Chapter 4

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No song sorry!


The next morning Witney woke up with a massive headache. She turned around and saw Mark laying next to her. She almost screamed but instead she tried to slide out of bed, accidentally hitting Mark in the face with the blanket and he woke up. When he opened his eyes and saw her, instead of just asking what happened, he screamed. Which made her scream. So they were now both screaming. When they stopped screaming Mark asked " What happened!?!? "
" I don't ... " she said and the door started to open.
" Wit! Are you ... ahhhhh!! " Witney's cousin said and started screaming when she saw them in bed together. That made them start screaming again. Her cousin slammed the door closed, still screaming and ran out to the living room.

" Stay here! " Witney said putting on her robe and walking out to the living room.

When she got out to the living room her cousin was sitting on the couch mumbling to herself.

" Mac. You ok? " Witney said in a quiet voice.
" I'm fine. I'm just wondering, what you were thinking when you, I don't know, SLEPT WITH MARK!!!! " Mac said turning around and yelling at Witney.
" I don't know. I was drunk and he drove me home from the bar and I don't remember anything after that. The only reason I was drunk was because me and Peter got in a fight last night over the phone because I was hanging out with Mark and ... " Witney said before Mac said.
" Wait wait wait wait! You and Peter got into a fight last night? " Mac said turning half her body to face Witney.
" Yah that's why I was drunk. So anyways ... " Witney said.
" FINALLY! " Mac said throwing herself across the couch.
" Excuse me? " Witney said confused.
" I've been waiting for you guys to get in a fight that would break you up sense the day I met him. " Mac said sitting up again and looking at Witney.
" Ok? Thanks for telling me. " Witney said processing everything. " Well I'm gonna go check on Mark and get dressed. " Witney said walking towards the hallway.
" Ok. I'm going to go to my room and try and erase what I just saw. " Mac said walking past Witney and into her room.

Witney walked into her room and slowly closed the door. When Witney turned around she saw Mark fully dressed and walking towards the door.

" Ok we need to talk. " she said looking at the floor.
" Yah, cause last night was a big mistake. " he said fixing his shirt.
" Yes. but ... " she said
" I think I'm gonna go and I'll see you later. " he said walking past her. " Oh yah and who was that, that walked in and screamed then ran out? " He said turning to face her.
" Oh yah sorry about that. " she said putting her hand over her eyes. " That was my cousin. She lives with me sometimes. ".
" Oh ok. She might have nightmares for the next 2 weeks. I'm just saying. " he said smirking.
" I know. " she said slightly giggling.
" Alright I'll see you later Wit. " he said opening the door.
" Bye Mark. " she said as he closed the door. After he left the room, Witney stood were she was and thought about what she was gonna do.

Mark closed the door and just stared at it for a little. When he turned around he saw Mac leaning on her door.

" Uh you must be Witney's cousin. I'm Mark. " he said extending his hand for her to shake.
" You don't remember me do you? " She said walking past him and into the kitchen.
" No sorry. Have we met before? " He said following her and sitting on a stool across from her.
" Yes we have. I was at the dress rehearsal for the season 19 premiere. We met after you and Witney danced to My Girl remember? " She said with worry in her eyes.
Mark sat there, trying to remember that day. Then it came to him.
" Oh my god! Mac! I don't know how I didn't recognize you. " he said jumping off the stool and giving her a big hug.
" I don't either. I didn't change that much. " She said hugging him back.
" How have you been? I haven't seen you sense the premiere. " he said pulling away from the hug and smiling.
" Good. Just trying to live with Peter coming over constantly and getting mad at Witney. " she said rolling her eyes.
" Oh really that's too bad. Well I better leave before Wit comes out and finds us talking. " he said hugging her again.
" Alright bye. " She said as he pulled away from the hug and walked towards the door.
" Bye! " He said waving and closing the door.

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