Chapter 2

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My Songs Know What You Did In The Dark - Fall Out Boy


It was 10, Mark, Derek and his girlfriend were sitting at the bar. Derek's girlfriend already had 4 drinks and he was starting to freak out, while Mark he was waiting for Witney. She was an hour late. He picked up his phone to txt her when...

Witney walked thur the door. She was wearing a short black dress, 4 inch heels and walked in with a smile on her face. Mark almost dropped his phone in his drink when he saw her. Almost every guy turned and looked at her when she walked in. You could hear " ow! " from about 5 guys cause their girlfriends hit them.

She walked up to Mark and said " Hi " then sat down next to him. Mark was still frozen from when she walked in, so Derek had to hit him on the back of the head and he finally said " hey ".
" Sorry I'm late. Lindsey gave me a ride and she forgot she was giving me a ride so I was sitting at my house waiting for her. " Witney said giggling.
" It's fine. " Mark said laughing.

All four of them just sat there for another hour and just laughed about everything. Finally Derek's girlfriend said " ok babe I think it's time to go. " and that was after her 6th drink. Derek, Mark and Witney all looked at each other. Derek mouthed ' help ' but Mark and Witney just sat there, looking down at their laps and laughed. When they looked up Derek was being dragged out of the bar. They just looked at each other and yelled " bye Derek! " And started laughing again.
" Well it looks like it's just you and me now. " Witney said.
" Yah. Let's drink to Derek. Hope he survives tonight and we see him tomorrow. " he said smirking.
So that's what they did for the next hour.


Sorry it took so long to update but I have the first 4 chapters in a notebook and I had to fix a chapter that's why it took me so long. Thank u for some prompt ideas and I would like at least 2 more before I start I post them😊. So please send or comment more ideas!
Most likely will post next chapter tomorrow! 😬

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