Chapter 1

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Boss by Fifth Harmony

Everybody from the cast was at Derek and Mark's house. It's off season so nobody had any plans. Everybody was enjoying themselves. The next thing you hear is Mark and Derek talking about something in the kitchen.

" No dude I'm not going on your date with you! " Mark said almost yelling.
" Come on please! I'm begging you. " Derek said.
" I'm not gonna go on your date with you just because your scared your girlfriend will get drunk and want to sleep with you. " Mark said getting something out of the fridge.
" You could invite someone, so it wouldn't just be you. " Derek said
" No! " Mark said.

Then out of nowhere music turned on. Mark and Derek walked over to the door of the kitchen to see all the furniture in the living room pushed back. The music stopped and then started again. The boys looked in the living room to see the girls doing their dance to the song Boss. Mark looked around the room, he stopped when he saw Witney. There was something different about her this time and he couldn't put his finger on it, but he knew he had found somebody to go with him. When the dance was over everybody clapped and screamed.

Mark turned to Derek and said " Ok I'll go with you on your date cause I just found somebody to invite. " Then turned to look at Witney.
Derek looked in the direction Mark was looking and noticed he was looking at Witney. " Oh no no no! She has a boyfriend remember? " he said shaking his head.
" I know that. I'm just going to invite her as friends. " Mark said
" Alright whatever. " Derek said

They looked back into the living room were everybody was talking and laughing. Mark was looking in Witney's direction when she saw him and waved. He waved back and she walked towards him. " Hey! " they said to each other.
Derek slowly walked away and went to go talk to someone else.

" Hey what are you doing later? " Mark asked Witney after they sat down.
" Nothing. Why? " She said.
" Derek is making me go on his date with him and I was wondering if you would come with me? As friends of course. " He said
" He's scared she'll get drunk and want to sleep with him again, isn't he? " She said with an almost serious face.
" Yah. So you in? " He said.
" Sure. " she said giggling
" Thank you! You just saved my life. " he said smiling.
" Your welcome. So I'll see you guys at 9? " She said getting up and grabbing her purse.
" Alright see you then. Bye! " He said watching her walk to the door and waved at her.
" Bye! " She said waving and walking thur the door.


Hey so I decided to wait on writing the prompts because nobody left me any ideas. So hope you like this story!😄

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