Chapter 8

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Stay With Me - Sam Smith


Months past and nothing could separate them. In the beginning it was just feelings but it turned into something bigger. Their friends and family were so supportive of the relationship. Mainly because Mark kind of took her cousin in. They had become her family. When her mom wasn't there, she had them to go to. They had become kind of like her parents. And everybody thought that was amazing, everybody except Witney's parents. When Witney first told them they acted like they were ok with it but she knew they weren't. But she didn't care. She was in love with him and nothing could change her mind.

But 2 days before their anniversary everything changed.

Witney woke up before Mark for once and decided to make breakfast. She got out of bed making sure not to wake him up and walked out to the kitchen. When she got out there she found Mac making breakfast already.
" When did you get here? " She said walking over to her and giving her a hug.
" Around 10 last night. " Mac said taking the pan off the stove.
" Why I'm not suppose to see you until tomorrow? Not that I'm not happy to see you or any thing. " Witney said getting orange juice out if the fridge.
" Well your parents are coming into town, so my mom had to got to the spa to relax before they got here. " Mac said turning off the stove and grabbing plates from the cabinet.
" What when?!?! " Witney said choking on orange juice.
" They'll be here tomorrow. That's why my mom is at a spa all day today. " Mac said.
" Ok good that means I have time to warn Mark. " Witney said walking back to the hallway.
" Ok well the bacon will be done in fifteen minutes. So that's how much time you have to wake him up and get out here. " Mac said pointing at her.
" Ok we'll be out soon I promise. " Witney said walking into the hall.

She opened the door and closed it slowly cause Mark was still asleep. She tiptoed over to the bed and slowly got back in it. She wrapped her arms around his waist and whispered " Mark wake up. " in his ear. He slowly opened his eyes and turned his head to face her and smiled.
" Good morning " he said turning his body around and wrapping his arms around her.
" Good morning. Mac here and she made breakfast. " she said.
" Well then it's good you woke up before me. " he said kissing her temple.
" Yep well we have less than fifteen before she comes in here and gets us. " she said lifting her head up to look at the door.
" Ok well let's let her come and get us and we will just lay here. " he said.
" Fine. I'm to lazy to get up anyways. " she said snuggling into him.

The bacon had just finished and Mac was turning the stove off when the front door opened. Witney's parents walked in the door.
" What are you guys doing here? Your not suppose to be here until tomorrow. " Mac said almost dropping the plates in her hands.
" We wanted to surprise Wit by coming early. So where is she? " Wit's mom said putting her purse down.
" Uh she is still asleep. " Mac said putting down the plates.
" Oh good then we'll go wake her up. " Wit's dad said walking toward the hallway.
" No! I'll get her and you guys just sit and relax. " Mac said running in front of them and stopping them.
" Ok then. " Witney's parents said and sat down.

With that Mac ran into the hall, opened the door to Witney's room and ran in.
" Big problem, big problem! " Mac said jumping onto the bed and sitting in between Mark and Witney's feet.
" What's wrong? " Witney said rubbing her eyes.
" Your parents are here! A day early! " Mac said pointing at Witney.
" What?!?! Where are they? " Witney said jumping out of Mark's arms and off the bed.
" In the living room and they tried to come in and wake you up but I stopped them. " Mac said showing a nerves smile.
" Shit! " Mark and Witney said in unison.
" Yah shit! Now what are we gonna do? They can't find him in here. " Mac said pointing at Mark.
" I know, I know! Just let me think. " Witney said pacing back and forth.
" Well where can I hide? " Mark said getting out of bed and walking in front of Witney.
" Wit! Honey! Are you up? " They heard from the other side of the door.
" Shit! " They all said in unison.
" Closet! " Witney and Mac said looking at each other.
" What? " Mark said then the girl both pushed him in the closet and closed the door.
" Sorry baby. " Witney said whispering.

" Ok honey we're coming in. " Wit's parents said. Then they walked in. Witney and Mac sat on the bed and acted like nothing had happened.
" Mom, dad what are you doing here? " Witney said getting up and hugging her parents.
" Well we wanted to surprise you and we need to talk to you." they said walking over to the bed and sitting on the edge of it.
" Ok what did you want to talk about? " Witney said and her and Mac sat on the middle of the bed.
" Your not going to be happy with us but ..." Wit's mom said
" You have to break up with Mark. " her dad said.
" What! " Witney and Mac said in unison.
" You have to break up with Mark and you have to get back together with Peter. " her dad said.
" Why don't you know anything?!?! Don't you know what he did to her?!?! " Mac said screaming and jumping off the bed.
" We know but we called him and he said he fells so bad for what he did and he wants you back really bad. " her mom said.
" After almost 10 months he finally ... " Mac said
" This is none of your business and I suggest you leave so we can continue this conversation as a family. " her dad said pointing at Mac then at the door.
Mac ran out of the room crying because she knew what this conversation would lead too.
" Mac no wait! " Witney said trying to stop her. " Why did you do that?!?! " She screaming at her father.
" She was getting into business that was not hers. " her dad said.
" This is her business. " Witney said pointing at the door.
" No it's not. " her mom said.
" Yes it is! It's her business because Mark isn't just my boyfriend to her. He is like a father to her and that is something she has never had before and if you take that away from her she will never forgive you! Either of you! " She said pointing at both if her parents.
" That is a risk we are willing to take. " her mom said standing up and waking in front of her.
" Really? Cause I'm not! Now get out! " She said.
" Fine you want us to leave we will but you have to break it off with Mark, no matter what! " Her father said walking towards the door.
" Just leave. " She said pointing towards the door.
" Good bye Witney. " her dad said opening the door and leaving.

She heard the front door slam closed and she sat on the edge of the bed. Then Mark came out of the closet.
" Mark I'm sorry you had to hear that but there is no way I'm going to listen to them. " she said walking up to him and stopping in front of him.
" No Wit you should. " he said looking down.
" What? No I shouldn't I'm happy with you and that's all that matters. " she said putting her hand on his cheek and raising his head up.
" Yes you should. Wit I can't be in a relationship with someone who's parents don't want them anywhere near me. " He said grabbing her hand and holding it. " I would love to but I just can't. " then he lifted her chin up, gave her a light kiss.
" Mark please don't. Don't do this. " she said starting to tear up.
" I'm doing it for you. " he said and with that he grabbed all his stuff and went to the door. " Good bye Wit. " he said and left.

Witney had never felt so disappointed. She had never felt so much pain. She had just lost the one thing that was going good in her life and she wanted it back so bad. She laid down on her bed and fell into tears and that was all she could do. Because she knew their nothing, had become something.

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