Chapter 12

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Here's the double update!!!

Adding to the new thing! So when you see the emojis that match the song they are next too. You start that song and continue reading. If you see the same emoji twice then that means stop the song.

🎵 Best Mistake - Ariana Grande feat. Big Sean


🎶 Miss Incredible - Mark Ballas


{5 mins earlier}

Mark was sitting in his car, waiting for the 5 min warning sign and then he'd put his part of the plan into action. He heard the lady say it, so he got out of his car and walked back up to the house. 🎵He looked thur the first window he pasted and saw Witney sitting on the couch in her dress, staring at the door. He quietly climb thur the window and stood there. She got up to look in the mirror and when she did she saw Mark in the corner of it.
" Mark! What are you doing here? " She said turning around and facing him.
" I came to get you back. I still love you Wit. I don't want to lose you. " he said taking a few steps forward. " I know it took me forever to realize it but ... " He said before she stopped him by running over and kissing him. She snaked her arms around his neck and he lightly rubbed her back.
" I missed that. " she said when they pulled away. Now only their foreheads connecting.
" Me too.🎵 Now are you ready to get out of here? " He said smiling.
" How? I can't leave they'll see me. " she said pulling away.
" All you have to do is write a note, change and we can leave with everybody. " he said releasing her.
" Everybody? " She said confused.
" Everybody. They all know that I'm here right now. Oh and did your parents pay for any of this thing? " He said sitting on the couch and looking up at her.
" No Peter's family paid for everything. " she said.
" Good! 1 less thing to worry about. " he said laying back. " Now you ready? " He said closing his eyes.
" Do I want to know what you have planned for us to get out of here? " She said sitting on his lap.
" Nope all you need to worry about is writing that note and changing. " he said tapping her nose. " Now we have 2 mins so you better get change and write that note. " he said patting her thigh.
" Ok give me sec. " she said getting up and walking towards the bathroom. " Also you can't tell at all that your not here for the wedding. " she said before closing the door and pointing out the fact that he was wearing a flannel, jeans and converse.
" Huh it's good to have you back. " he said closing his eyes again.

She came out again a min later in a short silver dress. His head shot up and he whistled. It caught her attention fast. " What? " She said giggling.
" Oh nothing. Just admiring my girl. " he said walking up and hugging her from behind.
" Well now you have all the time in the world to do that. " she said looking up from the paper and turning her head to smile at him.
" God I love you! " he said turning her around to face him.
" I love you too. " she said and kissed him.
" Should I give you 2 a min? Wait I can't cause we're already late. " Dylan said when he opened the door.
" Dylan your in on this too? " she said surprised and blushed
" Yep! Now where's the note? " Dylan said walking towards them and looking around the room.
" Oh. Here. " she said taking the note off the table and handing it to him.
" Alright, I hope someone is recording this. " he said walking back to the door.
" 3 people are actually. " she said walking back to Mark.
" Yes! You guys have 1 min to get to the cars. " Dylan said before closing the door.
" He's right we better go. " Mark said nodding towards the window.
🎶" Alright let's go. " she said.

The bridesmaids walked down the aisle and everyone looked at them funny because they weren't wearing their dresses. Then they see Dylan come running down the aisle with a piece of paper in his hand.
" Peter ... " He said trying to catch his breath. " This is ... for ... you. " he said handing him the note.
" Read it out loud! " The girls said.
He opened the note and started reading.

I realized that I can't marry you. The only reason I was going to marry you was because of my parents. SORRY!
- Witney

He read.
" Sorry! " Dylan said as he finished reading the note. " But we gotta RUN! " Dylan said grabbing Mac's hand and running down the aisle with the rest if the cast following behind them. They all ran to the bottom of the hill and hopped in their cars. Dylan and Mac stood there for a moment, then Mark and Witney drove up in Mark's car.
" Told you it would work. " Mark said.
" You were right. " Mac said jumping into the backseat.

The rest of the guests and Peter came down the hill. When they saw Witney in the car they stopped in their tracks.
" Witney what are you doing? " Her dad said.
" Choosing my own life. " she said standing up. " Oh yah and Peter ... " She said taking off her engagement ring. " you can keep that! " She said throwing the ring at him and it hit him in the face. " Bye! " She said sitting down and waving and they all drove off. Witney's family was cheering for her. While Peter's family were all angry.
" Finally! " Her mom screamed.
" What? " Her dad said confused.
" It took her long enough to defy us. " she said.
" You mean you wanted her to ruin the best thing she's had in a long time. " he asked his wife confused.
" Yes! I never liked Peter. All I wanted was for her to finally be a young women and not listen to us. That was the only reason I went along with your plan. " she said and walked away.

" That was awesome! " Mac said.
" Yes it was. " Witney said. " So where are we going now? " She said smiling at Mark.
" Well the plan was for everyone to meet back at me and Derek's cause everyone wants to see you. " he said sending a smile back to her.
" Great! " She said joyfully.

They were finally happy again. They were finally happy together. And nothing, no person, no object, no job could break them apart.

So sadly this part is the last😥 but don't worry I will be posting a sequel story. It will be called Everlasting Love. Will most likely post it tomorrow or the day after that. Not sure. But comment what you want to see in the next story.

I had so much fun make this dream come to life for you guys! The next story will be all on the spot writing. Also I'm going back to point of views because I realized it's really hard to narrate. But hope you guys enjoyed this story and love y'all!!😍😋😘

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