Chapter 3

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Blank Space - Taylor Swift


Witney was getting close to being drunk. Finally Mark said " let's dance? ".
" Sure. " Witney said.
They danced for while before a slow song came on and Witney tried to walk off the dance floor but Mark stopped her.
" Mark. What are you doing? " She said trying to read his face.
" What? I'm just trying to dance with one of my friends. " he said looking into her eyes.
" Fine just one dance. " she said.
They danced for about a minute before Witney's phone went off. She looked at her phone and it was Peter (her boyfriend) calling. She looked up at Mark and said " I'll be back in a minute. ".

He nodded, walked back to the bar and sat down.

" Hey babe. What's up? " She said when she answered the phone.
" WHERE ARE YOU! " He screamed over the phone.
" I'm out with a friend. You don't have to yell, you know, I can hear you fine. " She said confused.
" Who are you with? Where are you? Why didn't you tell me you were going out? " He said really fast.
" Ok first I'm out with Mark and second I didn't know I had to tell you every time I went out. " she said aggravated.
" Why are you out with Mark! Are you cheating on me?!?! " He said yelling.
" No I would never cheat on you! I can't believe you would accuse me of doing that?!?! " She said now yelling.
" Well the only reason you would be hanging out with him is if you were cheating on me. " he said.
" You know what, I don't want to talk about tho anymore! Good night Peter! " she said then hung up the phone.

She lightly screamed and walked back over to Mark. He had ordered them both drinks. Witney said " Sorry about that. That was just Peter. " then chugged down her drink.
Mark looked at her and said " That's ok. So what did he want? ".

Before he finished his sentence she had already ordered another drink. She finished the drink and said " I really don't want to take about it. Let's just drink. ".

So that's why they did. 3 drinks later Witney looked like she was going to pass out. So Mark did the smart thing.
" Ok I think it's time for me to take you home. " he said.
" I think that's a good idea. " she said.

So that what Mark did. Mark walked her out to his car and they drove to her apartment. When they got there he carried her up the stairs, bridal style, instead of letting her walk. They got to her door, she handed him the keys and he unlocked the door. He walked in, closed the door, walked over to the couch and set her down.

" Good night Wit. " he said and started walking towards the door before she grabbed his arm and stopped him.

She sat up and said " Can you stay for a little? Please? ".

He looked at her and said " sure. " and sat down on the couch next to her.

They sat and talked for a while. By the end of their long conversation, Witney arms were wrapped around Mark's neck, her head on his chest and they were both laughing.

Finally Mark said " Ok it's midnight. I think it's time for you to sleep and me to go home. "
" Huh ok fine. " she said.

They were now face to face. For some reason, Witney couldn't decide why but their lips collided. Neither of them pulled away. Instead Mark picked her up and walked into her room. He layed her down on the bed, deepening the kiss and ...

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