, so I came to help.

-We appreciate that Sheila, thanks, and we're sorry for your loss- Sniper said softly to her, while putting an arm on her shoulder.


-Yeah, now you got us, sweetcheeks, so you're not alone anymore- Scout added.

-Thanks guys, i really appreciate it- Sabriel blushed and shed a small tear of happiness.

Medic wrapped his arm around the girl and hugged her- Don't cry, ve're vith jou, Frau.

Engie smiled and said- Well, since we know your name, let me introduce ourselves. Am the Engineer, the one hugging you is Medic, the guy in sunglasses is Sniper, boy with a bat is a Scout and the guy in a helmet is Soldier.

-It's a pleasure to meet you guys!- Sabriel cheered and giggled. And the conversation continiued. 


Phew, this is a long one, I didn't expect it to turn out like that, but I'm happy :D It's pretty late now tho.. But i promised 9 chapters today, so I have to keep my word...
Enjoy this part!

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