Chapter 5

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Lips Are Movin - Megan Trainer


Witney got dressed and ready to meet her friends for lunch. Everybody was going to meet at a restaurant just so they could all hang out more. Mark was going so she hoped it wouldn't be akward. She walked to the living room and started grabbing her stuff.
" Mac! I'm going to lunch with everybody. You want to come? " She said walking to the beginning of the hallway. " Mac? " She said again. Then got a txt.

M😋: sorry I forgot to tell u but my mom picked my like 5 mins ago.
W: oh ok well I'll most likely see you tomorrow. bye😊
M😋: yah bye!😋

" Ok this should be fun. " she said to herself, grabbing her purse and walking out the door.

When she got to the restaurant she saw everybody, except for Mark.
" Hey! " Everybody said when they saw her walk thur the door.
" Hey! " She said and hugged everybody. " Em where's Mark? " She said sitting next to Emma.
" He said he's gonna be a little late. " She said drinking some of her soda.
" So I invited Mac but her ... " Witney started saying.
" Wit. " Lindsey said with her smile gone and pointing behind Witney.
Everybody turned around only to see ...
" Peter? What are you doing here? " Witney said getting out of her chair and walking up to him.
" I'm here to see you. I made a huge mistake last night and I'm sorry. " Peter said grabbing her hand and pulling her into a hug.

When Witney's face got close to his neck she saw something. Peter had lipstick on the side of his neck.

" Can you give me a second? " She said pulling away from him.
" Sure. " he said standing there with a smile on his face.

Witney walked up behind Emma put her hands on her shoulders and said " Is it just me or does Peter have a lot of lipstick on the side of his neck? Cause it's not mine. " She whispered to her.

Emma turned around and looked at Peter and she saw the same thing Witney saw. " No he has a lot on his neck. " she said turning to face Witney.
" That's what I thought! " Witney said smiling at Emma.
" What are you planning? " Emma said very interested.
" Oh you'll see. " Witney said winking at Emma and walking back to Peter.

" So do you forgive me? " He said grabbing her hand again and smiling.
" Not just yet. " She said.

Witney got out of Peter's grip. " Excuse me! Everybody, I'm sorry to disturb you. " she said and the whole restaurant stopped talking and turned to face her.
" Witney, what are you do? " Peter said with a slight tone of worry.
" You'll see. " she said. " Do any of the lady's in here recognize this man? " Witney said turning Peter around so he was now facing the crowd.
" I do. " A girl said stand up an raising her hand. She looked the same age as Witney which didn't surprise her.
" Oh really? How do you know him? " Witney said grabbing Peter by the arm and turning to face the girl.
" Oh shit! " Peter said.
" He's my boyfriend. " the girl said.
" Oh really. So your cheating on me? " Witney said facing Peter.
" Uh Wit it's not it looks like! " He said putting his hands near his chest.
" Oh really! Cause it looks like your cheating on me with her! " Witney said pointing at the other girl.
" What? You already have a girlfriend! " The girl said getting up from her table and walking up to Witney and Peter.
" Not anymore! He's all yours! " Witney said walking back to her table and grabbing her purse of the chair. " I'll see you guys later. " she said walking past Peter and towards the door.
" Wait Witney what does that mean. " Peter said.
" It means we're over you idiot! " Witney said walking thur the door out of the restaurant.
" Well at least I still have you. " he said turning to face the other girl. Right as their eyes met she slapped him right across the face.
" Not a chance! " She said then walked back to her table.

Peter just stood there for a little then left.

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