Chapter 6

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Beg For It - Iggy Azalea ft. MO


A few minutes after Peter left Mark finally showed up. " Hey! " He said walking up to the table. Everybody was laughing and talking about what Witney had just done. " What did I miss? " He said confused and slightly laughted.
" Well let's see? Witney got her, Peter showed up and apologized about something that happened last night. Then some how she figured out he was cheating on her and interrupted everyone in the restaurants lunch, asking if anybody knew him. Some girl did and she said he was her boyfriend and I think you can guess what happened next. " Lindsey said and everybody started laughing again.
" Dame I wish I was here to see that! " he said a little louder than he thought he would.
" Yah you should have, it was fuckin funny. Where were you anyways? " Derek said elbowing him.
" At the house and I'm surprised to see you here. " Mark said trying to change the conversation.
" Well I ... " Derek started saying.
" You know what I have to go somewhere I will see you guys later. " Mark said getting up from the table and leaving.

'Where am I really going' Mark thought to himself when he got in his car. He started the car and started driving. The next thing he knew he was outside Witney's apartment building. " Well I know what that feeling was now. " he said to himself. He got out of his car and walking into the building.

" You are going to be very happy. " Witney said when the phone stopped ringing.
" Why is that? " Mac said on the other phone.
" I broke up with Peter. " Witney said smiling a little.
" Thank you! But why? Please don't tell me it's because of me. " Mac said starting to get worried.
" No I found out he was cheating on me. " Witney said.
" Oh! I'm sorry. " Mac said.
" No your not. " Witney said
" No I'm not. But that means you can date somebody. " she said a little more excited than she thought she did.
" Yah well ... " Witney said then the door bell rang. " Oh somebody's here. I'll call you later. bye! " She said getting off the couch.
" Ok bye! " Mac said.

What Witney didn't know was she didn't hang up the phone. She turned on the FaceTime. Witney put her phone down and it was facing the door, so Mac could see everything.

When Witney opened the door she didn't expect to see Mark at the door.
" Mark what are you doing here? " she said.

Right as Witney said that Mac looked back at phone just watching.

" I heard what happened and I wanted to see if you were ok. " he said slightly stepping into her apartment.
" I'm fine thanks for checking on me. " she said
" Yah no problem. " he said scratching the back of his neck. " Um there is something I have to get off my chest. Cause I'll go crazy if I don't tell you. " he said looking down at the floor.
" Ok what is it? " Witney said opening the door a little more.
" Um I have feelings for you. I guess I didnt realize it until last night but I really do have feelings for you. " he said looking back up at her. " I know this is not the best time to be telling you this but ... " He said
" Mark shut up! " She said. She grabbed his jacket and pulled him into a passionate kiss.

" YES! Huh " Mac said yelling then covering her mouth. They didn't know she had been watching the whole time.

" What was that? " Mark said pulling away from the kiss and looking around the room.
" I don't know. " Witney said wrapping her arms around his neck and looking into his eyes.
" Well what should we do now? " He said moving a piece of hair out of her face.
" Well your gonna go home and I'm gonna go take a shower. " she said putting her hands on his chest and pushing him out the door.
" What? " He said confused.
" Just because I kissed you doesn't mean I'm not gonna make you work to get me. " she said smiling.
" Oh the things you do to me Carson. " he said kissing her on the cheek. " I'll see you later. " he said winking at her and walking away.

Witney closed the door and sighed.

" Well that was adorable! " Mac said now in full view of the camera.
" What! You were on FaceTime the whole time? " Witney said picking up her phone.
" Yep! I saw the whole thing. " Mac said with a stupid grin on her face.
" So you happy with me now? " Witney said.
" Yes! Now I hope you make him work really hard to get you. " Mac says.
" Yah ok! " Witney says smirking.
" Ok I'll see you later. Bye! " Mac says.
" Bye! " Witney says turning off the phone for sure this time, putting it on the coffee table and throwing herself on the couch. " I am really going to enjoy this. " she said with a big smile on her face.

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