Chapter 11

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GDFR - Flo Rida feat. Sage the Gemini & Lookas

Another new thing! When you see this
-> 🎶 that means start the song right before you read the next part.


Today was the day Witney had been dreading for the past month. Today she would be marrying Peter. She wasn't the only one dreading it, Mac and her friends wanted nothing to do with Peter but they had to because they all loved her. The surprise was they all knew this wedding would never happen after what Mark had planned but they all acted like they knew nothing.

" Alright you ready dude? " Derek said patting Mark on his back.
" Yep. Everyone remembers the plan right? " He asked. The entire cast was at his and Derek's house again because the guys were getting changed there. The girls were getting dress with Wit at the house the wedding was at but the guys were giving them a ride to the wedding so they had to wait until they were ready.
" How long does it take for you guys to get dressed? " Brittany said walking into the room the boys were in and standing by the door.
" Yah, we aren't even going to be there for the whole dame thing. " Emma said standing next to Brittany.
" You still have to look good even if your not going to the whole thing. " Val said smirking.
" Yah even if you are only there to destroy it! " Dylan said and the guys started laughing.
" Will you hurry your asses up! Cause Wit just texted me and said she needs us there, like NOW! " Lindsey yelled from the living room.
" Alright we're coming, we're coming! " Mark said. They all got in the cars and drove to the wedding.

" I can not believe I have to wear this! " Mac said fixing her dress.
" Why you looks so pretty? " Witney's mom said.
" I am suffocating in this think. " she said aggravated. This wasn't just a regular wedding it was a high society wedding. Which meant big hats, tight dresses and classical music. " This is not fair, I have a perfectly good dress sitting with the girls and I'm not even allowed to wear it! " She said pointing at the house.
" Well you can suck it up. Now go with Witney and the girls they probably need help. " Witney's dad said shooing her away.
" Whatever. " she said and walked away.

She walked up to the house and got half way to the girls, then a door opened and someone pulled her in the room.
" What the hell! Who are you?!?! " She said grabbing the persons hand and throwing it off her. She looked up to see Mark. " Oh my god, Mark! What are you doing here? " She said jumping into his arms. " Never mind don't answer that question. It took you long enough to think of a plan. " she said pulling away from him and punching his arm.
" Yep but hopefully it'll work. " he said smiling.
" Me too. So what is the plan? " She said.
" Well, ... " he explained the whole think to her and she had a devilish smile on her face.
" That's gonna be fun! " She said.
" I know now go put that dress on that I know you have stashed somewhere and I will text everybody to meet you in the living room. " he said getting his phone out.
" What are you gonna do? " She said.
" Get in my place. " he said smirking. He put his phone away and hopped out the open window.
" That's how he got in! " She said to herself. She then left the room and ran to change.

" Aw Wit you look so beautiful! " all the girls said shakily when Witney came out in her dress.
" Thanks but I don't feel beautiful. Not in this dress and not in this moment. " she said starting to tear up.
" No, no Wit don't break down, don't break down! " Lindsey said running over to her and hugging her.
" Yah please. We know this isn't exactly what you wanted but at least we're here. " Emma said sitting Witney, Lindsey and her down on the couch.
" I miss him! " She said shakily.
" Miss who? " Lindsey ask, already knowing the answer.
" Mark! I miss Mark! " She practically yelled.
"Ok, ok I know you miss him. We all miss seeing you two together, but ... " Lindsey said then her phone went off. " Em can you get that for me? " Lindsey said.
" Yah. " Emma said walking over to her phone. " uh it's Derek he needs all of us outside now. " Emma said. Everybody knew it was Mark saying it was time to start the plan.
" Will you be ok? " Lindsey said looking at Witney.
" Yah, I need so alone time anyways. You guys go ahead. " she said shooing them out the door.
" Ok we'll see you when it starts. " they all said. Lindsey gave her one last hug and followed the girls out the door. Witney sat in the room alone thinking about everything.

" So you guys ready to destroy a wedding? " Lindsey said after she closed the door.
" Yep! Now let's go change. " Brittany said pointing to the other end of the hallway.
" Yah let's go! " Emma said and they all ran and changed out f the bridesmaids dresses into something easier to dance in.

" Ok everybody ready? " Derek said when everybody was all together in the living room.
" Yep! Now let's go give them a surprise they will never forget. " Mac said smirking.
" Alright then let's go! " Derek said waving everybody towards the door.

They all walked out at the same time and all the guest gave them weird looks.
" What are you wearing young lady?! " Peter's mom said walking up to Mac and everyone.
" A dress. " she said pointing at her clothes.
" Well that is not what you are supposed to be wearing! Now get back in that house and change! " His mom said yelling at her.
" Yah whatever! " She said rolling her eyes.
" You little ...! " His mom started saying.
" Everyone listen up, it's time to make your way over to your seats. The ceremony will start in 5 mins. " the hostess said.
" I will deal with you later, little missy! Dylan remember to go get Witney cause you are walking her down the aisle! " His mom snapped then walked over to her seat.

" Ok now that that's over, Dylan when they say 1 min you go get Witney. " Mac said pointing at Dylan. " Now let's go do some dancing! " She said doing a little dance move.
" Yah! " Everybody said and walked over to where the reception was going to be. No one followed them so they could do what every they wanted.

" Well this looks so pretty! " Brittany said when they got to the patio. Everything was set up so after the ceremony they could come straight to the reception.
" Yes it does. " Mac said picking up a plate and drops it. " oops! " she said pretending to be sorry. " Dylan go plug in the music. 🎶Now let's dance! " She said as the music started.

The music started and the first table was pushed on its side. Pretty soon there was 4 people on the main table dancing and destroying everything on it. The rest of them were either on the guest tables kicking everything off them or on the ground pushing tables and chairs and tall vases over.
" This is the best plan ever!! " Emma yelled over the music.
" Yes it is! Eww! " Mac said tasting the frosting in the cake. " Who puts almond frosting on a wedding cake! " She said.
" Well bye bye cake! " Dylan said pushing the table the cakes was on over.
Mac walked over to the speakers and turned them off. " Well we did great! " She said with a big smile on her face .
" Yep! " Derek said. " I'm very proud! " Derek said patting her in the head.

" 1 min! Last call to take your seats! " They heard the hostess yell.

" Oh we better go! Dylan go get 'Witney'. " Mac said.
" See you guys in 3! " Dylan said running towards the house.
" Alright let's go see how this turns out. " Derek said helping Brittany off one of the tables. They walked away from the huge mess they had just made with a skip in their step and smiles on their faces. When they got to the seats the girls went to get their bouquets and the boys and Mac sat down in their seats.
" Where have you been and what are you wearing? " Mac's mom whispered to her when she sat down.
" I went to the bathroom. " she said fixing her dress.
" For 5 mins? " Her mom said confused.
" I was touching up my makeup. God what's with all the questions? " She said rolling her eyes.
" Ok just be quiet, it's about to start. " her mom said turning to face the end of the aisle.
" You have no idea. " she said quietly.
" What? " Her mom said facing her.
" Nothing! " She said smiling.


So most likely will double update today because I already have the next chapter written.

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