Chapter 10

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Weeks past and everything was hectic. Witney's apartment looked like a wedding planners office. But it was nothing she chose, it was everything that was handed to her by Peter's mother. She wasn't able to make any of the decisions. She didn't get to choose the location, the flowers, the cake, the colors, she didn't even get to pick her own bridesmaids dresses. The only choices she got was her bridesmaids, her guests and her dress. Or so she thought.

" Are you ready to go hon? " Her mom said.
" Yah! I'll be out in a sec. " she said grabbing her last things. They were going to go pick her dress out. Her and the girls had gone out earlier in the week to pick one out and she couldn't wait to show her mom what she found. " Alright let's go. " she said grabbing her keys.
" Oh I forgot to tell you. Peter's mom is joining us and the girls aren't coming. " her mom said like nothin was wrong.
" What! Why aren't the girls coming? " She said confused.
" Because in Peter's family that have a tradition were only the bride, brides mom and grooms mother are the only ones that go to pick out the dress. " her mom said opening the door.
" Oh well this should be fun. " she said sarcastically.
" Oh don't worry. You'll love it. " her mom said smiling.
" Uh huh sure. " she said closing the door.

They showed up to the dress shop 5 minutes before their appointment and Peter's mom met them outside. They checked in, got called for their appointment and went to the back. Before they got to the fitting rooms, Witney stopped them. " I have something to tell you. " she said standing in front of them.
" Ok what is it? " Her mom said.
" I came here earlier this week with the girls and picked out a dress. " she said weakly smiling.
" Oh honey Peter didn't tell you? " His mom said sounding disappointed.
" Tell me what? " She said completely confused.
" Another tradition is that the mother of the groom picks the brides dress. " his mom said putting her hands on her shoulders.
" OH. Well can I see the dress you picked out? " She said frowning.
" Yes it's over here! " His mom said dragging her to the corner of the store. She pulled out a dress that was long and slim. It had traditional lace up and down it and a foot away from the ankles it became extremely puffy.
" It's beautiful. " she said very shakily. It was pretty but it was nothing near what she wanted. They had taken every choice she could possibly have from this wedding away from her. The only thing they didn't take from her was her bridesmaids and her guests and she intended to keep it that way.
" I'm so glad you love it. Now go try it on. " his mom said taking the dress off the hanger and handing it to her. She went to the fitting rooms and tried on the dress. She looked in the mirror and said to herself " God this wedding better go by quick before I kill somebody! " , Put on a fake smile and walked out and showed the ladies.

Shit! What am I gonna do, Mark thought.

The wedding was a week away and the love of his life would be gone forever if he didn't do something to stop it. He couldn't think of anything until one day everyone was at his and Derek's house.
" You guys are all going to Wit's wedding right? " He said loudly getting everyone's attention.
" Yah, but if it makes you feel uncomfortable we won't go. " Dylan said.
" Yah we're Wit's bridesmaids but she'll understand. She'd even insist. " Lindsey said.
" No, no, no, you guys can still go. I was just wondering cause I need all of you there for my plan to work. " he said leaning back.
" You finally have a plan? " Derek said surprised.
" Yes, I finally have plan. " he snapped at Derek. " So how are you guys at destroying stuff thur dance? " He said smiling.
" Pretty good why? " Lindsey said curious and confused.
" Good now here's the plan, ... " he said.
They spent the rest of the day working out the plan and making sure everybody knew their a roles.

This was going to be the most interesting wedding ever!


Hey so quick question! I have 2 possible endings for this story. One I can make a sequel to and the other is kind of crazy. So which one mushy and cute or crazy?? I might just decide to do the mushy and cute one but I want to see what you guys think. So yah just send me what you think and love yah!!

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