Chapter 9- Great job, Scout.

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When Sabriel felt a bit better, she hugged the doctor and thanked him for help, what caused the German to blush madly. -Was ist los vith me? Vhat a curious sensation...- He thought.

 Sniper shot daggers at Medic, he wanted to be the one, who would be hugged by that beautiful woman. Even if they just met, he wished that she was his, so they would hunt and kill the robots together. Aussie smirked at that thought. 

- Are you sure you can move forward?- You can take your time if ya need more of it, darlin'- Engie worriedly spoke to the girl, who was now trying to stand up with Medic's support.

-Yeah, I'm sure about that. Besides we've lost enough time already, we gotta go now- Sabriel stated, while leaning on Medic's side. 

-SO WHAT'S THE NEXT DESTINATION, MAGGOTS?- Soldier finally asked the group, hoping for a satisfying answer, which would be a mass murder of the zombies.

 -Don't yell, Solly- Scout teased- Otherwise we might have to run another marathon! 

-Sabriel huffed-We could try to get to the seashore, there's a small safe room, where we could have an opportunity to resupply and rest for a while...

 - Alrighty then, let's move there!- Engie claimed and the group was now on their way to the next location, while quietly talking to each other, so they don't attract any zombies. Sniper and Medic were securing Sabriel from both sides, since she wasn't fully healed yet and needed help in moving. Engie was holding Raya close to him, so the animal doesn't get startled. 


WAAAAAAAAAAAAAAA...... *sob sob* *sniff* WYYYYYYYYYY.... *sob* *sniff*

Shhhhhh... Can ye hear that, mates?- Sniper asked the others, if they also hear the constant crying coming from behind the small shed near the rivershore. 

-Sounds like a lonely crying lady~...- Scout said flirtatiously. After closing in to  where the sound came from, the team indeed noticed a weirdly looking woman, sitting on the ground and crying loudly. Soldier laughed a bit on how funny her sitting position was. 

Suddenly Scout came out from the bushes, where the group was hiding at that time, and approached the lady.

- SCOUT NO, GO BACK!! IT'S THE WITCH!!- Sabriel whisper-yelled after the Bostonian, while clutching onto her stomach, which started hurting due to the force she put on it. Medic worriedly held the girl close and rubbed the hurt spot, so he relieves a bit of pain Sabriel was in. Unfortunately it was too late to call out for irresponsible Scout and too risky to do it louder. He was too far away from the group for him to hear the warning.  

As he approached the Witch, she began to growl while slowly getting up from the ground.

-Hey there, hot stuff~ Why are ya cryin'-OH SHIT!!!- Scout panicked.

-SCOUT RUN FOR YOUR LIFE!!!- Engie shouted. The Witch got startled and began to chase the Bostonian with an abnormal speed to kill him.

As he ran past the group, everybody was standing dumbfoulded, not knowing what to do. Everybody were shocked and scared for the Scout's life and themselves.

 -COME HERE, CUPCAKE!!- Soldier moved forward with a shovel in hand, to stop the Witch from getting to Scout, but got badly injured by her claws, when he actually put up a fight with the zombie. He thought his weapon would be enough to kill this Special Infected. Medic immidiately rushed to his teammate's side to help, as soon as Witch continiued to chase the one, who startled her. 

Scout had to climb the nearby tree, as the Witch  kept chasing him and was now right behind him. After few minutes the female zombie eventually gave up, since it couldn't climb the tree. The lady ran away, screaming in panic. Bostonian jumped down, hung his head and slowly walked up to the group, feeling extremely anxious. No woman has ever scared him that much. Poor guy might end up having a trauma to upset, crying women. Scout also couldn't shrug off the feeling of guilt and worry. Because of him, his teammate got  badly injured.  

-Great one, Scout- Engie angrily scolded the Bostonian- What the hell were ya thinkin', son?! What did Sabriel say about staying away from the Special Infected?! You can't even listen to that now, can you?- He hissed. 

Scout quietly looked over to Medic, who was trying to heal the Soldier. The American was heavily bleeding. I tried to warn you, but you didn't listen...- Sabriel frowned- I told you to stay away from the Special Infected. 

Scout replied- Yeah, sorry... I just thought it's a girl, who needed my help... Uh-...I mean.. Our help.
Sniper made a facepalm and secretly stared at Sabriel, then smiled at her sweetly when she noticed that. The girl smiled back at him in return, blushing slightly. 

Sabriel then looked over to Medic, who was trying his best to help the Soldier. She came up to the doctor and kneeled beside him. 

-Um... Medic?..- She started. 

-Ja, Liebe?- The German looked up at her for a second, before returning his attention to the injury, that Witch caused.

 - Will Soldier be alright?- She asked, while looking at the unconscious American with pity.

 - Don't vorry, he's one of zhe toughest people I know. He'll be fine- Medic smiled softly. -Thank God- Sabriel said, relieved, that she wouldn't have to watch another friend dieing.


Well, I managed to publish chapter 9. I really enjoy writing this story, so i hope you are too :D  I am also really happy, that my chapters become longer and more detailed :D

Enjoy your evening guys! <3 

Next chapter is coming right up! 

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